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King James only - PP debut sermon


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Since KJV-only fundies like to explain that God gave us His word in the most widespread language of the day - Greek when Greece was the centre of the Western world, Latin, when Rome was, and then English when Britain (and subsequently the USA) was. I've often thought that I'd like to see their reaction if I were to ask which language they think God will translate the official version into next. Spanish? Mandarin? Hindi? And how would they tell when it was the new official version?

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There are also rhyming phrases in Hebrew that don't exist in English. "Tohu u'vovu" (without form and void) and "pru urvu" (be fruitful and multiply) are 2 examples just from Genesis 1.

My favourite Biblical pun:

2 Kings 1:9-10: the captain calls Elijah 'ish elohim, a man of God, and asks him to descend, but Elijah instead sends 'esh elohim, fire of God, and kills the captain and all his men. Nearly as good as the time some kids called Elisha 'Baldy', so he had them eaten by bears. Never say God has no sense of fun.

I have the Oxford Annotated, which has a huge number of footnotes noting Hebrew puns and double meanings and rhymes and so on. I find it really helpful.

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