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Catholics are actually aliens

The Archivist

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If you have ever been Catholic them you are still an alien you are just rejecting your heritage.and living in denial.

What's funny is if you exchange the word alien with Christian, and you have what some family members have told me about my leaving the church....

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Confusing, isn't it? In Germany, we use "evangelisch" and "evangelikal" to describe to different systems, "evangelisch" being mainstream protestant denominations, while "evangelikal" covers the wide range of free churches (Baptists and such). It took me AGES to figure out the difference in the US-use of the word evangelical.

I believe it is possible "evangelikal" was introduced late into the German language, possible as late as 19th century, when those small, free churches became more popular and wanted to differentiate themselves from the mainstream, in order to be not confused.

Has anyone confronted Candy about her husband being an alien yet? :D

The funny thing is that when people asked me about my religion, I happily told everyone that while I'm Catholic, my mom's Evangelical. It took me a very long time to figure that one out as well.

Religion in the US confused me, anyway. It still does, but in a different way.

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Ok, I haven't read the links but I heard almost this exact same thing from someone back in college (5+ years ago) who was fundie lite (super-lite, I don't think she's even into it anymore but born again, back then, at any rate). She said that the angels bred with the humans and that that's why God sent the flood. This was probably one of my first introductions into zany "Christian" ideas (I also heard, from her, the concept that things like autism were caused by demons, having a Jesus birthday cake, seriously not celebrating Halloween, and many more).

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hahaha! That is the most absurd thing I have seen in a long time. I love how her first commenter seems to think she is joking.

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So, Candy just wrote a post (actually, she mostly just recycled this post from the past):


about how aliens are real - but they're not aliens, they are fallen angels, they are mating with human woman and producing "hybrids," and these hybrids are Catholics.

THIS is why I read FJ! Sooo glad I was not drinking coffee when I read that. There should be a warning label in the first line of this kind of post to protect our keyboards.

So if two Catholics marry, are their children hybrids or pure bloods? Pure blood hybrids?

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What about us Lutherans? We predate the Anglican/Episcopalians by a few hundred years ya know?

Candy's mad at me because I dared to comment on her amazing changing life story. I got slapped down on that by Candy and her minions, evidently they considered my post "icky". She's a whackadoodle.



Um, even if you don't consider the English church under Henry VIII to be true Anglicanism, Lutheranism and Anglicanism came about at roughly the same time - well within 50 years of each other.

Are Lutherans really that different from non-Anglican Protestant groups? I know they're a liturgical church but so are Methodists and plenty of other Protestant denominations. Not being snarky, but I only made the comparison between Catholicism and Anglicanism because Anglo-Catholic/High Church Anglicans use Catholic liturgy and pretty much resemble the English church under Henry VIII, which was Catholic in terms of worship, liturgical calendar etc.

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We used to say that the Anglicans are Catholic-looking Calvinists (and not so Catholik-looking if we talk Lowchurch), and mainstream Calvinism is not so far removed from being Lutheran... the doctrines CAN be very different (many bloggers we discuss here have strong leaning towards Calvinism) but the mainstream on the continent can be very similar.

Here in my home country, most people don't even know if they are Lutheran/Calvinist because both have formed a union and the differences are mitigated.

And Calvin lived roughly at the same time as Luther, so I wouldn't say Lutherans can claim exemptions. Anyways, everyone who has a religion is doomed, you need JESUS, dontcha know, and Candy can give him to you, just need her lovely writings and become saved.

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