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Non-Christian Fundie Blogs

Anxious Girl

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I still consider myself new to this site, so have any of you here discussed non-Christian fundie blogs?

Post one and we will look at it.

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Be nice to Anna T; I may disagree with a lot of what she writes, but I like her. She comes across as very gracious.

The muslim homeschooler blog has moved and the link to the new site didn't work. Still, it was an interesting perusal.

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Be nice to Anna T; I may disagree with a lot of what she writes, but I like her. She comes across as very gracious.

The muslim homeschooler blog has moved and the link to the new site didn't work. Still, it was an interesting perusal.

Aherm, obviously you're entitled to like Anna T but why should she deserve particular niceness directed at her? She isn't remotely nice to anyone who's even slightly different from her, nor does she come across as particularly gracious, at least to me. Sure, she is not inflammatory and given to fire-and-brimstone rehtoric or name-calling, but basically for her feminists are evil conspirators, women with kids have no right to want to work, non-religious Israelis are "empty cells" and not real Jews, public school exists for the sole purpose of allowing women to work and so on and so forth.

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I hate pet fundies.


Everytime someone spouts off about a pet fundy I'd like them to envision what their lives would be if a fundy was making their life choices for them.

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Guest Anonymous
Be nice to Anna T; I may disagree with a lot of what she writes, but I like her. She comes across as very gracious.

She comes across as a condescending, passive-aggressive shit to me.

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Everytime someone spouts off about a pet fundy I'd like them to envision what their lives would be if a fundy was making their life choices for them.


Plus, I hate the implication (or in this case, outright statement) that if a vile human being spouts a bunch of sexist/racist/homophobic/whatever crap, as long as they say it nicely, we should open wide and let them shovel the crap right in. No thanks.

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Be nice to Anna T; I may disagree with a lot of what she writes, but I like her. She comes across as very gracious.

The muslim homeschooler blog has moved and the link to the new site didn't work. Still, it was an interesting perusal.

The link to the new site works fine for me!

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Well, someone on an fj thread a while back introduced me to this crazy train:


warning: if pictures of dead animals disturb you, skip it.

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