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The Fundie Question

Anxious Girl

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This may be a stupid question, but here goes: Why do you honestly think that fundies care so much about other people's religions if they haven't individually affected them, and others' reproductive rights? The past few days I have been thinking that they are scared of any ideas/people that're different and think that having the same beliefs will make the world better and or perfect, IMO. :eusa-think:

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Because they're fundamentalists. The very nature of their religion makes them that way. They believe that the Bible* is the literal, true and perfect word of God. When you think like that there is no room for anyone else or their ideas.

*You can really take Bible and substitute in any religious texts as all fundamentalists have these assumptions.

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My husband posits a theory that fundies don't become illogical, hyper-controlling people because of any sort of religious conversion. Rather, they are illogical, hyper-controlling people by nature, and are simply drawn to a religious ethic that not only encourages but justifies their inherent constitution.

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When your religion tells you should be converting the nonbelievers you going to care.

When your religion tells you everyone else is wrong and they will suffer for it you are going to care.

When your religion tells you that nonbelievers can cause you to sin you are going to care.

Add organization to all that, so it goes.

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My husband posits a theory that fundies don't become illogical, hyper-controlling people because of any sort of religious conversion. Rather, they are illogical, hyper-controlling people by nature, and are simply drawn to a religious ethic that not only encourages but justifies their inherent constitution.

I agree with your husband.

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My husband posits a theory that fundies don't become illogical, hyper-controlling people because of any sort of religious conversion. Rather, they are illogical, hyper-controlling people by nature, and are simply drawn to a religious ethic that not only encourages but justifies their inherent constitution.

Yah. I think it would be midly fascinating to investigate how many female fundy converts have anxiety/OCD issues, and how many males are controlling/narcisstic. While the fundies are very good at making their lives look perfect and rosy, you have to be a certain kind of person to come up against the reality (as you move down the fundie track) but ignore it and keep going.

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Well, I do think a lot of people are just controlling types.

However, some (all?) Dominionists believe that God will smite/punish/judge whole nations/people for the sins of a few. They look at the story of Sodom and Gomorrah as an example of this, and they back it up with the meaner passages from the Psalms.

The logic is something like this: if you, both as an individual and as a nation, believe in God/Jesus/Christianity AND adhere to the moral code they believe the Bible lays out (the 10 commandments, plus no birth control, plus submission, all that other stuff), then God will bless your nation with peace and prosperity and wealth. If you, both as an individual and as a nation, do NOT believe in God/Jesus/Christianity and do NOT follow the moral code - ie, allow things like the pill and gay marriage - then God will visit your nation (the entire thing) with all sorts of bad stuff, like fires and floods and war.

So, they want peace and prosperity and all (who doesn't) but they believe the only way to get that is to enforce the moral code and convert people. It's a two-pronged thing, because really, you can't *force* someone to convert, and most Dominionists know that. But they believe they can control the moral things by passing laws against gay marriage, abortion, etc etc.

So, that's how they think that someone else's marriage or someone else's abortion hurts them personally.

Strange that they don't think that lying or hypocracy or abuse or anything like that will bring God's judgement; it's all sins that "other people" commit that will make God pissy.

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It may also be because of the way they are brought up. They don't have access to anyone with anyone with different religious backgrounds. Thus, they never learn about other religions or about tolerance for other beliefs. Without any concept of tolerance they are unable to deal with or communicate with people who have other beliefs in a respectful manner.

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This may be a stupid question, but here goes: Why do you honestly think that fundies care so much about other people's religions if they haven't individually affected them, and others' reproductive rights? The past few days I have been thinking that they are scared of any ideas/people that're different and think that having the same beliefs will make the world better and or perfect, IMO. :eusa-think:


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It's because over time, you swallow the kool-aid. It's preached over & over & over and many fundies go to church 2 or 3 times a week. Then, you start thinking about the people around you & how they are headed for hell.

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When your religion tells you should be converting the nonbelievers you going to care.

When your religion tells you everyone else is wrong and they will suffer for it you are going to care.

When your religion tells you that nonbelievers can cause you to sin you are going to care.

Add organization to all that, so it goes.

I don't believe that, because in theory ALL Christians believe at least 2 of those, and most Christians aren't militant fundamentalists. Even most fundamentalists aren't out "soulwinning" all the time.

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