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Feminism is indirectly responsible for obesity in the U.S.


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My mother stayed home the first 10 years of my life, and I was always chubby. My mother was a teeny thing, but her sisters and mothers were all more heavyset and I take after them. Whereas my brother could eat nonstop and it didn't catch up to him until his mid 20s when he also had a beer gut.

ETA: She cooked us healthy meals. She didn't feed us typical kid food. Things like frozen burritos/pizza were only for lunch in the summer or on the weekend.

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A housewife likely negatives because only the wealthy can really afford it and can you blame people for wanting women to, you know, actually do something with their life besides sit at home and clean the house. With modern technology, cleaning a place or one or two people is rather easy.

Hey! Leave us childless housewives out of these ridiculous mommy wars. I'm not sure why anyone would care what someone else does with their lives. I think our society is too damned focused on work, work, work all the time.

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So, how does that explain the Duggars love of Tater Tot Casserole?

That's what I was gonna ask. Mullet is home all day long, where are the nutritious meals?

Oh, wait. It's hard to cook nutritious meals with a big, long skirt flipped over your head and a bumbling Boob pounding your well-used vadge all day long...

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That's what I was gonna ask. Mullet is home all day long, where are the nutritious meals?

Oh, wait. It's hard to cook nutritious meals with a big, long skirt flipped over your head and a bumbling Boob pounding your well-used vadge all day long...

Well, thanks for that visual... :lol:

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Don't forget the role of declining exercise.

Suburban Americans largely don't walk anywhere anymore, their kids don't play outside so much, the good paying jobs are mostly desk gigs, and the schools have largely eliminated recess and are getting rid of physical education entirely. If Dad is getting fat, he's probably moving a lot less than his father did on the assembly line or on the farm, y'know?

"Traditional" home-cooked meals were very often high-calorie affairs, but people MOVED a whole lot more then than they do now.

In modern America, there's this odd bifurcation, where people who are rich enough with lots of free time will spend all kinds of time working out at gyms, because the normal workday just doesn't provide exercise anymore.

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Josh and Anna blow that theory out of the water. Didn't Jim Bob even admit in the weight watcher's episode he's put on quite a bit of weight since getting married?

I can't think of a single self identified feminist I know that would count tater tot casserole or chickenetti amongst their favorite meals.

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I am fat (or robust as I like to call it) and put the blame squarely on feminism. If I was not a feminist I would not have gone to school to accumulate degrees and qualifications. If I did not have these degrees/qualifications I could not find a job. If I did not have a job I could not spend way too much on very excellent foods. If I did not have excellent foods I would not eat so much and I would not be fat. Of course if I was a stay at home woman I would be baking cookies/cake/pie EVERY day and I would still be fat. Maybe I should just blame my genes.

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Here is an example of a SAHM's cooking..... mommyskitchen.net/2009/03/super-easy-sapaghetti-os-casserole.html

Actually, my mom stayed home with us when I was younger, but was working by the time I was in high school. When was I overweight according to my BMI? When I was an infant to preschooler. When was I underweight? In my teens and early 20's. Now I'm on the low end of healthy, and I'm an evil feminist working woman. (who owns her own house without a headship!)

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Mullet is home all day long, where are the nutritious meals?

Oh, wait. It's hard to cook nutritious meals with a big, long skirt flipped over your head and a bumbling Boob pounding your well-used vadge all day long...


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I work outside the home and my son has yet to eat anything that was not made by me at home since he started eating table food. Not only that, he eats entirely organic. I guarantee that my kid eats healthier than any of the Duggars.

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I can't decide whether I'm completely grossed out, or rolling on the floor about it myself. Or both... :?

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Hey! Leave us childless housewives out of these ridiculous mommy wars. I'm not sure why anyone would care what someone else does with their lives. I think our society is too damned focused on work, work, work all the time.

Well, that's what this site does, doesn't it? Snark on the way someone else is living their life? So, you do care what other people do. We all do, even if it is out of concern, we are still caring about their choices, good or bad. I stand by my statement: Why wouldn't most people want women to get out and try to get a job (hard in this economy, I know, but that's a different situation) instead of staying at home like women used to be forced to and patriachy sects still demand it? A lot of the HWs we read about are not doing anything and complain that lighting candles and folding laundry is just so damn exhausting. :roll: (eye roll for HWs like Lina-not you).

If it is unacceptable for men without wealth to be househusbands (which we don't call them-we have names as a society for those types of men and they are not kind names either) normally, then why do women without wealth and/or children get a pass? It has nothing to do with SAHM and WMs.

Of course our society is focused on work. Is there a society that doesn't expect its citizens to work and work hard at what they do? If you don't work, you don't get paid and you don't eat. You are free to stay at home if you so desire and can afford to do so. The majority of people will never get that luxury and that luxury is not really afforded to men in this country. This is not a poor men statement, but an equality statement. Why are ordinary (not wealthy) women who are not with child or have children or have another reason that prevents them from working (illness, disability, etc) allowed the freedoms to stay home just because they feel that because they are women they get the pass to if they want? Do we give men in this society such a pass? This is a double standard imo.

All this is jmho of course. As said, you are free to stay home and should not be judged for that if you can afford to do so or need to.

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I am not wealthy. Darnit! :mrgreen: My husband would make a great househusband--much better than I make a housewife--and I would try to go back to work if he really wanted that (try because I do have health issues). The only people I can see judging him for it would be my mom and grandma, but they're crazy.

I don't know about societies that don't expect their citizens to work and work hard, but I hear Ancient Greece was like that. I don't know, though.

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That's what I was gonna ask. Mullet is home all day long, where are the nutritious meals?

Oh, wait. It's hard to cook nutritious meals with a big, long skirt flipped over your head and a bumbling Boob pounding your well-used vadge all day long...


:lol: :lol:

I'm a bit drunk here

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Well, that's what this site does, doesn't it? Snark on the way someone else is living their life? So, you do care what other people do. We all do, even if it is out of concern, we are still caring about their choices, good or bad. I stand by my statement: Why wouldn't most people want women to get out and try to get a job (hard in this economy, I know, but that's a different situation) instead of staying at home like women used to be forced to and patriachy sects still demand it? A lot of the HWs we read about are not doing anything and complain that lighting candles and folding laundry is just so damn exhausting. :roll: (eye roll for HWs like Lina-not you).

If it is unacceptable for men without wealth to be househusbands (which we don't call them-we have names as a society for those types of men and they are not kind names either) normally, then why do women without wealth and/or children get a pass? It has nothing to do with SAHM and WMs.

Of course our society is focused on work. Is there a society that doesn't expect its citizens to work and work hard at what they do? If you don't work, you don't get paid and you don't eat. You are free to stay at home if you so desire and can afford to do so. The majority of people will never get that luxury and that luxury is not really afforded to men in this country. This is not a poor men statement, but an equality statement. Why are ordinary (not wealthy) women who are not with child or have children or have another reason that prevents them from working (illness, disability, etc) allowed the freedoms to stay home just because they feel that because they are women they get the pass to if they want? Do we give men in this society such a pass? This is a double standard imo.

All this is jmho of course. As said, you are free to stay home and should not be judged for that if you can afford to do so or need to.

I agree 100%! Why is it acceptable for women to stay home, but not men? My husband is home during the day with our son while he's in college (he attends classes in the evenings after I return home from work). When people ask me if my son is in daycare and I say "No, he's home with his father", they give me a pitying look as if to say, "I'm so sorry you got stuck with a good for nothing husband." Once they find out he's in college, they brighten up because its suddenly acceptable since he's doing more than just staying at home. However, no pitying looks or explanations are needed when my co-worker talks about his stay at home wife. It is a double standard. If a woman has more earning power than her husband, what's wrong with the husband staying home with the children? What's wrong with a family doing whatever works for them and is in the best interest of their kids? Even after he gets his degree, I will still be the major breadwinner in the family. His chosen major does not pay as well as mine. I like my job. I like working. I enjoy being the financial supporter of my family. I don't see why anyone would feel sorry for me that I have to work and my husband does not. Gender role stereotypes are ridiculous and backward.

Furthermore, people talk all the time about how much work is involved in being a stay at home mom (especially if you have young children). But, as soon as you talk about a stay at home dad, he's suddenly sitting at home on his ass doing nothing. How is it that women work hard while at home, but men do not? They all do the same things (clean the house, care for the children, do the grocery shopping, run errands, cook meals, etc.). Why is it hard work for a woman, but no work for a man?

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Funny story: fathers can cook too.

My fiancé's parents have both worked outside the home for most of his life, and his dad makes dinner almost every night. My mum has recently gone back to working full-time, and while she still does the bulk of the cooking (yes, real cooking), my dad does it, too, depending on work schedules and season (Dad likes barbequing). Hells, my mum still makes my little sister, who's in high school, a nutritious lunch every morning to bring to school with her.

Oh, and with regards to househusbands/stay-at-home-fathers, I think/hope they might be becoming more acceptable in my generation, at least here in Britain. I know men who, if they meet the right person, would love to be stay-at-home-dads.

I really think that however the adults in a family choose to support the family and divide the workload amongst themselves (and not their teenage daughters) should be no one's concern but their own.

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Funny story: fathers can sew as well. (I'm just mentioning it because she brought up seamstress as a role for a woman.)

A friend of mine told me that whenever her clothes need to be fixed, her father does it. He is the only one in her family who knows how to sew.

Have you seen the TV-show Up All Night? I find it to be quite entertaining. It's about a stay-at-home-dad and a working mother. It's cute.

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People who say stuff like this don't really mean it. They're just flailing around in an attempt to justify why their choices are 100 percent good and everyone else's choices are 100 percent bad. So there is no point trying to disprove the connection.

Actually there is one answer that works, at least for people who learned how to write a paper in high school: CITATION PLEASE

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