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Dan Savage Blasts the Duggars


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I know he's not everyone's cup of tea but I sometimes enjoy listening to his podcast and I was very interested to hear him critique the Duggars in the opener to his most recent podcast (Savage Love episode #274 released 1/17/12):



Straight people? I don’t think you realize when you’ve just been insulted and you’ve just been insulted! Last week the Pope, Pope Benedict, formerly – nee Joseph Ratzinger said legal gay marriage is going to turn straight men everywhere into cock-sucking power-bottoms. That’s the only possible way to interpret his remarks about legal gay marriage. He said – the Pope says – that legal gay marriage threatens the future of humanity itself.


How? How exactly does it? Well the only possible interpretation and it’s a common one when you hear religious conservatives complain about equal rights, full civil equality for lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgendered people is that if we tolerate this soon everyone will be gay. And soon the entire population of the world, every last one of us, will have forgotten which hole it is that shits babies! And we won’t know where to put the cum when we want to repopulate the world. And this will threaten humanity we will go extinct. Extinction is one of the threats that legal gay marriage and open homosexuality poses to the planet because everybody wants to be gay. And if I’m allowed to be gay – if I’m granted my full civil equalities – straight guys out there listening – if I’m equal – YOU are gonna want to suck dick.


That’s what the Pope is saying. That the only thing that stands between you and inhaling one dudes dick while another dude impales you on his is a marriage license. If those marriage licenses were available you would be the Chinese handcuffs in this scenario. Straight people? I realize when the Pope says these things most people go “welllllll the Pope’s homophobic†that’s kinda heterophobic. It really kinda underestimates the importance in the lives of heterosexuals of heterosexuality. Of opposite sex desire of love, of sex, of commitment, of your hunger, straight boys, for pussy. What the Pope is telling you is that if I can marry Terry you’re gonna go suck dick.


I don’t think that’s true. I don’t think heterosexuality is so weak and vulnerable. I don’t think it’s this delicate flower that’s going to collapse when gay people can finally get married.


And if we want to talk about threats to humanity. A threat to the survival of humanity itself. I really think that we should be talking about the Duggars. They are, of course, the 19 and counting family. The problem with the world, the threat to humanity, 7 billion fucking people on the planet. Over-consumption of resources, destruction of critical habitats, overfishing of the oceans all to keep us in iPads and iPods and strawberries in the winter and shit. That’s the threat to humanity! The Duggars! The people who are fucking breeding the way the Pope would like you to breed!


And if legal gay marriage turns some of the Duggar kids queer that is ultimately to the benefit of them – I don’t think it works that way – but if it did work that way – oh, that would be wonderful. And if everybody turned gay? That would be okay. I don’t think that’s gonna happen. But even if everybody did turn gay we’re not. Gonna. Forget. Which. Hole. Shits. Babies. If suddenly there’s a collapse in the world population. If suddenly we drop to 3.5 billion people and we’re like “wow, nobody lives in North Dakota cause everybody’s gone queerâ€â€¦. We have the technology. We can reproduce.



I wish he'd go after their homophobic beliefs and strict gender roles - but this kind of publicity can't but help our cause.

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I wish he'd go after their homophobic beliefs and strict gender roles - but this kind of publicity can't but help our cause.

Do you mean it can't help our cause?

I think a lot of people on both sides of the political spectrum would find that offensive for a variety of reasons. It is not going to win anyone over. I agree with his general message on this matter, but the way it is delivered...

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Straight people? I don’t think you realize when you’ve just been insulted and you’ve just been insulted! Last week the Pope, Pope Benedict, formerly – nee Joseph Ratzinger said legal gay marriage is going to turn straight men everywhere into cock-sucking power-bottoms. That’s the only possible way to interpret his remarks about legal gay marriage. He said – the Pope says – that legal gay marriage threatens the future of humanity itself.

How? How exactly does it? Well the only possible interpretation and it’s a common one when you hear religious conservatives complain about equal rights, full civil equality for lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgendered people is that if we tolerate this soon everyone will be gay. And soon the entire population of the world, every last one of us, will have forgotten which hole it is that shits babies! And we won’t know where to put the cum when we want to repopulate the world. And this will threaten humanity we will go extinct. Extinction is one of the threats that legal gay marriage and open homosexuality poses to the planet because everybody wants to be gay. And if I’m allowed to be gay – if I’m granted my full civil equalities – straight guys out there listening – if I’m equal – YOU are gonna want to suck dick.

That’s what the Pope is saying. That the only thing that stands between you and inhaling one dudes dick while another dude impales you on his is a marriage license. If those marriage licenses were available you would be the Chinese handcuffs in this scenario. Straight people? I realize when the Pope says these things most people go “welllllll the Pope’s homophobic†that’s kinda heterophobic. It really kinda underestimates the importance in the lives of heterosexuals of heterosexuality. Of opposite sex desire of love, of sex, of commitment, of your hunger, straight boys, for pussy. What the Pope is telling you is that if I can marry Terry you’re gonna go suck dick.

I don’t think that’s true. I don’t think heterosexuality is so weak and vulnerable. I don’t think it’s this delicate flower that’s going to collapse when gay people can finally get married.

And if we want to talk about threats to humanity. A threat to the survival of humanity itself. I really think that we should be talking about the Duggars. They are, of course, the 19 and counting family. The problem with the world, the threat to humanity, 7 billion fucking people on the planet. Over-consumption of resources, destruction of critical habitats, overfishing of the oceans all to keep us in iPads and iPods and strawberries in the winter and shit. That’s the threat to humanity! The Duggars! The people who are fucking breeding the way the Pope would like you to breed!

And if legal gay marriage turns some of the Duggar kids queer that is ultimately to the benefit of them – I don’t think it works that way – but if it did work that way – oh, that would be wonderful. And if everybody turned gay? That would be okay. I don’t think that’s gonna happen. But even if everybody did turn gay we’re not. Gonna. Forget. Which. Hole. Shits. Babies. If suddenly there’s a collapse in the world population. If suddenly we drop to 3.5 billion people and we’re like “wow, nobody lives in North Dakota cause everybody’s gone queerâ€â€¦. We have the technology. We can reproduce.

^^^That ^^^ is seriously great. Especially the last bit... so funny.

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I probably personally wouldn't use this particular language :oops:

But I completely agree with the general point he is making. Of all the reasons that people are against same sex marriage - the fear that it will destroy my man/woman marriage is the one that makes the least sense of all.

Why on earth would I suddenly decide I wanted to have sex with a woman just because women could marry each other ? :roll:

I seriously doubt my husband is going to leave me for a man just because Prop 8 was overturned.

I am strongly attracted to men ..and men only .. why the hell would my attraction be watered down because some other women like other women ????

I think his particular language actually might be helpful - I think there are some non-religious people who are still pretty homophobic who might pay a little more attention.

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ah sometimes you have to dumb down the discourse to show the hypocrisy. Although it's very male centered, I think it's a nice point.

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Do you mean it can't help our cause?

I think a lot of people on both sides of the political spectrum would find that offensive for a variety of reasons. It is not going to win anyone over. I agree with his general message on this matter, but the way it is delivered...

I think CynicMom meant it can't but help, as in, she thinks it's a (net) good thing.

But I completely agree with your comments on the offensive delivery. This tends to be Dan Savage's problem a lot of the time. Among other things, he went from describing vaginas "canned ham" not so long ago to, now, calling them "hole that shit babies." Not that this makes him misogynistic--I guess he's pretty vulgar-mouthed about everything--but it's not exactly appealing. To me, anyway.

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I really think that only a deeply deeply closeted person would assume that everyone on the planet would turn gay if they actually had a choice. It's called projection.

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I really think that only a deeply deeply closeted person would assume that everyone on the planet would turn gay if they actually had a choice. It's called projection.

Ummmm. Dan Savage is openly gay. He and his husband founded the "It Gets Better" project.

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Ummmm. Dan Savage is openly gay. He and his husband founded the "It Gets Better" project.

Okay, but nobody said that Dan Savage assumes that everyone on the planet would turn gay if they actually had a choice. In fact, he explicitly said that that was not the case.

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Ummmm. Dan Savage is openly gay. He and his husband founded the "It Gets Better" project.

I think MrsYoungie was trying to say that the people who argue against legalizing same-sex marriage by saying it would turn everyone gay are the deeply closeted ones.

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I'm not going to get into the whole Dan Savage is/isn't a misogynist, this, that, etc. argument. I am too ignorant to form an independent opinion and I've not taken the time to read what more educated ladies of intelligence have written about him on this board. I will comment only on this one piece.

I am so, so, so, so, so, (just count "so" to infinity) sick of ANY bullshit argument against gay marriage - and any opposition to it is, to me, bullshit - that I kinda feel like what he expressed here: just unmitigated annoyance, frustration, anger and an explosive sense of just being sick to fucking death of listening to homophobic assholes who oppose it that there is no containing it in polite and elegant terms. That it's so utterly offensive to oppose gay marriage that those who oppose it don't deserve much intelligent discourse.

Of course, I fed right into it with my heated language and rhetoric above. And nothing is ever solved by lashing out, denigrating others (i.e. referring to vaginas and childbirth as "shitting out babies") and the like. But sometimes, your frustration gets the better of you. I guess he used the gutter language I sometimes think in my head when I hear some religious nutjob talk about being anti-choice, anti-birth control, homophobic, misogynistic, etc.

Or, I'm over thinking it and he's just an asshole, too.

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