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A good reason not to shop walmart.


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Has any one seen this movie? It is actually fairly good.


I haven't but if it is on the level of Fireproof, no thank you. Being preached to is not my idea of a great time. Besides, I'm always thrown off by fathers taking an interest in their daughter's vaginas. It just skeeves me out.

http://www.villagevoice.com/2011-09-28/ ... tity-ring/

For thsoe who have seen the movie, is the above review wrong? I like the comment that follows the article saying that this was Jesus porn. That is how I view these types of movies. They lack any real substance. All the answers come from becoming a Christian.

It is pretty amazing that some of the comment to the article are from Christians outraged that anyone would dare dislike a Christian movie.


I would rather poke my eyes out with a dirty stick than watch that.


Now I realize why I got the creeps when my mom suggested this movie. I couldn't for the life of me recall WHY, since a movie called "courageous" didn't really get a blip on my interest radar. Now this is why, lol.

And nope, haven't stepped foot in a walmart since Sevy was 9 months old (for other reasons, but this just contributes). Bring on the jesus porn snark. :)


I'm somewhat of a fan of what I think are crappy movies (Friday, Showgirls, Glitter, pretty much anything on Lifetime), but I wouldn't watch this--it's crappy for all the wrong reasons.

Has any one seen this movie? It is actually fairly good.

Define fairly good. Doesn't have the whole wife needs to listen to the husband and the daughter pledge purity to her dad message in it?


I hate walmart. Living in a ruralish area it is the closest store to me and sadly when I need emergency sick person supplies or milk I have to go there as its the only place open past 9pm. I do try to only go there for emergencies.

I would like my kids to see the movie as a joke, but I refuse to pay the $2 my video store charges for new releases for that drivel. Maybe I'll order it from the library in a few months for a good laugh and lots of eye rolling.


I wouldn't say it's a GOOD movie, because I was pretty bored throughout,

but the end really got to me with that little girl and her dad.

Maybe it's just cause I had that kind of relationship with my dad until I could form my own opinions.

Either way, it's pretty crap.


I'm with doggie. ;) Any new reason to shop elsewhere is a good thing. Don't mean to derail the thread, but I spend half our buying time scampering after my The Spousal Unit and saying, "Wait! The family-owned shop the next strip mall down has birdseed for like 10 cents per pound more, buy local, won't you?!" :D

Back on-topic, I am willing to pop "Courageous" into the ole DVD to give it a look, but reserve the right to FF through any parts that bore me or are preachy.


Sitting here envisioning MJ FF through an entire movie. LOL


I saw it, and was posting a play by play on it, and then I was offline for a week and when I came back I couldnt remember it very well.

That one is exact. On the money.

Okay so here was the purity ring scene.

The black cops daughter is like 15 and a 17 year old boy wants to take her out. The dad does not like this and tells his daughter Jade she cant see him. Well eventually he comes to his senses, BUT he has her get all dressed up, and takes her out to a fancy resturant, gets down on his knees, and gives her a purity ring. "Oh Daddy its beautiful!" Among other things. You see the daughter afterwards staring at her ring in bed with lavish delight on her face.

As I walked out of the movie theatre with a friend of mine, I said to her "That purity ring scene squicked me out" She said "Me too!" Hahaha

I saw it, and was posting a play by play on it, and then I was offline for a week and when I came back I couldnt remember it very well.

That one is exact. On the money.

Okay so here was the purity ring scene.

The black cops daughter is like 15 and a 17 year old boy wants to take her out. The dad does not like this and tells his daughter Jade she cant see him. Well eventually he comes to his senses, BUT he has her get all dressed up, and takes her out to a fancy resturant, gets down on his knees, and gives her a purity ring. "Oh Daddy its beautiful!" Among other things. You see the daughter afterwards staring at her ring in bed with lavish delight on her face.

As I walked out of the movie theatre with a friend of mine, I said to her "That purity ring scene squicked me out" She said "Me too!" Hahaha

ANd fundies actually promote this movie as a "moving, mind blowing, best film of the year?!" WHat the fuck.


Is this movie the one where most of the main actors are in real life pastors in a fundie mega-church?

I would never watch this, but I admire the fact that they raised funds, wrote it, directed and starred in it themselves. In a way it helps "democratize" (I woder if it's the right word for what I want to convey) movie making.

But since I hate when the preaching is too obvious I would dislike this film, so I'll pass thank you very much.

Made me laugh out loud when Boob said in an old episode that "Fireproof" was the best movie ever made. Better than Citizen Kane? Better than The Godfather? hahahaha!

And I haven't set foot in a WallyWorld since 2005 when I was stopped at the exit and had to show my bill and all of my purchases one by one to a rent-a-cop. That was humiliating. Plus I hate the way they do business. So I go to Canadian Tire instead, or at worst Zellers.


We watched Moneyball last night, got the DVD from Netflix, and Courageous was one of the promos. My husband asked me not to put that on the list of movies to get. I totally agree.

I saw it, and was posting a play by play on it, and then I was offline for a week and when I came back I couldnt remember it very well.

That one is exact. On the money.

Okay so here was the purity ring scene.

The black cops daughter is like 15 and a 17 year old boy wants to take her out. The dad does not like this and tells his daughter Jade she cant see him. Well eventually he comes to his senses, BUT he has her get all dressed up, and takes her out to a fancy resturant, gets down on his knees, and gives her a purity ring. "Oh Daddy its beautiful!" Among other things. You see the daughter afterwards staring at her ring in bed with lavish delight on her face.

As I walked out of the movie theatre with a friend of mine, I said to her "That purity ring scene squicked me out" She said "Me too!" Hahaha

Ewww...How do they not realize how borderline incestous this is. If my father got down on one knee, I would be grossed out.

We watched Moneyball last night, got the DVD from Netflix, and Courageous was one of the promos. My husband asked me not to put that on the list of movies to get. I totally agree.

The Nocturne parents were also watching Moneyball and saw the preview. At first, they seemed to get into it, but once I realized what it was, all I had to say was "Isn't this the movie the Duggars were part of?" and MamaNocturne ffwed through it. :)

I personally have no interest in watching Courageous just due to the fact of who made it, let alone the creepy-as-hell purity ring scene.


The only reason I would watch this movie is because it has been do dissed on here and elsewhere I am intensely curious to watch the horror of it. But I certainly will not pay for it! It was in the theater here for a while, and I would not be surprised if it did very well given the fundie base around here.

I still have not seen Fireproof either. They showed it on the Christian-station a few weeks ago but I only caught about 5 minutes of it. I do want to watch it for the same "train wreck" reason. I think it is on You Tube but I have not got around to it yet. There is a guy who drives around my city in a SUV that has "Fireproof Your Marriage" decals on it. :roll:

I am an atheist though, and the preachy-crap really is annoying to listen too. However, with those movies I think the laughing at the terribleness might make up for it. Until I remember how many people actually take it all very seriously. Then I feel sad again.

ETA: Speaking of Fireproof - I saw Kirk Cameron on some show on the Christian station as well a few weeks ago. I was flipping channels and there he was talking to the host(?) of the show, so I stopped to watch. It was some show with "Master" in the title, I think. Basically it involved him going around preaching on the streets to heathens. He allegedly "converted" some gang-banger "on-camera". The hypocrisy of the show was that they showed some guy carrying around a sign like "Jesus Saves" on the street as being an example of what pushes people away, yet showed Kirk going around questioning heathens about their beliefs (and basically telling them they would go to hell if they did not believe) as an example of the RIGHT way to do it. I wanted to punch Kirk Cameron.


Okay so here was the purity ring scene.

The black cops daughter is like 15 and a 17 year old boy wants to take her out. The dad does not like this and tells his daughter Jade she cant see him. Well eventually he comes to his senses, BUT he has her get all dressed up, and takes her out to a fancy resturant, gets down on his knees, and gives her a purity ring. "Oh Daddy its beautiful!" Among other things. You see the daughter afterwards staring at her ring in bed with lavish delight on her face.

As I walked out of the movie theatre with a friend of mine, I said to her "That purity ring scene squicked me out" She said "Me too!" Hahaha

OMG. I actually got nauseated reading that! How creepy! Yet it's supposed to be touching? EW! No wonder the SAHDs never get married; their fathers have created this sick, unhealthy bond with them. Ew, ew, ew!


It isn't surprising that Wal-Mart is selling Courageous DVD's, they have been selling the tie in novel for the movie for several months now. Back in August, my boyfriend decided to buy A Song of Fire and Ice box set for a friend who was deploying overseas. He was in a rush and decided to go to Wal-Mart to get a set there. I cracked up laughing when I saw the Courageous novel in the Christian books section. Wal-Mart has been selling The Love Dare for years.

Wal-Mart doesn't stock their book sections themselves. My cousin worked as a stocker years ago and he a third party vendor does the stocking and Wal-Mart employees are told not to move the books. The third party vendor rep goes once or twice a week to review the book stock and either take certain items out or put new items in. When my cousin first started working at Wal-Mart, the store he worked at used to have a really good selection of books and a year later he said the third party vendor started stocking more Christian novels. Right before he stopped working for Wal-Mart, he heard a rumor that Wal-Mart and the vendor came up with an agreement deal not to stock certain titles or books.

Some Wal-Mart stores in my area have pretty good book sections, but they are a few that have bad selections and are geared mostly towards Christian audiences. The Wal-Mart that my boyfriend and I went to has pretty good selection.

As for the movie Courgaeous,I will probably watch it at some point. It has been discussed here on FJ and that purity ring scene sounds pretty cringeworthy. I have read a few reviews that have said it is a bit better than SBC's previous movies.

Is this movie the one where most of the main actors are in real life pastors in a fundie mega-church?

I would never watch this, but I admire the fact that they raised funds, wrote it, directed and starred in it themselves. In a way it helps "democratize" (I woder if it's the right word for what I want to convey) movie making.

But since I hate when the preaching is too obvious I would dislike this film, so I'll pass thank you very much.

Made me laugh out loud when Boob said in an old episode that "Fireproof" was the best movie ever made. Better than Citizen Kane? Better than The Godfather? hahahaha!

And I haven't set foot in a WallyWorld since 2005 when I was stopped at the exit and had to show my bill and all of my purchases one by one to a rent-a-cop. That was humiliating. Plus I hate the way they do business. So I go to Canadian Tire instead, or at worst Zellers.

The church and pastors behind the movies are Alex and Stephen Kendrick and their church is the Sherwood Baptist Chruch in Albany, Georgia. I also admire that they raise the funds and make the movie themselves. It is a labor of love, but the problems with the Kendricks and SBC is that they refuse to consult more experienced film professionals with acting, writing, and technical details. Their movies Flywheel and Facing the Giants had a lot of technical problems. When it comes to the writing of the movies, a lot of the dialogue is weak and unrealistic. There was a scene in Fireproof in which Kirk Cameron's character was arguing with his wife and the dialogue didn't fit the emotional aspect of the scene.

I also remember laughing when Boob made that line about Fireproof. Fundies will love most Christian movies even though the acting and writing are awful. Some mainstream Protestant churches endorse the SBC movies quite a bit. My friend goes to a UMC church that has movie nights a few times a year to show Fireproof and Facing The Giants. My friend dislikes a lot of Christian movies, but she goes once awhile because her uncle is the pastor. I will ask her if they are going to show Courageous at some point and they probably will.

I saw it, and was posting a play by play on it, and then I was offline for a week and when I came back I couldnt remember it very well.

That one is exact. On the money.

Okay so here was the purity ring scene.

The black cops daughter is like 15 and a 17 year old boy wants to take her out. The dad does not like this and tells his daughter Jade she cant see him. Well eventually he comes to his senses, BUT he has her get all dressed up, and takes her out to a fancy resturant, gets down on his knees, and gives her a purity ring. "Oh Daddy its beautiful!" Among other things. You see the daughter afterwards staring at her ring in bed with lavish delight on her face.

As I walked out of the movie theatre with a friend of mine, I said to her "That purity ring scene squicked me out" She said "Me too!" Hahaha

Oh great. Now my lunch is coming back up. Speaking of purity rings, our boo, Andy Coop, is focusing on the whole purity ring/purity ball phenom this Friday on his talk show. I'll be working, but I hope some of the Jingerites will get to see it.

On-topic: I have countless reasons to not shop Wal-Mart; this is another one.


Ewww...How do they not realize how borderline incestous this is. If my father got down on one knee, I would be grossed out.

I agree, in fact I just lost my appetite. I already have plenty of reasons not to shop at Wal-Mart, and this has been added to my list.


If you saw "Fireproof" - just change it from cops to police and add a kid and some creepy father/daughter scenes and it is the same movie. The cast is even the same!


Oh great. Now my lunch is coming back up. Speaking of purity rings, our boo, Andy Coop, is focusing on the whole purity ring/purity ball phenom this Friday on his talk show. I'll be working, but I hope some of the Jingerites will get to see it.

On-topic: I have countless reasons to not shop Wal-Mart; this is another one.

Thanks for the heads up on AC's show. I probably won't be too busy with work on Friday so I'll try to remember to turn my TV on.


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