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Nurses at my OBGYN were raving about Courageous.


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I was standing at the desk setting up my next few appointments and 6-7 nurses were standing around talking about what a great movie it was. A couple more were going to rent it as soon as it's in redbox. The receptionist asked me if I had seen it. I told her that "I would not give my money to men that want to take away my rights to birth control". I added that these are some pretty scary people. She didn't have a reaction at all, I think she kinda brushed it off won't think anything of it. They were also talking about fireproof.

Right before I went to my appointment, I stopped at a Christian bookstore because they have awesome coffee. The courageous stuff in right in front of you when you walk in, everytime I go in there it is signifactly smaller from people buying the shit out of this movie.

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I was standing at the desk setting up my next few appointments and 6-7 nurses were standing around talking about what a great movie it was. A couple more were going to rent it as soon as it's in redbox. The receptionist asked me if I had seen it. I told her that "I would not give my money to men that want to take away my rights to birth control". I added that these are some pretty scary people. She didn't have a reaction at all, I think she kinda brushed it off won't think anything of it. They were also talking about fireproof.

Right before I went to my appointment, I stopped at a Christian bookstore because they have awesome coffee. The courageous stuff in right in front of you when you walk in, everytime I go in there it is signifactly smaller from people buying the shit out of this movie.

You should mention to your DR that youre considering changing practices if they are so opposed (or uneducated) to women's rights and reproductive choices.

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Omg, omg, omg, I just overheard coworkers talking about how much they love the movie a few hours ago. It's like we're living parallel lives. Except for the 37 differences in our situations.

But every goddamned person in this state is anti-choice, so saying something snarky about limiting women's reproductive rights would have just made them love the movie more.

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How interesting that they work for an OBGYN who no doubt writes birth control prescriptions a million times a day, and has probably referred patients to doctors who perform abortions.

I doubt these women make the connection between those things and this movie at all. Good for you for pointing it out.

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That's quite different from when I went to my yearly GYN appointment last week. I got it done at the local family planning clinic because I'm new in town and liked that I could go there without being judged for my views. In the waiting room, they were playing a DVD of Maude episodes. I joked with the nurse about it, and she said that its the only DVD they have. I told her that I'm applying to be on the board of the clinic, so if I got on I would submit a proposal to expand their DVD selection.

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My cousin praised Courageous yesterday on Facebook and he recommended everyone see it. I kind of laughed because only one person responded to him. I think a lot of people don't know about Courageous.

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My cousin praised Courageous yesterday on Facebook and he recommended everyone see it. I kind of laughed because only one person responded to him. I think a lot of people don't know about Courageous.

Ugh, My older sister posted about Courageous on facebook the other day. I commented and told her I thought it was a total snoozefest, and of course her reply was somewhat expected:

No way We watched fireproof, and facing the giants. You are probably saying that because of Christian based believe it or not Aaron asked to watch ths one he loved the other 2 as well and only 7 yrs old hmm

yes because my 7 year old nephew liked the movie, it's totally watchable. :doh: plus I love her dig at me not being "Christian" anymore.

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Ugghh. . . one of my sons had to sit through this last night at his youth group meeting. He came home and said it was the stupidest-ass (that's a quote) movie he ever saw.

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Ugghh. . . one of my sons had to sit through this last night at his youth group meeting. He came home and said it was the stupidest-ass (that's a quote) movie he ever saw.

Bolding added.

Is it stupidest-ass or stupid-assiest? I have had this grammar issue before.

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Bolding added.

Is it stupidest-ass or stupid-assiest? I have had this grammar issue before.

This is a good question. I stick to "most stupid-ass" because I'm not sure which is most correct.

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I thought the movie wasn't realistic, it was very unimaginative, with a few cliches (but what movie/book doesn't have cliches) and it makes sound like God is Santa Claus.

"Write Santa a list and he'll bring it to you"

That's not what I was taught in reality when praying to God, In reality you have to work for your desires/wishes.

Look at TV Tropes and Idioms about the movie. It says it was meant to be an Aesop.

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Guest Anonymous

This is a good question. I stick to "most stupid-ass" because I'm not sure which is most correct.

It doesn't matter. His sentiments were in the right place.

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I popped over to IMDB to get a quick plot summary since this is the first time I've heard of the film and found this charming little thread.



I'm so glad I don't live in the States anymore.

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Okay. Aren't the allowed to like a movie just because?

Anyone is allowed to like whatever they want. I'm allowed to be annoyed that they do.

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So crazy you posted about this, I had a similar incident today. I noticed a flyer for a free screening of Courageous in the teacher's lounge of the PUBLIC school I work at. My jaw just about dropped. It's true it wouldn't be visible to the students, but still... :shock:

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That imdb thread is is crazy. People aren't posting that they like the movie, they are writing that you must by necessity be anti-Christian and anti-morality if you don't.

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I'm Christian. I laughed during all the wrong parts of that movie because it was so stupid.

The only good parts were:

The part where the dad chases his van because his son is in there.

The other dad's little girl. Yes she died, but she was a sweet girl and the girl that played her did good and you kinda cried when she died.

The part where the dad who's girl died got over his stupidness, and went to the spot where his daughter had tried to dance with him, and he did his half of the dance.

Everytime I thought that movie was ending, it kept going.

I hated it. Especially the purity ring scene. SQUICK!!!!!!!!!

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So crazy you posted about this, I had a similar incident today. I noticed a flyer for a free screening of Courageous in the teacher's lounge of the PUBLIC school I work at. My jaw just about dropped. It's true it wouldn't be visible to the students, but still... :shock:

Hell, when I taught in Texas I used to get church fliers and witnessing pamphlets (the generic "jesus loves you" type, not Chick Tracts, alas) in my school mailbox and through my school email. Talk about fostering an uncomfortable if not hostile work environment.

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Bolding added.

Is it stupidest-ass or stupid-assiest? I have had this grammar issue before.


Somebody probably already got to this, but I believe technically it would be "most stupid-ass." ;) *

*credentials: English major, Communication graduate student

I love stupidest-ass, though.

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They are promoting this movie where I work also, a small archive. It is funny though because it is mainly the two older ladies going on and on about how good it was. My fellow student workers all quietly tried to keep from laughing and rolling our eyes.

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That's quite different from when I went to my yearly GYN appointment last week. I got it done at the local family planning clinic because I'm new in town and liked that I could go there without being judged for my views. In the waiting room, they were playing a DVD of Maude episodes. I joked with the nurse about it, and she said that its the only DVD they have. I told her that I'm applying to be on the board of the clinic, so if I got on I would submit a proposal to expand their DVD selection.

But did they play that infamous episode in which 48-year-old Maude decides to have an abortion? IIRC, my local CBS affiliate didn't air that one, back when it was first telecast. I finally saw it--can't remember whether it was on TVLand or Hulu.

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I was in Kohls the other day and I overhead a young couple with a child raving about a "study based on the movie Courageous." My first thought was some kind of medical/psychological study. It wasn't until later, when I was trying to look up what he meant, that I realized he was talking about a bible study (of course). And there are SO MANY. I'm just not sure how you could create an entire bible study (much less multiple studies) based on something that simplistic :?

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I have looked through some of the threads on IMDB and several Christians have commented that they don't like the movie and other SBC movies for several reasons. There is one poster kotamundi who has worked with SBC and he is always defending the SBC and the movies like crazy. People have suggested on several threads and boards, that the Kendrick brothers and SBC should seek help from experienced professionals and kotamundi goes off with various excuses for the Kendricks not seeking help or hiring decent actors.

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My mom was crowing about how this movie has a great message. I am really starting to think that a lot of people don't get what's going on in that movie (I have not seen the movie, will not pay money to see the movie, but I have read the movie synopsis online). My mom is far from fundie, not even fundie light. I think she and possibly others see it as just some quaint little Hallmark or Lifetime movie, but with a bigger budget.

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