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Fothy on the Huckabee show


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Disclaimer: I never watch fox 'news'. But Smugger told me to on a twitter so I knew I should. First off this forum was filmed 7 days ago when Perry was still in the game. It was taped in SC.

Folks in the audience asked questions. Basically Santorum wants to void epa, fda and a lot of other health and safety regulations/laws cause the cost to business and regulations that protect workers and consumers sends business overseas.

On the big abortion question. A fellow (older) came up and asked Frothy how he could support the death penalty and not support abortion except for rape/incest/health of the mother. Frothy was clear that he did not support abortion under any circumstance. It said he supported the DP because of the trial process and convicted criminals were not innocent children. Huge amounts of applause. My head exploded shortly after that so I didn't hear the last question.

It wasn't long maybe 10 minutes total.

edited cause my BP got so high I could not spell Frothy

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Frothy on the Fuckabee show. What has this country come to?

That's got to be the stupidest fucking argument I've ever heard. These people don't give one thought to women, just to fetuses so they can kill them as punishment, or have them killed in a useless fucking war.

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