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Duggars Tax Exempt Status & Political Endorsement


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I was doing some Facebook stalking yesterday and getting annoyed at friends of friends, who are local preachers, being so open about their own political endorsements. They seem to talk about it in church and I know this is a big no-no and can lead to a revocation of tax exempt status.


Then I started thinking about the Duggars supporting Rick Santorum and their own tax exempt status. Is it their main home that is considered a church? If so, would tweets or video showing them talking about their support for Santorum cause a problem? Who is considered the pastor of their church? If Jim Bob, isn't his endorsement of Santorum enough for the IRS to revoke their status?

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That is a good question. If your home is a church then does that mean that you have to stick to all the church rules. I don't know.

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I was under the impression that at one time they held church services in their home, but they did not claim tax-exempt status. And they no longer hold services at home anyway; the show recently showed them meeting with other families in a designated building.

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