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The Seven Sisters got matching frumpers for Xmas + updates


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I have no patience for the whole modesty thing. It's not my responsibility to control other people's behaviors. I demand that people respect me whether I'm wearing a burka or completely naked. I have giant boobs which are almost impossible to cram into shirts with no cleavage. So I don't make a big deal of it. Even when they're completely covered, it's impossible to hide them. And yet, most men still manage to treat me with basic respect. It's really not asking too much to expect men to have self-control even if I'm not wearing a hideous frumper.

But I agree that those frumpers could make nice nightgowns if they were of a softer fabric. I have a weird thing for the most hideous pajamas you can imagine. To me, it's more comfortable if it's so ugly that I will not be tempted to leave my apartment. It forces me to relax. I also like loose things that feel like I'm basically wearing nothing but with a long, warm sheet or blanket wrapped around me. I also like baggy things because they fit even when I gain or lose weight. I have been having trouble finding a true ankle-length nightgown though. Maybe I should look for some very soft fabric and then hire a fundie to sew it.

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I think it's nice that the Seven Sisters are so close, but it's also weird how immature sounding their writings are for their ages. I can't believe that the "grateful" list was written by a 25 year old woman. These girls are all going to be spinsters, which seems almost to be the kiss of death in fundie world. What man (fundie or not) would find such immaturity appealing in a mate?

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I'm 25. I'm pretty sure I stopped calling my mother "Mommy" when i was about 10. I still call her Momma on occasion, but that's a southern thing.

I think the last time I called my Mom "Mommy" was when I was 25..... after I had my tonsils and adenoids out. Seriously thought I was dying. Not a fun surgery for an adult. Otherwise, I wouldn't have called her Mommy. That ended when I was about 8.

The Seven Sisters are sort of freaking me out. I didn't realize the oldest one was 25. She looks like she is much, much younger. Maybe it's the frumpers? The doily on her head? The fact she acts like she's 12. Even if she is 800 feet tall. I don't think their Mommy and Daddy want them to ever leave home. Could you imagine one of them getting married? She'd be totally freaked out about the time her New Husband pulled out the "one eyed snake" for an evening of adult fun during the honeymoon. Poor girl would be traumatized.

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Guest Anonymous

I think the last time I called my Mom "Mommy" was when I was 25..... after I had my tonsils and adenoids out. Seriously thought I was dying. Not a fun surgery for an adult. Otherwise, I wouldn't have called her Mommy. That ended when I was about 8.

The Seven Sisters are sort of freaking me out. I didn't realize the oldest one was 25. She looks like she is much, much younger. Maybe it's the frumpers? The doily on her head? The fact she acts like she's 12. Even if she is 800 feet tall. I don't think their Mommy and Daddy want them to ever leave home. Could you imagine one of them getting married? She'd be totally freaked out about the time her New Husband pulled out the "one eyed snake" for an evening of adult fun during the honeymoon. Poor girl would be traumatized.

Maybe they can hire Jim Bob Duggar to come over the night before the wedding and explain Legos to her.

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I think it's nice that the Seven Sisters are so close, but it's also weird how immature sounding their writings are for their ages. I can't believe that the "grateful" list was written by a 25 year old woman. These girls are all going to be spinsters, which seems almost to be the kiss of death in fundie world. What man (fundie or not) would find such immaturity appealing in a mate?

That's the thing, I think in some circles, dressing like an 8 year old would indicate to prospective husbands that they are demure and modest and most important, virginal. As in, take me do with me what you will and teach me the ways of the world for I am but a child.

What kind of parent would want a husband for their daughter that has pedophilic leanings, I'm not sure I want to know.

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I went to their etsy store and the writing is as immature as on the blogs. The English is stilted. They may have access to the internet but I don't think they are exposed to nuanced conversation. Of course they are still pounding the old lie that they are 'farmer girls', which pisses me off to no end.

Its beyond dressing a 25 year old like an 8 year old, these girls are like neutered little clothes pin dolls. No minds of their own. Their nonwork activities are the games and past times of 8 year olds as well, lacking a lot of the imagination contemporary kids are encouraged to use. I also took a close look at their bodies. In the exercise photo mommy has some boobs, none of these girls are endowed, and I'm guessing they bind their breasts from the looks of their clothing sizes.

I wonder how many years it took for their parents to kill their spirit? 2? 3? 5?

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Bananacat: Try the Vermont Country Store for nightgowns that are nice and long--many of them are a good 50". They're a bit pricey, but I have several of the cotton flannel ones and they wear like iron. They're cut nice and full, and the fabric is of good quality.

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The Seven Sisters are sort of freaking me out. I didn't realize the oldest one was 25. She looks like she is much, much younger. Maybe it's the frumpers? The doily on her head? The fact she acts like she's 12. Even if she is 800 feet tall. I don't think their Mommy and Daddy want them to ever leave home. Could you imagine one of them getting married? She'd be totally freaked out about the time her New Husband pulled out the "one eyed snake" for an evening of adult fun during the honeymoon. Poor girl would be traumatized.

I, too, am surprised at the 25yo's behavior. The writing is very childish indeed. But, um, I am almost 23 and I get told I look about 16 because I am very short and a bit underweight. :oops: However, that's just on appearance alone. I've never had anyone base my age on behavior really. Usually people think I am bit older in that case.

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The high-rise/regular-rise pants come up just an inch or two below my belly button, and I'm rather short as well (5'3). It sucks that the average height for an American woman is about 5'4, and everything seems to be made for women who are about 5'6. Except dresses. They seem to be made for women who are 5'8 or better. I'm tall/short enough where low-rise pants are a hit-or-miss for me. Either they come up high enough, or they show off my buttcrack. Part of that though is my aformentioned curvy butt.

I'm only 4'10, and worse yet, shaped like an apple. And plus sized, although even when I'm in regular sizes, buying jeans is an exercise in pain and torture. Lands End jeans and pants don't fit me at all - the waist is too small for my hips/legs. By the time I can button them, everything else is swimming on me.

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That's the thing, I think in some circles, dressing like an 8 year old would indicate to prospective husbands that they are demure and modest and most important, virginal. As in, take me do with me what you will and teach me the ways of the world for I am but a child.

I can answer for me: A closeted gay fundie boy. He can deny his sexuality and blame it on inexperience, or the Wife, which happened to me. It took forever for us to do IT, and I was a young, naive, sheltered woman. Not Botkin/7 Sisters sheltered, but sheltered enough. I cannot imagine going from my first kiss on my wedding night to the grande enchilada in one day. Knowing I was moving away from my family and friends was hard enough! I hope inexperience helps these virgins take their time. (Really, I wish purity weren't so prized; it is gross).

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I am glad the SS have each other, because I cannot see all of them marrying. There style of clothes and headcovering is already going to limit the playing field in the fundie man department to the strictest types. Add in they are all very tall,most fundie men are not going to want a wife hovering over them and I know at least one of the SS are 6ft.tall and a few other close to that.

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I think they could do well with a Markham Mennonite guy.

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The thing I find interesting about Seven Sisters is they don't seem to be as sheltered. I mean, they post videos from YouTube, and they apparently saw The Polar Express. They are on Pinterest (and mentioned checking out StumbleUpon and Digg.) I mean, you'll never see a Duggar or Bates kid using YouTube or any of those other sites. But at the same time, the Seven Sisters seem so sheltered. I guess a lot of it is by choice. Like they just have tunnel vision and choose not to see anything they don't want to see.

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In their most recent post, they use a couple of lines I find seriously ironic considering they seem content to stay at home for ever -

Why stay in the comfy house when you can have an adventure?!

Let’s not worry about stepping outside of our comfort zone…or about what others will think of us. Let’s get on the train!

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In their most recent post, they use a couple of lines I find seriously ironic considering they seem content to stay at home for ever -

For them an adventure is going to a kiddie park with Mommie and Daddy.

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They would do well marrying into conservative Mennonite circles - strong women are appreciated, their height wouldn't be such an issue. They are strangely Childish, I agree.

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They would do well marrying into conservative Mennonite circles - strong women are appreciated, their height wouldn't be such an issue. They are strangely Childish, I agree.

It's a pity the Yoder family don't have older sons, they seem like a nice family. (yoderfarm.blogspot.com)

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This is going to be a morbid question but what happens if their father dies? Who will support the family? I mean they're pretty much into the whole 'women shouldn't work outside the home' so would their mother have to find a way to support the family? What about the older sisters? And also if some of them don't get married what will happen to them? Will they live with/off of one of their younger brothers? How will they support themselves? I understand they are sheltered but really, what will/would happen to them?

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I am glad the SS have each other, because I cannot see all of them marrying. There style of clothes and headcovering is already going to limit the playing field in the fundie man department to the strictest types. Add in they are all very tall,most fundie men are not going to want a wife hovering over them and I know at least one of the SS are 6ft.tall and a few other close to that.

Wow, really? That makes the frumper/Peter Pan collar combo so much odder, somehow. Just imagining a super-tall woman dressed like an 8-year-old Mennonite girl... too weird.

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They would do well marrying into conservative Mennonite circles - strong women are appreciated, their height wouldn't be such an issue. They are strangely Childish, I agree.

But would a Mennonite man generally be ok with marrying an outsider?

This is the problem I see with a lot of first- and second-generation fundies. They're too isolated to marry "worldly" spouses, but they're not part of any organized group that they can marry into. I think a lot of these families would be better off just converting to Amish or Mennonite, although the Duggars would probable consider them too liberal for allowing Rumspringa. But the fundies who go for headcovering especially seem like they are just mimicking Mennonites.

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You don't have to wear a frumper to be modest, do you? I have a decent figure and I still have options other than formal and sexy. I am wearing a baggy cowl-necked sweater that goes almost to my knees with jeans right now. I think it covers as much or more of the key areas as a frumper, but I don't look like I crept out of the eighties.

I have only had a few men be rude and that's exactly what they were: rude and few. Most guys take me very seriously and I am pretty damn cute with disproportionately large breasts.

I agree with the poster who said that frumpers actually draw attention, as does a lot of look-at-me-I'm-so-modest wear.

This! I have really big boobs, and shirts are hard to find (most shirts are for a B-cup, no matter what size....hard with DDD's!), but that and the back pain are the only downside. Most men, by far are polite and smile, try to catch my eye, or say something nice. That's it. I don't dress for strangers and I don't worry about what others think of me. Ever.

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I love low rise jeans, but I'm very short, and the low rise jeans fit me like regular rise, even in petities. Otherwise, I end up with pants way over my belly button. Not attractive!

Haha, me too! I'm 5' tall, how short are you?

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I don't mean anything offensive so I hope no-one takes this that way. But I wonder if the oldest girl(s) could possibly have a learning or social disability? Maybe they don't even know it, I just wonder after reading some of there writings and such. Alot of it just might be that they seem very inmature... so its probably just inmaturity.

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