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Biblical Beginnings: WTF!!!!


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In his post about romance:

Remember that your purest love, your greatest righteousness is as filthy rags, as bloody menstrual cloth. It is ok. God will work through it.

:shock: :? Lets just hope he never hooks up with Miss Raquel because I think her version of romance is totally different than his. Also, I don't think he understands Song of Solomon.


Edited because I just like to mess with people.

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Ok, I am fine with the Christian sentiment that nothing a human does will ever be in line with God's own standards. Won't adopt it for myself, but I see the reasoning behind it.

But I can't decide where to start with this way of phrasing it. Filthy cloth might just get a pass, but the menstrual cloth? Yeah, right, it is so DIRTY that women menstruate! Unclean! Lock them away in a cellar until they stop this DISGUSTING habit! And never let anyone see or know about your bloody cloths! And never might your husband see something like that in the waste bin, never!

Bah. Do I need clorex to bleach my lady parts now or what?

Na, better. I'll wait for my next time around and use menstrual blood in a ritual designed to make the balls of such people dry up and crumble.

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Yeah it is like he was trying to think of the most nasty thing he could and that is when women have their period. Which is rather insulting to women and kind of odd to put in a post about romance.

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I don't even get the concept that one can never be good enough for their god; I can't grasp what is good about living your entire life knowing you will never be worthy of the one you worship. But, if that's what someone believes, it's not up to me to change their mind and it is their issue. And I really, really don't get the dirty, filthy thing. Your god made you in his image, yet you are dirty?

It seriously boggles my mind.

As for the menstrual rag thing, the ignorance is astounding. While I'm no fan of that particular female biological function, to compare it to your soul/religious position/worth on the planet is beyond comprehension. If it weren't for that 'filth', this idiot wouldn't be here writing drivel.

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this is a messed up misogynous IFB thing.

Ron Williams, the proprietor of Hephzibah House, used to teach that when Isaiah 46 says that our righteousness (our good works) are like filthy rags, this was a reference to soiled menstrual rags. God apparently hates nothing more than He hates a soiled menstrual rag, in Williams' mind. Isaiah was talking about how we lack the ability to make ourselves holy which is why we need Jesus to do this for us. We cannot make ourselves holy if we are not holy to begin with. How they make the leap from good works without faith to a menstrual cloth is beyond me.

A proper woman should marry young, spend most of her childbearing years either pregnant or nursing, and then her menstruation will be suppressed so that God can stand her. And Williams hated menstruation so much, the survivors believed that he spiked the milk there with bovine hormone so that every girl would stop menstruating the very first day that she walked through the door. All so the girls would be more holy before God. How kind of Williams to do that for them.

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this is a messed up misogynous IFB thing.

Ron Williams, the proprietor of Hephzibah House, used to teach that when Isaiah 46 says that our righteousness (our good works) are like filthy rags, this was a reference to soiled menstrual rags. God apparently hates nothing more than He hates a soiled menstrual rag, in Williams' mind. Isaiah was talking about how we lack the ability to make ourselves holy which is why we need Jesus to do this for us. We cannot make ourselves holy if we are not holy to begin with. How they make the leap from good works without faith to a menstrual cloth is beyond me.

A proper woman should marry young, spend most of her childbearing years either pregnant or nursing, and then her menstruation will be suppressed so that God can stand her. And Williams hated menstruation so much, the survivors believed that he spiked the milk there with bovine hormone so that every girl would stop menstruating the very first day that she walked through the door. All so the girls would be more holy before God. How kind of Williams to do that for them.

Can't help but wonder if Williams wasn't also obsessed with turning them back into children, and in his mind preventing their becoming adults. An additional way to keep them submissive and under his control.

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Interesting attitude to menstrual blood especially since it used to be used as a love charm - baked into 'cockle bread' it had the power to enthrall the man you gave the bread to. And the first menstrual blood of a virgin was also a charm.

Don't get upset sisters - it's our witchy, powerful habit of BLEEDING fron the INSIDE and still not dying that they had to diss in order to deal with it. And only shamans are powerful enough to fuck a menstruating woman and not be emasculated . . in fact they gain from contact with it.

Bloody patriarchal half-assed tribal sheep-(lovers - insert less polite term) didn't know what they were talking about.

Also, the Song of Solomon's reference to 'wine' and navels are supposed by some to be a coded reference to blood and other delicate parts.And there's no disgust there . . .

Edited for riffle

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Becca Boo said...

Menstruation is not something filthy. It's not unclean. It's natural. If it weren't for that 'filth', you wouldn't be here writing drivel.

December 11, 2011 9:18 AM

Your work I assume, fundiefan? Nicely done :D

Also, "Scripturae"?! What a twat.

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Trying to sound educated. But fails miserably. ONE Scripturae?! Never-ever. This is either Gen./Dat. Singular or Nom. Pl., and in each and every case, it is wrong.

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. And Williams hated menstruation so much, the survivors believed that he spiked the milk there with bovine hormone so that every girl would stop menstruating the very first day that she walked through the door. All so the girls would be more holy before God. How kind of Williams to do that for them.

How horrible am I that I like the idea of having my milk (ew, I'll take water, please) spiked with something so I won't get my period? I HATE getting my period. It's uncomfortable, inconvenient, messy, sometimes painful, and I'm happy not to have it until I want more kids. Even as a teenager I hated having my period. It's not fun to have it while you're playing sports and really active, in my opinion.

Now, to have someone else make that decision for me? No.

To be able to have that option available? Yes.

I don't think the girls should have been given something without their consent (not that it would've mattered to the people running the place, though) that would affect their body in that way.

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In his post about romance:

Remember that your purest love, your greatest righteousness is as filthy rags, as bloody menstrual cloth. It is ok. God will work through it.

That sounds very disturbing, it almost reminds me of Stephen King's Carrie, where the fanatical mother believes menstrual blood is a sin.

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Ron Williams, the proprietor of Hephzibah House, used to teach that when Isaiah 46 says that our righteousness (our good works) are like filthy rags, this was a reference to soiled menstrual rags. God apparently hates nothing more than He hates a soiled menstrual rag, in Williams' mind. Isaiah was talking about how we lack the ability to make ourselves holy which is why we need Jesus to do this for us. We cannot make ourselves holy if we are not holy to begin with. How they make the leap from good works without faith to a menstrual cloth is beyond me.

When you look at attitudes towards menstruation, even now, it makes more sense. Like people asking a woman if it's her time of the month, because that is the only way they can ever be pissy about someone acting like a jerk. I hit a guy for saying that once, in high school. But for a lot of these people their main focus on women and why they are different and bad is because we happen to bleed out of vagina at (hopefully) regular intervals.

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Your work I assume, fundiefan? Nicely done :D

Also, "Scripturae"?! What a twat.

Oh, wow. No, not my work, I can assure you. Whoever Becca Boo is though, I am a fan of her work.

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I don't even get the concept that one can never be good enough for their god; I can't grasp what is good about living your entire life knowing you will never be worthy of the one you worship. But, if that's what someone believes, it's not up to me to change their mind and it is their issue. And I really, really don't get the dirty, filthy thing. Your god made you in his image, yet you are dirty?

It seriously boggles my mind.

As for the menstrual rag thing, the ignorance is astounding. While I'm no fan of that particular female biological function, to compare it to your soul/religious position/worth on the planet is beyond comprehension. If it weren't for that 'filth', this idiot wouldn't be here writing drivel.

I think that the cruelest form of christianity is Calvinism: nothing you do will help you be redeemed, you're just a lowly disgusting sinner deserving to be chastized by a mean God.

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Actually, a lot of that stuff about menstruation comes out of the apocrypha, something people like Williams and Gothard have no business considering, because the apocrypha is not considered part of the canon (the Protestant Bible).

This is also part of why women were not permitted to be a part of the clergy in the Catholic church. If they were menstruating when they were handling the elements, they would contaminate the eucharist, apparently and issue of discussion at one point.

All they do is use it for an excuse to feel more disgust towards women.

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His reply:

First of all, I don't appreciate anonymous comments. Secondly, your point is?

A friend of his:

@Becca Boo. Poop is natural too, that doesn't mean that it's not gross. Come to think of it... It's also unclean.

I'm guessing another lurker here:

If you don't want anonymous comments, don't allow them. If you are going to allow them, don't whine. It is not becoming.

And I think the point is, why exactly did you choose a bloody menstural cloth as to use as an example of something filthy? Why not spilled semen? That is not only unclean, but also a sin by some interpretations of the Bible. It is just odd that a guy chooses a thing that is soley female to show how filthy the soul is. Why not choose something that is for males or for both sexes to show that?

I bet he is going to do like he did on the slavery wasn't that bad post and lock the comments because he, like most fundies, doesn't seem to know what to do when people disagree with him. I also think that there will probably be wailing on FB and Twitter about being persecuted.

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The song of Solomon obsession drives me crazy. I'm pretty sure Solomon screwed like 100s of women, so I don't think he's the best source of information for biblical marriage or an allegorical relationship with Jesus.

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His reply:

First of all, I don't appreciate anonymous comments. Secondly, your point is?

A friend of his:

@Becca Boo. Poop is natural too, that doesn't mean that it's not gross. Come to think of it... It's also unclean.

I'm guessing another lurker here:

If you don't want anonymous comments, don't allow them. If you are going to allow them, don't whine. It is not becoming.

And I think the point is, why exactly did you choose a bloody menstural cloth as to use as an example of something filthy? Why not spilled semen? That is not only unclean, but also a sin by some interpretations of the Bible. It is just odd that a guy chooses a thing that is soley female to show how filthy the soul is. Why not choose something that is for males or for both sexes to show that?

I bet he is going to do like he did on the slavery wasn't that bad post and lock the comments because he, like most fundies, doesn't seem to know what to do when people disagree with him. I also think that there will probably be wailing on FB and Twitter about being persecuted.

I wonder also why he chose something that only applied to women. Why isn't just saying dirty rags enough? I admit, I don't get the Calvinist need to rtake pleasure in their perceived filthiness

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When I was reading his somewhat boring post, the menstural rags just jumped out as something completely out of place and like he was going out of his way to put women down. Of course, he is the one who thinks slavery only *might* have been bad, so he probably doesn't think a lot of women. But do you know what is weird, Miss Raquel has made his From a "Guy's Point of View" post vanish from her blog. I was trying to remember what he looked like and I can't find it anywhere.

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I heard the menstrual rags thing in Reconstructionist church, too. Ick!! I mean, why pick on that? Baby diapers are pretty nasty too, so is a lot of other stuff.

Anyway, in Eastern Orthodox church, menstruating women are not allowed to partake of Holy Communion, touch anything holy, or bake the communion bread. It wasn't something that was preached about (thank goodness!) but I got the message loud and clear anyway. I wonder, though, how much of that had to do with folk superstition, not Christianity.

Anyway, women were never allowed in the altar of the church - girls younger than 7 could serve as acolytes if there were no boys available. Post-menopausal nuns could also serve as acolytes in convents (where, obv, there weren't any young boys to do the job as there usually are in parishes).

I get that before humankind knew a lot about biology, the menstrual cycle could seem scary/threatening/whatever. But now? I mean, most people know that it's a biological function, sort of like digestion or breathing, not something to villify. Of course, that assumes that one thinks that women are people, not just walking wombs.

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700 wives and 300 secondary wives/concubines.

I love the way numbers are so exagerated in the Old Testament. How old was Abraham's wife when she gave birth to Isaac? 170 yrs old? I call BS on that. :lol:

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I've decided he isn't very intelligent at all. It looks like he deleted a bunch of comments questioning him, but then he allows comments that call him out about deleting comments. :think:

And then there is this:

Hannah says: Poop is natural too, that doesn't mean that it's not gross. Come to think of it... It's also unclean. :P

He replies to her with this: Oh, my word, Hannah, you just singled out the Animal Kingdom. Plants have feelings too!

Poop isn't an animal or a plant and plants aren't part of the animal kingdom. None of that makes sense. I think he was trying to be witty, but failed miserable.

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