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Prescription Drugs = Sin


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Modern medicine has kept me alive for 41 years and allowed me to have a very healthy and happy life. Without it I wouldn't have even been born let alone survive the first 2 weeks of life. If for some reason I did survive into adulthood(wouldn't have happened) I would have either died trying to have a baby or would be childless. So my 5 healthy sons who never had the problems I did would not be here. 5 people she would have killed off by her way of thinking and wouldn't that fall into abortion? Anyway, she can have my painkillers and happy pills after I am stone cold dead but until them I would give her a serious butt whipping if she even looked at me wrong for using what God and the doctors gave me.

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I wonder what sin I committed, because I was BORN needing antibiotics; my mom had a UTI when she went into labor with me, and it got into my bloodstream, so I spent the first ten days of my life in the NICU with a a systemic infection, being treated with antibiotics through an IV. Or maybe it was pre-emptive, as my mom says I was a very cranky baby who hated everyone but her.

And now? My friends affectionately call me the pill-popper, because I take daily 4 meds (two for depression/GAD and two for year-round indoor allergies), and have frequent bouts of bronchitis, tonsillitis (gettin' my tonsils scooped out over spring break, yay!), and sinusitis, for which I take antibiotics and sometimes steroids. But these meds make me functional and pleasant to be around. And with all these pill bottles, I will NEVER want for a set of maracas- bonus! *Shakes claratin bottle while doing a cha-cha step and chanting "better living through chemistry!"* :dance:

I would say I was a very bad girl in a previous life, but we all know that believing in reincarnation is of the Devil, soooo... :twisted:

I wonder what Zhu thinks of other medical intervention? I had to have braces partially for non-cosmetic reasons; my molars needed to be respaced so I wouldn't have jaw problems as I approached middle age, and I also had a criminally bad set of buck teeth. And I need to get routine chiropractic adjustments to my upper back and hips. Are these things caused by sin, too? What about glasses? Will organic brown rice make my reading glasses redundant?

Zhu, get thee some xanax, lithium, thorazine, etc. You are batshit cah-ray-zeeeee!

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It must suck to be as poor as she is and use that as an excuse to be all so superior to everyone else. One thing about taking children out to eat, they learn how to act in public plus it is fun and gives them something to look forward to.

With all the fat and salt she uses I can see high blood pressure in her and PP's future. Here food sounds like shit, I don't care if it is organic or not shit is still shit.

She needs psyc med

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This makes me so infuriated with a passion of a 1000 suns. I have to take pills for anxiety (instead of panic attacks in certain situations I have what I call )

mini-meltdowns) and mild depression. If I wasn't on these meds, I would apologize needlessly to people 24/7, worrying if I was offending somebody every 5 minutes, and cry when talking about something that makes me feel uncomftorable talking to people about certain situations that remind me of sad past experiences even though I want to talk to them about it. My mom also has to take perscriptions for her health, though more physical than mental. Where in the Bible/Torah does it say to not take medical perscriptions for your health? These fundies are what get me so riled up when I read about them/make me feel ashamed to be a Christian.

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I have an autoimmune condition that causes unbearable fatigue, muscle and joint pain, headaches, digestive problems and constant biliary attacks (just like gallbladder attacks), sleep apnea and chronic pain. My prescription medications don't get me high, they get me out fo bed, into the shower and enable me to take of myself throughout the days and nights, allowing me to live independently.

She's such a female tool, especially on this issue and all the food stuff too....

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I am predominantly a lurker here (visit most days!). This annoys the hell out of me.

My son is profoundly disabled and medically fragile. He is maintained in a GJ tube and is often in and out of a children's hospital. I cannot count, offhand, the number of drugs he is on to maintain his health, limit seizures, keep him breathing, digest his food....you know, minor things like that. We keep narcotics in the house to manage his pain.

These fundies are the same people who have told me things like 1) my son's medical status is a sign of the devil's presence on earth, 2) God chose my son/me for this because we're special (I could handle being less special) and so on.

WTF...... :doh:

Oh you hear that to?? Some people say my daughter is the way she is because of sin in our lifes... the others say god picks special children for special parents...REALLY ??? God makes children disabled,sick on and on.. what kind of God would do that. ugh

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That shit really burns me. Of course, she'd probably be happy if I committed suicide because I went off my fucking SINFUL prescription drugs. Fuck her.

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Who knew?

Well, the answer the that is obvious! Zhuzhu knew!


Note to self: Prescription drugs = sinful habit

Note to mods: If this is a repeat, please accept my apologies (I am as sick as a dog right now) and feel free to delete or merge.

Sorry to be flip, but my brother claims a Coney Island dog with the works is God's special present to him.

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Sorry to be flip, but my brother claims a Coney Island dog with the works is God's special present to him.

Well who says it isn't? I've had some pretty good hot dogs that tasted like heaven. :drool:

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People need to stop taking her seriously.

I couldn't agree more. Still her children are a great concern imo.

This couple somehow were obstructed during their puberty phase because they were married very young. Their almost 7 children and their Theomania don't leave any room for maturing and developping according to relatively common standards. Their behaviour towards people and twisted views are so inmature (puberal, they are always right about everything) even infantile that it is laughable were it not that children are involved.

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