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Autumn & Books


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Autumn & her mom have always been my favorite fundies for a number of reasons, but her latest post really makes me adore them even more (although they certainly hold views that make me want to scream sometimes). I really wish more of our fundie families took this attitude and stopped sheltering their kids to the point of ignorance.


I wish she were pursuing a 4-year degree, because she is so intelligent and curious... I just picture her as an English Lit or music professor with 6 kids in 20 years : )

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Oh wow, what a great mom she has. I'll have to poke around her blog and see what make-me-want-to-scream views they hold, but this post alone makes me think pretty highly of them.

Although, I do relate to sometimes wanting to read an old favorite book over and over again.

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I admit, though, that I have a little trouble squaring the mother who insisted on broadened literary horizons with the mother who let her kid go through a courtship & marriage at, what, 16 or 17?

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I admit, though, that I have a little trouble squaring the mother who insisted on broadened literary horizons with the mother who let her kid go through a courtship & marriage at, what, 16 or 17?

I think the only explanation for that is that her mother was also married in her teens (I think) and has a superb marriage (at least based on what she says); like most fundies (and hell, people), she probably could not see how anyone else could have a different experience than she did. I do not give her a pass, but DO understand how she could have made a mistake like that - a potentially life-threatening mistake, but an honest one nonetheless...

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Well, I'll bet the broadened literary horizons happened a few years earlier. Maybe the whole family got temporarily wrapped up in the whole thing.

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what make-me-want-to-scream views they hold

Surprisingly not a lot, but she did post that 180 pro-forced-birth propaganda video. And the pro-young-marriage (and sort-of-kind-of-but-not-really anti-college for women) stances. I still like 'em though, somehow :D

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Well, I'll bet the broadened literary horizons happened a few years earlier. Maybe the whole family got temporarily wrapped up in the whole thing.

Based on the parents' reaction to Autumn's marriage situation, and the things that Autumn is now posting about, I get that feeling too. That they were devoted Christian types that temporarily got led astray, perhaps by some whack-job church they were attending.

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Surprisingly not a lot, but she did post that 180 pro-forced-birth propaganda video. And the pro-young-marriage (and sort-of-kind-of-but-not-really anti-college for women) stances. I still like 'em though, somehow

She posted about changing her views about going to college, so I don't think she is anti-college anymore.

I was just happy that she quoted Lemony Snicket- a favorite of mine. :)

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Autumn appears to be very nice but I am NOT impressed by her parents. They married her off at sixteen to a boy she barely knew, then when he was abusive they told her to stay in that relationship for months and seek counseling at the church. When they finally took her back, it became her job to homeschool her younger siblings. People complain when the Duggar girls teach their younger brothers--why is it better when Autumn has to do it? I think Autumn actually had a much worse situation than the Duggars and some of the other fundies discussed here because she had both the responsibility of raising siblings plus she was pushed into the abusive relationship. "Courting" at 15-16 is not a typical fundie thing. Lots of them wait till the later teens or 20s. She also mentioned that if she does attend college they will give her no financial help. I find that inexcusable after what they put her through. They don't seem destitute; they could support her education if they wanted to.

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Autumn appears to be very nice but I am NOT impressed by her parents. They married her off at sixteen to a boy she barely knew, then when he was abusive they told her to stay in that relationship for months and seek counseling at the church. When they finally took her back, it became her job to homeschool her younger siblings. People complain when the Duggar girls teach their younger brothers--why is it better when Autumn has to do it? I think Autumn actually had a much worse situation than the Duggars and some of the other fundies discussed here because she had both the responsibility of raising siblings plus she was pushed into the abusive relationship. "Courting" at 15-16 is not a typical fundie thing. Lots of them wait till the later teens or 20s. She also mentioned that if she does attend college they will give her no financial help. I find that inexcusable after what they put her through. They don't seem destitute; they could support her education if they wanted to.

Please back up what you're saying here. I've followed both her and her mother's blog for quite some time. Both made very long, personal posts regarding her marriage and the abuse. I'd like to see a link backing up your statement that her parents knew about the abuse and encouraged her to stay in the marriage.

Also, Autumn has one younger sibling, and works outside the home. Again, I'd like to see a link to back up your statement about it becoming her job to homeschool her younger sibilngs and that her parents will not help her financially if and when she decides to go to college.

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Here are some links:

"She was very concerned and upset, and advised me to talk to the church elders so that Jon could get help."


"I have recently taken over Collin and Abigail's schooling."


There are also numerous mentions on her mother's blog of homeschooling becoming Autumn's responsibility, although I don't have the links on hand.

"I will not be attending college this semester. I considered taking classes at the local community college. I didn't fill out my financial aid forms in time. I am not interested enough in a degree (most likely accounting) to pay for it all myself."


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Here are some links:

"She was very concerned and upset, and advised me to talk to the church elders so that Jon could get help."


"I have recently taken over Collin and Abigail's schooling."


There are also numerous mentions on her mother's blog of homeschooling becoming Autumn's responsibility, although I don't have the links on hand.

"I will not be attending college this semester. I considered taking classes at the local community college. I didn't fill out my financial aid forms in time. I am not interested enough in a degree (most likely accounting) to pay for it all myself."


Ok, I will freely admit before commenting on this that I am a little "protective" about this girl, because she went through a horrific experience.But based on your linked comments from her blog (my goof about the one younger sibling vs two), you're reading an awful lot into them. I was disgusted that this marriage took place at all-girl was WAY too young. But her parents welcomed her back into the house with open arms; a whole fuck of a lot more than most of our fundie "buddies" would have done.

Clearly, no blog is an accurate representation of anyone's real day to day life; but Autumn looks happy, and developing into a real person, instead of a cookie-cutter SAHD.

Last thing: I am somewhat prickly about your assumption that her parents WON'T pay for her college. Quite honestly, I think I know 2 people whose parents did.

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"I will not be attending college this semester. I considered taking classes at the local community college. I didn't fill out my financial aid forms in time. I am not interested enough in a degree (most likely accounting) to pay for it all myself."


Personally, I would read that as: "...as opposed to some scholarship or grant help." The "my" being the royal We, as it were - whether it's out of her pocket or that of her parents'.

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You know, of all the horrible, awful, abusive people we talk about...

Tracy is the one I dislike the most. She and her husband charged themselves(since most mainstream christians allow young women to have their own lives and make their own decisions) with protecting their daughter and failed miserably at it, the whole way smirking and making rude comments about how immature everyone else was for not marrying their daughters off as soon as it was legal. Several posts are gone now (and I don't respond politely to being shrieked at for links by people who play favorite fundie) that expressed these sentiments.

Autumn seems like a nice young woman who is evolving into her own person with her own beliefs and goals. Hopefully she'll recognize and be able to express her feelings about basically being sold by her parents into an abusive marriage at 14/15 years old.

Hopefully her parents have reevaluated their ideas enough to not put their younger daughter into danger. I think Abigail is old enough that if Autumn's marriage had worked out she'd be wedding soon, but she may be a but younger than I think. I also wonder if the husband in the family, i forget his name, is allowed to be alone with women now. I think there was a post about him needing a chaperone to drive a woman to the airport or something that was just hilariously awful.

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Another thing that really bothered me was Tracy's post (I don't have the link and it may have been one that was taken down) written shortly after Autumn came home. She talked about how important it was for Autumn to do chores and cook dinner because that was part of her "training". Their daughter had just escaped from an abusive relationship, and they were still focused on training her.

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and I don't respond politely to being shrieked at for links by people who play favorite fundie)

Thanks for clarifying. I'll make sure to ask you for sources by saying pretty-please-with-a-cherry-on-top.

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Here are some links:

"She was very concerned and upset, and advised me to talk to the church elders so that Jon could get help."


"I have recently taken over Collin and Abigail's schooling."


There are also numerous mentions on her mother's blog of homeschooling becoming Autumn's responsibility, although I don't have the links on hand.

"I will not be attending college this semester. I considered taking classes at the local community college. I didn't fill out my financial aid forms in time. I am not interested enough in a degree (most likely accounting) to pay for it all myself."


Longskirts, thanks for providing. It just drives home the point to me that it's really easy to view something in a subjective bent, and not realize you're doing it. Appreciated!

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Thanks for clarifying. I'll make sure to ask you for sources by saying pretty-please-with-a-cherry-on-top.

Sorry I came at you strongly there, but they both scrubbed their blogs so clean after everything came out that it's difficult to source a lot of their more extreme views, because they disappeared into the ether once they were confronted with the realities of their dangerous practices. It was difficult for me to read your post because it seemed like you were giving them a pass due to lack of information/wanting to like them and I couldn't immediately point you to the actual source information. Luckily Longskirts was more patient and found some good indicators, but they're still no where near the level of extremism that has been deleted.

Stealth fundies are my particular trigger button- you can read Tracy's blog now and really see her as a conservative but still mainstream christian and have no idea about how her and her husband's beliefs really endangered their daughter.

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but they both scrubbed their blogs so clean after everything came out that it's difficult to source a lot of their more extreme views

They did delete a few posts, but it seems kind of like they just deleted posts from during the courtship- they left up ones about her being married and everything. Autumn blogged awhile back about college being evil for women, and then she came back more recently and said that her views were changed- but she still left the original post up. So while they did scrub some things, they didn't scrub all of their extreme views off, even though they (or at least her) changed their views.

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Some posts are still partially available on Google Reader, but they did a good cleaning job. They know about FJ and are not fans.

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Oh, I think the family has dangerous enough views, there is still the Christians only go to heaven, pro-life, etc.

And they scrubbed a lot of the most distasteful posts from their blog,

I like them...they are my fundie pets, but then the mama says something so incredibly offensive while lacking any self awareness and I remember,,,oh yeah, they are still Calvinist fundies.

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I haven't followed them in awhile, but yeah, they are jerky fundies. I have no "pet" fundies. If I did, I'd put a muzzle on 'em so they don't snap at anyone. That's just what a responsible pet owner needs to do.

I'll always be sympathetic to Autumn because of what her parents put her through though. Hopefully she's working on a plan for an independent life. And hopefully that life will lead her away from her parents hateful views.

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