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Where are the books for the men? Srsly. Are there any?


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I've begun reading "She Shall Be Called Woman" by Old Mrs. Botkin and may have some commentary on it later.

The market is awash with books and webinars and conferences teaching women how to fulfill their role.

I know of the Serven family church's "Men's Advance" annual event and Google brings up a couple other "men's advance" meetings, but other than Dobson's antique book, "What Wives Wish Their Husbands Knew About Women" I cannot think of a single VF or ATI or other organizational book written by men for men to teach them how to fulfill their role.

x-ATI'ers, et.al., are there any?


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I've begun reading "She Shall Be Called Woman" by Old Mrs. Botkin and may have some commentary on it later.

The market is awash with books and webinars and conferences teaching women how to fulfill their role.

I know of the Serven family church's "Men's Advance" annual event and Google brings up a couple other "men's advance" meetings, but other than Dobson's antique book, "What Wives Wish Their Husbands Knew About Women" I cannot think of a single VF or ATI or other organizational book written by men for men to teach them how to fulfill their role.

x-ATI'ers, et.al., are there any?

VF or ATI, I don't know. In the greater Christian community there are quite a few. You aren't going to hear much about them on blogs and such, because most of these bloggers are women. Their audience is made up of women, so they write and promote materials targeted to Christian women.


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Fundie men don't read.They are too busy traipsing through the Amazon. They are too manly to read, tough fundie guys learn how to be proper Christians by watching Doug dress up and go on vacation with his boyfriends. :dance:

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It seems to me fundie women need to constantly read these books to remind themselves of "their proper role." That's just how natural it is. :roll:

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The wonderful Michael Pearl has a new book for men, called Created to Need a Helpmeet.

I'm sure it's as marvelous as all the other crap he and Debi put out.

[Edited for clarity]

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Dont the pearls have a book for men?

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Don't forget Voddie's opus "What He Must Be... If He Wants To Marry My Daughter", the handbook for young men who want to court a girl. Geez, it's got 4.5 stars on Amazon.com so it must be good! :? Here's a piece of the description:

Author Voddie Baucham follows up on his popular book Family Driven Faith with this compelling apologetic of biblical manhood. By studying the principles outlined in his book, parents who want their daughter to marry a godly man-as well as those who want their sons to become godly men-will be well equipped to help their children look for and develop these God-honoring qualities.

All righty then!

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Steve Maxwell has written a couple I think... also VF has a whole section of 'personal growth' books for men... so they do exist. However it's the women who seem to do all the blogging and they couldn't possibly recommend a book for a man, so we'd never hear about them.

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There were a few men's books that came through my parent's house, but not many.

Men were supposed to read weighty tomes written by Rousas Rushdoony and Gary North; women *could* read those, sure, but wouldn't they rather read a leaflet on the evils of birth control???

I think that there are so many books for women because both men and women can write them. It's ok for men to teach women and it's ok for women to teach women, but it's not ok for women to teach men. So, all the aspiriting female writers in VF/ATI land have to write for other women. Further, any frustrated-by-feminism man can *also* churn out a book for women, telling her to stay in her place...I mean, telling her how important her role is in kingdom-building or whatever. Much as I dislike Rushdoony and North, their books actually have some meat/thology/logic to them, and took some time to think through and write. Any disgrunteled man can write a book saying that men need sex and women need to provide it, oh yeah, along with a perfectly-cooked dinner every night and perfect children and an appropriately "non-mom" hairstyle. That's not really that hard of a thing to write. And women, becuase deep down they are frustrated by being second-class citizens in their communities and by the pressures heaped upon them by their belif system, keep buying the books because they hope that there's the magic book that will make their lives perfect.

Since the books sell, they churn out more and more and more.

That's my theory anyway.

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The wonderful Michael Pearl has a new book for men, called Created to Need a Helpmeet.

[Edited for clarity]

That title really weirds me out... I guess because I know what a helpmeet is, so it basically reads like "How to make sure you/your son become adults who still need their mommy."

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Doesn't Steve Maxwell have some book about how to prepare your sons to be MANLY breadwinners to a one-income family with twenty thousand kids?

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Not books, but - Botkin Pere and male offspring have produced a six-part DVD series called "Father to Son." Description from Western Conservatory's webpage:

Fathers need to talk in manly and specific ways about the duties of Christian manhood...Each episode tackles an age appropriate discipline of manhood and how it is developed with fathers. Sons learn the disciplines of manhood through hard work. Fathers interpret the world for sons through shared adventures. Sons learn leadership duties through worship. Sons learn to conquer the world by dominion and to hold the ground they take through spiritual battle...
Blah, blah, blah.

(I haven't seen them, but remember someone here on FJ opining that the overall production quality was mediocre at best.)

Other manly Botkin offerings include "Quadrivocational Mission: Training Young Men for Life," and "What Our Father Taught Us About Girls." And the "Navigating Egypt" opus - the one where the wimminfolk rhapsodized about getting to stay home.

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