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C Jane 43 weeks preggo?


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C Jane apparently is 43-44 weeks preggo or something like that. C Jane is the sister of nie.nie - (both LDS princess fundie lite mommy bloggers) Does anyone follow her blog?

I am a nurse and for the life of me I can't figure out why she is just acting like the baby will just fall out whenever it is ready. There are some serious risks to post date babies. I can't remember if she is a homebirther or not?

Is the low/no intervention for post dates normal for LDS?

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I don't know if it's normal for LDS. Due dates are just an estimate, so she might not be 43 weeks. But if she's being watched by a midwife or OBGYN, and things still look OK, I don't see what the harm is. It's when the fluid levels drop, and the placenta starts to degrade is when it gets scary.

Family lore has it that I was due July 31st, and I wasn't born until August 23- after 36 hours of active labor. My own Mom, born in the 50's, was reportedly due at the end of May, but wasn't born until July 6th- my grandmother's doctor was shocked when my grandmother showed up at the hospital in labor, because he thought she had just delivered at another hospital more than a month earlier.

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Isn't Nie.nie the lady who was in a horrible plane crash and c.jane is her sister who took care of her kids while she was in the hospital?

IIRC c.jane was sort of bitchy about that whole situation and put off a lot of people.

As for her way overdue baby...I don't understand why some women take this sort of risk. Of course, my babies always come early so I guess I've never been in the situation. I just can't imagine anything more devestating than having my baby die because I wouldn't be induced.

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I went to 44 weeks under medical supervision, and my son came out fine. Induction and sections are risky as well, and unfortunately there tends to be a tendency to DO SOMETHING in many cases where the best course of action is to do nothing and wait.

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I went 10 days over due, as long as baby is fine (fluid levels etc) they werent going to even tLk about inducing until day 15 and then it was membrane stripping. Also my due estimate changed several times even though I knew when she was conceived.etc

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VeraAnne - yep - right people..

While I am not a fan of induction or excess intervention - 42 weeks would about be my limit before I would begin to consider the risks no action vs post-date complications (ie: section, placenta degradation causing stillbirth, dystocia of large baby,

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I don't know if it's normal for LDS.

The LDS church doesn't tell anyone how to have their children (other than "have them, don't wait!"). There's even the LDS Hospital up in Salt Lake City and the percentage of women being induced and having epidurals here (UT) is very high. People in my (ex) ward thought I was a freak because I chose to have a natural birth at a birth center. I even had a lady tell me "I don't see why you'd want to have a vaginal birth. With a vaginal birth it hurts to sit down and pee for days afterwards but when I had my c-sections I didn't have to worry about that AND I was waited on hand and foot! If the technology is available why not use it?". Err... :shock:

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I had no idea they are sisters. C Jane was just dissed a bit on Feminist Mormon Houewives for claiming not to be a feminist, but reaping the rewards of feminism. So, I just checked out her blog a day or so ago. I think she is boring and self absorbed. I don't see why she is so popular. There are much better Mormon Mommy blogs out there.

What happened to C Jane regarding her sister? Dish, please!


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I went three weeks overdue with baby #1, but it was intensely monitored. They stripped membranes and put something on my cervix at 2 weeks, then we did pitocin at 2 1/2 weeks. It took me 3 days of pitocin-induced labor to deliver. The baby was very large and tore me every which way. I had several sonograms and then fetal stress tests almost every day toward the end! They were watching closely, but it made me really nervous. My other children have not gone beyond 2 weeks overdue and I am glad.

It depends on the doctor. An overdue woman is a risk for them as well; in addition to potential lawsuits if the baby is harmed, I think doctors in general want a healthy mom and baby. I just go with what they recommend. If you have a good doctor, I think there is also a certain amount of intuition involved; they have a gut feeling that the baby can go a few more days, or on the other hand just feel like it needs to be induced now.

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I had no idea they are sisters. C Jane was just dissed a bit on Feminist Mormon Houewives for claiming not to be a feminist, but reaping the rewards of feminism. So, I just checked out her blog a day or so ago. I think she is boring and self absorbed. I don't see why she is so popular. There are much better Mormon Mommy blogs out there.

I think that about her AND NieNie.

they are both

really boring

and I hate the way

nienie writes all

of her posts

like this.

and constantly calls

her husband

"mr. nielsen".

like, come on chick

we all know your husband's name

and you put your town and general location

and all your kids' first names

and pictures of the outside

of your home

on the internet

for all to see.

so why you need to go all anonymous

with "mr. nielsen" is stupid.

plus she's really selfish.

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I think that about her AND NieNie.

they are both

really boring

and I hate the way

nienie writes all

of her posts

like this.

and constantly calls

her husband

"mr. nielsen".

like, come on chick

we all know your husband's name

and you put your town and general location

and all your kids' first names

and pictures of the outside

of your home

on the internet

for all to see.

so why you need to go all anonymous

with "mr. nielsen" is stupid.

plus she's really selfish.

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Cjane really played up the martyr angle while her sister was hospitalized. I think she actually had angel wings in her header for a while. I can't remember all the details, but just remember that the pooponpeeps crowd was really disgusted by the way she was making nienie's accident all about herself.

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The LDS church doesn't tell anyone how to have their children (other than "have them, don't wait!"). There's even the LDS Hospital up in Salt Lake City and the percentage of women being induced and having epidurals here (UT) is very high. People in my (ex) ward thought I was a freak because I chose to have a natural birth at a birth center. I even had a lady tell me "I don't see why you'd want to have a vaginal birth. With a vaginal birth it hurts to sit down and pee for days afterwards but when I had my c-sections I didn't have to worry about that AND I was waited on hand and foot! If the technology is available why not use it?". Err... :shock:

Ummm.......I've had 3 c-sections. It still hurts to sit down. It also hurts to walk, cough, sneeze, laugh, sleep, or stand up straight for at least a week or two. I think I'll take "It hurts to pee for a few days after" for $500 please. :)

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I would take any one of my horrible births over a c-section! That is surgery. No me gusta.

I have heard that you are not supposed to lift the baby afterward, and I wonder what I would have done. Probably ripped out some stitches, because my life does not allow several weeks of rehabilitation. I was really worried about needing a c-section with my youngest, because I had to be back in organic chemistry class the day after I left the hospital. It was a relief that everything went well enough that I could hobble my ass to school.

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Ummm.......I've had 3 c-sections. It still hurts to sit down. It also hurts to walk, cough, sneeze, laugh, sleep, or stand up straight for at least a week or two. I think I'll take "It hurts to pee for a few days after" for $500 please. :)

That was when I used the Smile & Nod technique. ;)

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I think that about her AND NieNie.

they are both

really boring

and I hate the way

nienie writes all

of her posts

like this.

and constantly calls

her husband

"mr. nielsen".

like, come on chick

we all know your husband's name

and you put your town and general location

and all your kids' first names

and pictures of the outside

of your home

on the internet

for all to see.

so why you need to go all anonymous

with "mr. nielsen" is stupid.

plus she's really selfish.



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That was when I used the Smile & Nod technique. ;)

One of my friends has had two C-sections. Her mom and sister, real winners, were criticizing her after the last one for being lazy and faking being in pain. She showed them her incision and shut them the F up. It isn't a tiny little incision, it was surgery. I would take hurting to pee for a few days too.

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I read about a study they did on Amish women that suggested that the 'normal' gestation period is closer to 42 weeks than 40. Something like 90% of babies in developed countries are born after their due date, when if the due dates were accurate it should be somewhere around 50%. Also, most of the 'late' babies that are born don't have any of the hallmarks of spending too long in the womb, such as wrinkled skin (like after a bath).

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Normal gestation ranges from 37-42 weeks. Post dates is *after* 42 weeks, and there definitely is a statistical uptick in possible risk, but it's not like you hit 42+1 weeks and the baby dies. It is possible for the placenta to stop working properly, but it's also possible to monitor the baby and not necessary to induce/section just because of the dates.

I had two 42+weekers. I went in for NSTs and BPPs regularly after 40 weeks, to make sure the babies were happy and healthy. They were. Born big, but without any signs of being "overbaked"--no meconium, still slathered in vernix, etc. If we had gone to 43 weeks, I would definitely have been nervous (not to mention miserable, lol)--I do hope they are doing monitoring and willing to induce *if* there is a problem that shows up.

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