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Summary, because a few people have reactions to vaccines it means that all people will (you know those allergies that you have- yeah that latex one? That's because you were vaccinated.) And that if you eat well enough you won't get sick.

The comments aren't moderated, so you can go and post comments there too. It looks like there are a couple people trying to talk sense into them about how we're lucky and we haven't really seen what these diseases can do because of herd immunity.

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My second cousin had a child who died from a bad reaction to a vaccine. But if you go back to my grandparents' generation and earlier, almost every branch of the family lost at least one child to an illness that can now be prevented thanks to the vaccines. Then there were the children who survived the illness, but were left blind, crippled, or brain damaged.

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As someone who researches infectious diseases for a living, anti-vaxers (especially those who fabricate "data") really chap my ass.

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I see now. My fiancé getting the mumps and being exhausted for an exam in his fourth year of university was due to not eating right, not the fact that the mumps was making the rounds of the town. After all, he was vaccinated, but you know vaccines are only 90% effective so what's the point if you can still get it?

Yeah, right.

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I thought it's a topic about how ungodly w(!)axing is. Don't ask me why. I thought it's the no-brazilian for fundies. Lol. Sorry. Outta here


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Cheese slave?? Really? Someone telling us we don't need vaccines if we eat healthily enough has a blog named cheese slave for the love of cheese, bacon, butter, raw milk, and all the other things we are not supposed to eat. Doesn't sound all that healthy to me.

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One of the FakeJew blogs I read posted about how dangerous flew shots are. She claims the parents of autistic children are being financially compensated by the FDA. No, they are not. There is a court that grants compensation to families of people who suffer bad side effects of vaccines, but it has to be from an approved list of bad side effects and autism is not on that list. She also posts a video of the Redskins cheerleader who claims that she lost muscle control after getting a flu shot and was "cured" by one of the bogus autism cures. I wanted to post that the cheerleader was proven to be a fraud, but it looks like this blog doesn't get a lot of comments anyway.


On the Messianic meet up where I found her blog, people were in a tizzy over finding out that common childhood vaccinations are created from "aborted fetuses."

As for bad effects from vaccine-preventable illnesses, my dad almost had to be held back in first grade because he got the chicken pox, measles, and German measles all in the same year. He was absent from school several days beyond the maximum allowed, and the only reason they ended up not holding him back was because my grandma went to the school and convinced them he could make up the work.

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How interesting. All the anti-vaccine people say things like "Well, it's a DOCTOR. I wouldn't trust him as far as I can throw him!" or "I don't care what doctors say because they're all just brainwashed by Big Pharma*." But suddenly when ONE doctor says something that agrees with them, they use him/her to support their agenda.

* Check out a few of Healthy Home Economist's blog posts on vaccines. That angry woman is a lunatic. Watch any of her videos and you can just see the anger in her face.

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Yeah, I've been trying to figure out the "aborted fetuses" thing. Recently a friend posted an "OMG Pepsi and other companies test on aborted fetuses" article to facebook. All the information I could find was on anti-choice websites. I think that stem cells may be used in some vaccines, but that isn't the same as "OMG aborted fetuses." http://www.immunizationinfo.org/issues/ ... e-vaccines

I'm seriously amazed at all the things that these people are blaming on vaccines- latex and other allergies, lyme disease? Really. How stupid can a person be?

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The aborted fetus thing comes from some vaccines being made using (apologies to better scientists than I here) cells from a cell line derived from a fetus aborted decades ago (possibly two, one for each vaccine? Something like that). In any case, no new abortions have been are are needed to continue making the vaccines and the fetuses used weren't aborted for the purpose of the vaccine process. Has anyone else read about Henrietta Lacks and the cells from her cervical tumor that have been used in a number of medical advances? From what I understand it's the same type of thing. Those fetuses aren't in the vaccines any more than Henrietta Lacks is in the HeLa cells still used in research. But thanks to scientific illiteracy we have these fundies and conspiracy theorists claiming children are being injected with fetal tissue :(

The Catholic Church's stance is that people should use alternatives when possible but if there are none (or none accessible) it's morally permissible to use the vaccines because of the greater health benefits to the person and their community.

Oh good, I finally found a non anti-vax page about this! Read here for a better explanation: http://www.immunizationinfo.org/issues/ ... e-vaccines

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Cheese slave?? Really? Someone telling us we don't need vaccines if we eat healthily enough has a blog named cheese slave for the love of cheese, bacon, butter, raw milk, and all the other things we are not supposed to eat. Doesn't sound all that healthy to me.

There's this "diet" where you eat as much mothereffing saturated fat as you can get your hands on, and you'll supposedly live longer than everyone else. And then be genuinely happier than other people on their diets that make them tired and give them acne. Not that you'll feel superior to those losers or anything. Just that you'll feel genuine happiness about how much longer than everyone else you're going to live.

I think it came from the backlash against low-fat diets? Like, there were low-fat diets, and then people were like, well some fat is OK, and these people were like YOU WERE WRONG ABOUT LOW FAT DIETS BACON ME NOW. I'm sure they have some half-assed research to back them up or something, too.

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The "aborted fetuses" thing is bogus. There are a few cell lines that were derived from aborted fetuses, yes, over a decade ago. As in, someone took a piece of the body (like, the amount that gets removed in a biopsy) and grew the cells in a dish. These cells have been used to do all sorts of stuff. Including, yes, develop vaccines. But there are no fetus parts in the vaccines - or ANYTHING human whatsoever. Vaccines contain three things: (1) something to make the immune system recognize the disease (a piece of the virus or bacteria, a complete dead virus or bacteria, or a weakened but alive virus or bacteria), (2) something to boost the responsiveness of the immune system to (1) - this is called an "adjuvant" and are things like small amounts of aluminum, and (3) filler to maintain pH, preservatives, etc. This filler also expands the volume to something that can be realistically injected.

There's NOTHING human or human-like in vaccines. That would be incredibly dangerous and bad.

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There's NOTHING human or human-like in vaccines. That would be incredibly dangerous and bad.

There is and you can bet your sweet buns my dear they are dangerous. I recommend the book titled: The medical Mafia by ghislaine Lanctot.

Ever heard of SV41, or simian virus 40? Found in living kidney tissues of rhezus monkeys. This virus along with the kidneey extract was mixed into polio vaccines and gavve children brain tumor and lymhomas and leukemia. they found the remains of the virus in their cancerous tissues.

(I don't own the philosopher's stone so for details and further questions turn to Google)

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well I'm almost afraid to post here...I used to sit back a lol at the anti-vax movement. I don't agree with no vaxes but we need to be careful....trust me. My story is unreal and hard to believe but its painfully true therefore I can't hate on the anti-vaxers;)

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I thought it's a topic about how ungodly w(!)axing is. Don't ask me why. I thought it's the no-brazilian for fundies. Lol. Sorry. Outta here


You're not the only one. :oops:

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There is and you can bet your sweet buns my dear they are dangerous. I recommend the book titled: The medical Mafia by ghislaine Lanctot.

Ever heard of SV41, or simian virus 40? Found in living kidney tissues of rhezus monkeys. This virus along with the kidneey extract was mixed into polio vaccines and gavve children brain tumor and lymhomas and leukemia. they found the remains of the virus in their cancerous tissues.

(I don't own the philosopher's stone so for details and further questions turn to Google)

"Dr" Lanctot is all sorts of crazy.

Oh, and I'm also anti-wax, but pro-vax!

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There is and you can bet your sweet buns my dear they are dangerous. I recommend the book titled: The medical Mafia by ghislaine Lanctot.

Yep. Because a book entitled "The Medical Mafia" is so unbiased and evidence-based.

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There is and you can bet your sweet buns my dear they are dangerous. I recommend the book titled: The medical Mafia by ghislaine Lanctot.

Ever heard of SV41, or simian virus 40? Found in living kidney tissues of rhezus monkeys. This virus along with the kidneey extract was mixed into polio vaccines and gavve children brain tumor and lymhomas and leukemia. they found the remains of the virus in their cancerous tissues.

(I don't own the philosopher's stone so for details and further questions turn to Google)

Uh. WOW :shock: I... wow.

Let me take this clause by clause.

Firstly, Ghislaine Lanctot is quack. Sorry. Not listening.

Secondly, you are asserting that vaccines are bad because of a bad batch? Bad batches happen. It was identified and removed. I'm not seeing how what you say contradicts what I said: leftovers of cells in vaccines are bad. This also happens very rarely.

Thirdly, I'm going to be all grouchy and assert that it is spelled "rhesus."

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One of the things Zsu hates besides homosexuals is vaccines.


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Uh. WOW :shock: I... wow.

Let me take this clause by clause.

Firstly, Ghislaine Lanctot is quack. Sorry. Not listening.

Secondly, you are asserting that vaccines are bad because of a bad batch? Bad batches happen. It was identified and removed. I'm not seeing how what you say contradicts what I said: leftovers of cells in vaccines are bad. This also happens very rarely.

Thirdly, I'm going to be all grouchy and assert that it is spelled "rhesus."

Yeah Ghislaine Lanctôt is a quack. She comes from the area I'm from, so I appologize :lol: ! She really is bizarre.

Yup, it seems that there might be too much vax being given nowadays (and I thought that the H1N1 panic was pushed by big pharmas) but there is a big resurgence in measles and other diseases because more people eschew vax for their kids. These same kids are protected by virtue of all vaccinated kids, which I think is hypocritical in a sense. I shudder to think of a world without vax and immunizations, but I do think that some vax are pushed a little too fast on the market.

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There is and you can bet your sweet buns my dear they are dangerous. I recommend the book titled: The medical Mafia by ghislaine Lanctot.

Ever heard of SV41, or simian virus 40? Found in living kidney tissues of rhezus monkeys. This virus along with the kidneey extract was mixed into polio vaccines and gavve children brain tumor and lymhomas and leukemia. they found the remains of the virus in their cancerous tissues.

(I don't own the philosopher's stone so for details and further questions turn to Google)

Rest assured, the industry and FDA have come a long ways in the past few decades in regards to viral testing of biologics. I suggest you start by reading the following:

Points to Consider in the Characterization of Cell Lines Used to Produce Biologicals (FDA)


And you can bet your sweet buns my dear that they are enforced.

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Yup, it seems that there might be too much vax being given nowadays (and I thought that the H1N1 panic was pushed by big pharmas) but there is a big resurgence in measles and other diseases because more people eschew vax for their kids. These same kids are protected by virtue of all vaccinated kids, which I think is hypocritical in a sense. I shudder to think of a world without vax and immunizations, but I do think that some vax are pushed a little too fast on the market.

I had H1N1 a few years ago. It knocked normally healthy me out. I was sick, sick, lay in bed and do nothing sick for a couple weeks, then I was worn out and not able to do much besides work for a few months afterwards. I don't think it was totally a big pharma panic. A couple of my students were hospitalized with H1N1.

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There is and you can bet your sweet buns my dear they are dangerous. I recommend the book titled: The medical Mafia by ghislaine Lanctot.

Ever heard of SV41, or simian virus 40? Found in living kidney tissues of rhezus monkeys. This virus along with the kidneey extract was mixed into polio vaccines and gavve children brain tumor and lymhomas and leukemia. they found the remains of the virus in their cancerous tissues.

(I don't own the philosopher's stone so for details and further questions turn to Google)

That isn't conclusive evidence that the virus caused the cancer, only that it was present.

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One of the things Zsu hates besides homosexuals is vaccines.


The post about tetanus shots being used for population control by doubling as an "anti-hGC" vaccine sounds like it comes from her fevered dreams. I'd like to see a source for it that doesn't come from an anti-choice website.

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