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The Anonymous Antagonist needs your help!!!!!


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He just needs 8 more followers so he can reach 100 and have his big give away! There has to be 8 Free Jingerians who will follow his blog and then enter his giveaways!!!

And a little side note, his writing has improved since we first found him and discussed his poor writing skills. His post are much, much easier to follow. So way to go AA. You should be thankful we snarked on your blog. We were like a blessing in disguise!


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He just needs 8 more followers so he can reach 100 and have his big give away! There has to be 8 Free Jingerians who will follow his blog and then enter his giveaways!!!

And a little side note, his writing has improved since we first found him and discussed his poor writing skills. His post are much, much easier to follow. So way to go AA. You should be thankful we snarked on your blog. We were like a blessing in disguise!


Done! Now he only needs seven more. Makaziville Jinger is following him. :)

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::squeals:: He only needs five more! I would actually love it if he got more popular than Miss Raquel, just because she seem to treat him as this pet blogger that only makes it with her help, and it would drive her insane if he outdid her.

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His "my logic is the correct type of logic" is also what persuaded me to join in on the snarkiness that is FreeJinger back when I was a wee liddle lurker.

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I know that he is a crappy person, I just want him to get more followers than Miss Raquel because I know it would drive her batty and I'm mean like that.

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