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Santa Claus = "Satan's Claws"

The Archivist

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Candy has written about this topic many times before, but since she removes her blog all the time, she also has to endlessly recycle her content.

Right now, she's got her classic Christmas / Halloween / Easter holidays post up.

The best part:

They were a team - Saint Nick and Krampus. In America, we just say Santa Claus, which is Saint Nick and Krampus melded into one person - Santa for the Saint Nick part, and Claus for the Krampus part. Santa means "saint," and the word Krampus means CLAW. In this case, Santa is an anagram for Satan. Claus sounds identical to the word "claws," which is what Krampus means. Santa Claus is Satan's Claws.


I was under the impression that "Claus" is actually just a Germanic short-form for "Nicholas."



Which would make it Santa for the "Saint" part, and Claus for the "Nicholas" part.

OR it's secret code for Krampus and literally signifies claws. Because that sounds totally reasonable. /sarcasm


Candy's so full of shite her eyes should be black. I found the page she ripped it off from and commented with a page that debunked all this crap about Norse religions and Bablyonia. As if the "lost tribes" of Israel made it up to the far north. She picks and chooses and she's such a twit. Ptooey.

Candy's so full of shite her eyes should be black. I found the page she ripped it off from and commented with a page that debunked all this crap about Norse religions and Bablyonia. As if the "lost tribes" of Israel made it up to the far north. She picks and chooses and she's such a twit. Ptooey.

Agreed. Plus when I see Krampus...it makes me think of Midol not satan or santa :shock:


Oh quick. Someone send this to SNL. they can have the devil/Jason Sudeikis/Mitt romney on to talk about his new "role" in converting children to Satanism.


Don't forget he wears RED... and we all know thats Satan's colour!!!! :lol:

Candy has written about this topic many times before, but since she removes her blog all the time, she also has to endlessly recycle her content.

Right now, she's got her classic Christmas / Halloween / Easter holidays post up.

The best part:

I was under the impression that "Claus" is actually just a Germanic short-form for "Nicholas."



Which would make it Santa for the "Saint" part, and Claus for the "Nicholas" part.

OR it's secret code for Krampus and literally signifies claws. Because that sounds totally reasonable. /sarcasm

If Santa is an anagram of satan, there are many cities she must avoid: Santa Barbara, Santa Fe, Santa Clara, etc.


Oh, Archivist. Stop trying to confuse us with facts and logic and stuff.


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