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Fundies and blessed and blessings!!!!!!!!!!!


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Glad you had a blessed day, Sarah! Have a blessed year with your family!

God bless! Rebecca K.

I do feel sorry for poor old Rebecca K in her quest to bag a Maxwell, or should I state to begin a lifelong sentance, but why the hell does everything have to be a blessing? She uses the word three times in one post (like I did with 'elderly' - remember Stevie?) and each Dugger or Bates is a 'Blessing'


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and encouragement.

"those sweet, precious people who did yadda yadda, they are such blessings and I hope we can be an encouragement to them"... wtf does that even MEAN?

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No, really, an average sentence of Michelle's sounds like this:

I am so blessed and thankful to Jesus for your sweet words of support, and your tiny little precious additional Bible passages truly bring joyful light of celebration and piece into our godly lives!

I'll be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes after too much buzzing from Michelle.

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It's to separate them from the lesser mortals. They can't just be lucky, they don't believe in luck! They can't even accomplish their goals through hard work; they are BLESSED. That way they can be fake-humble (it wasn't me, it was jesus!) while maintaining their super-awesome specialness at the same time.

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This topic is such a blessed encouragement to me. All your responses are so neat:) Which of course these words really mean thaat a person doesn't have anythign real to mean.

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Guest Anonymous

The Lord put it on my heart to thank you for this thread, and so I'm letting you know how much I appreciate your thought! Each member here has their own special gifts and talents and so I just feel so very blessed to fellowship with ya'll.

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The most awesome Lord has convicted me to share with you my heart and how blessed I am to be in fellowship with such encouraging women who encourage me in my walk with Jesus, the Lamb, in whose blood I am cleansed of all sin and through whom I shall have eternal life in His Kingdom and I purpose to share my heart with all of you in order to be an encouragement as well during our sweet fellowshipping during which we shall witness of the awesome Lord and how he has worked in our lives to bring us to Him and be in His glory which I will help to share with those who haven't been blessed in hearing His Word and know the comfort He brings to all who believe in Him.

Unless, of course, you're a radical, man-hating feminist who works outside the home, who isn't in submission to her headship and who believes in murdering innocent babies in their mother's womb. Then I hate you. And so does Jesus. Testify!

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