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Perfect place for the Botkin's to work


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Actually, shaving might help Geoff, which he apparently doesn't realize. His beard makes him appear really unapproachable, especially combined with his signature glare.

Well, AS&/orE going to work in the big bad world is not gonna happen, so we all can rest easier. Geoff won't appear approachable any time soon. ;)

Oh -- unless, of course, it's decided that one of the baby Botkin boys can work OH. Yeeks....the possibilities.... :(

ETA: the first boss I worked for had a large nose and a weak chin. He was a pretty good guy, and even bore my dumb-as-dirt suggestion that he grow a beard with some humor. He raised one and it did improve his looks (thus my feelings of wisdom on this matter). :P But then, he was generally a good-natured guy and his only ambitions were to raise his kids and retire with his wife to North Carolina. No world-domination.

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The Art of Shaving! Perfect.

Geoff Botkin rocks a look that is similar to Vladimir Lenin....and not in a good way at all. He definitely needs What Not to Wear or Queer Eye for the Straight Guy....something...anything....

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You know he is trying to balance out the bald head with the "distinguished intellectual" look he thinks he is working. Lose the beard , throw on a base ball cap and smile, people will be less afraid.

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You know he is trying to balance out the bald head with the "distinguished intellectual" look he thinks he is working. Lose the beard , throw on a base ball cap and smile, people will be less afraid.

Distinguished Intellectual comes off as Satan's Chief of Staff... just sayin'

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I was looking at the mall stores for black friday sales and came upon this store. The first thing I thought of was AS and E should work here! http://www.theartofshaving.com/

:lol: I saw that and thought of my dad that had a set just like those and how mad he was when I lathered up'd the dog's butt with the brush and shaving cream. I have so much to learn from you to think of funny things that you do.

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