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Smuggar Tweets the State of the Union


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Why wait for the conservative response when you can just follow smugs???




Josh Duggar@joshduggarReply

"I'll work with anyone in this chamber..." except the Conservatives! #failedeconomy #stateoftheunion #President #lies

2m Josh Duggar@joshduggar

"b4 I took office we lost 3 mil jobs" & "in the six months b4 my policies took effect (iow: after I was president!) we lost 3 million more!

5m Josh Duggar@joshduggar

Watching Mr. President pitch his "campaign re-election" plea #failedeconomy #failedpresident http://instagr.am/p/kYPFj/


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I think I will skip Smuggler's version. I am reading Andrew Sullivan's live blog.

Me too. I get 90% of my news from Andrews site.

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But smugs has such insightful quips:

Josh Duggar@joshduggarReply

@BarakObama: "Master Lock is running at full capacity!" Means too many people closing their doors for good!!! #thanks #failedeconomy

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Josh Duggar@joshduggarReply

@BarakObama: "more boots on the border than ever b4" Fact: borders still only 40% secure... really? #SOTU #wow

3m Josh Duggar@joshduggar

@BarackObama: force kids to go to school til they are 18 or graduate high school! Good idea, but where is that in the Constitution?!?

Yes Joshie, He did say that kids should graduate high school. While I'm quite sure he didnt mean to take a dig at real homeschoolers, he likely did mean you and others with sub standard educations.

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Let's think of new words to describe Josh. 'Asshat' and 'Douchebag' no longer reflect my total disgust at this 'failed human being.' Nice one, by the way

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Yes Joshie, He did say that kids should graduate high school. While I'm quite sure he didnt mean to take a dig at real homeschoolers, he likely did mean you and others with sub standard educations.

Someone tweet that ass and remind him that someone like him would have had NO education if he grew up in "the good ole days," regardless of what the Constitution (nice straw man there, Smugs...no real arguments, I guess) says.

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Josh Duggar@joshduggarReply

@BarakObama: Talk about jobs and energy, what about the Keystone Pipeline? #politician

2m Josh Duggar@joshduggar

@BarakObama: "looking to increase domestic energy here" Sir, Like Solyndra? #fail #politician

I couldnt resist! I responded to

Josh Duggar@joshduggarReply

@BarackObama: force kids to go to school til they are 18 or graduate high school! Good idea, but where is that in the Constitution?!? #SOTU


@joshduggar There is a right to an education. Your family just waived it so you could learn PERPENDICULAR or as youve shown HORIZONTAL
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Let's think of new words to describe Josh. 'Asshat' and 'Douchebag' no longer reflect my total disgust at this 'failed human being.' Nice one, by the way

How about turdbucket?

I remember when Bush did SotU. I used to play Bush Bingo, it was a lot of fun. Of course, TurdBucket probably waited with Bated breath for every word that mess up did, and thinks every word every word that comes out of Obama's mouth is a lie.

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How about turdbucket?

I remember when Bush did SotU. I used to play Bush Bingo, it was a lot of fun. Of course, TurdBucket probably waited with Bated breath for every word that mess up did, and thinks every word every word that comes out of Obama's mouth is a lie.

And Fuckmook. He's a total Fuckmook.

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Another thing we could start calling him (that would make him piss his pants out of anger) is a wannabe-communist. Or a DICKtator(tot).


It sure seems like this is his first. It's like when a little kid realizes they have an opinion and OMG MUST TELL EVERYONE.

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The President's first name is Barack, not Barak. #SOTDRTfail

Josh Duggar@joshduggarReply

@BarakObama:"don't cry over spilled milk...we don't need to oversee farmer with spilled milk" (laughter, standing ovation) #wow #joke #SOTU

4m Josh Duggar@joshduggar

@BarakObama The blame game continues...excuse me sir, haven't you already had 4 years? #SOTU

6m Josh Duggar@joshduggar

I think Joe Biden is nodding out... #sameoldspeech #SOTU @BarakObama

14m Rick Santorum@RickSantorum

The President's energy policy is beholden to environmentalists - he should have supported Keystone Pipeline #SOTU

Retweeted by Josh Duggar

8m Josh Duggar@joshduggar

@BarakObama: "the problems in this room may be too deep to develop clean energy" so I'm usurping them and doing it anyway! #solyndra #SOTU

He still hasnt figured it out

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The President's first name is Barack, not Barak. #SOTDRTfail

Too funny!

I wonder how he pronounces it? Barak looks like it'll be pounced barrack.

Like the President actually reads his twitter account. Does TurdBucket really think that Obama is going to read, let alone care, what he has to say?

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Turdbucket and Fuckmoot do have a nice ring to them. I'd like to go on the 'Ask the President' line and ask if there isn't a black ops group who can shut joshduggar@Josh Duggar the fuck up!!

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