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Self-dentistry in Life in a Shoe


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http://inashoedotcom/2011/11/monday-mov ... ment-58808

Have you seen this one? Her five year old has an adult tooth grow behind a baby tooth, so they have a grand old time tying a string to it, and pulling it out. At least that's what she says. I couldn't watch the video.

This happened to my youngest. I took her to a dentist, they did an x-ray, and they told me not to worry--the baby tooth was almost out and would certainly come out by itself in a few weeks. Which it did.

If little Perry Jr is a *blessing*, doesn't that blessing deserve proper medical care. My goodness, I'd shut off my internet before I let my kid solve a dental problem on his own like this.

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Have you seen this one? Her five year old has an adult tooth grow behind a baby tooth, so they have a grand old time tying a string to it, and pulling it out. At least that's what she says. I couldn't watch the video.

This happened to my youngest. I took her to a dentist, they did an x-ray, and they told me not to worry--the baby tooth was almost out and would certainly come out by itself in a few weeks. Which it did.

If little Perry Jr is a *blessing*, doesn't that blessing deserve proper medical care. My goodness, I'd shut off my internet before I let my kid solve a dental problem on his own like this.

The video showed the tooth coming out quickly and with no pain. Actually, lots of families do this with loose baby teeth. I would not waste my money with a dental visit for this very common situation of an adult tooth growing behind the baby tooth.

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Seriously, I like to think we are homeschoolers who can do anything, but even I, the cheapest person in the world, have paid FULL price to get braces for 2 kids(so far). I kind of think dentistry ,orthodontics and eyeglasses should be left to the professionals.

My youngest son has 2 big teeth in the same spot(he had an extra baby tooth there too) The back one will get pulled, by the DENTIST.

As much as I don't want to pay $3000 for my oldest sons wisdom teeth to come out, I have decided to forgo the homeschool dental surgery class on my kitchen table and he gets its done at the oral surgeon in Jan.

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Have you seen this one? Her five year old has an adult tooth grow behind a baby tooth, so they have a grand old time tying a string to it, and pulling it out. At least that's what she says. I couldn't watch the video.

This happened to my youngest. I took her to a dentist, they did an x-ray, and they told me not to worry--the baby tooth was almost out and would certainly come out by itself in a few weeks. Which it did.

If little Perry Jr is a *blessing*, doesn't that blessing deserve proper medical care. My goodness, I'd shut off my internet before I let my kid solve a dental problem on his own like this.

My sister had what appeared to be one tooth growing in behind another. It turned out a tooth hadn't developed properly (normally teeth start out in several parts and grow together in the womb, and this tooth hadn't fused entirely so it looked like multiple teeth) and it needed to be pulled so the properly formed tooth could grow in. If somebody had DIY pulled what they thought was one tooth, she'd have had a broken tooth, probably some pain and possibly infection, and the correctly formed tooth wouldn't have had space to grow in.

Kids aren't sharks, they're not going to get another set of teeth in a week if you fuck up the ones they have. Going to a dentist and getting a few X-rays and maybe an extraction is cheap compared to having to fix a more serious problem down the line.

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My youngest son has 2 big teeth in the same spot(he had an extra baby tooth there too) The back one will get pulled, by the DENTIST.

As much as I don't want to pay $3000 for my oldest sons wisdom teeth to come out, I have decided to forgo the homeschool dental surgery class on my kitchen table and he gets its done at the oral surgeon in Jan.

That is different than a lose baby tooth! My sister had a whole extra row of baby teeth, two teeth in every spot on the top. A dentist removed all the extra teeth.

Again, a loose baby tooth is NOT even related to what is needed to remove wisdom teeth, whether they are impacted or already in. Removing a loose baby tooth is not dental surgery. Last week I removed 3 such teeth from grade school students, yes, with parental permission. They were very loose, the kids were afraid they were going to swallow them with their lunch. The parents could have easily removed them but thought the school nurse should, so I did. No tears, no pain.

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I have to agree with Nurse Nell on this one. Could be wrong, but it looks like a perfectly normal loose baby tooth.

The door/string thing was one of the stereotypical baby tooth removal techniques when I was a kid--I'm 99% sure you'll even see it on old cartoons and things like that. I've never wanted to try it myself, but it is a classic.

(weird, it seems to be my day to defend LIAS Kim, first the food and now this!)

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My SIL is badly in need of braces. Her teeth go this way and that and I think she has some extras. My in-laws have refused to get her braces. It bugs me since they're willing to spend money on other things.

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My sister had what appeared to be one tooth growing in behind another. It turned out a tooth hadn't developed properly (normally teeth start out in several parts and grow together in the womb, and this tooth hadn't fused entirely so it looked like multiple teeth) and it needed to be pulled so the properly formed tooth could grow in. If somebody had DIY pulled what they thought was one tooth, she'd have had a broken tooth, probably some pain and possibly infection, and the correctly formed tooth wouldn't have had space to grow in.

Kids aren't sharks, they're not going to get another set of teeth in a week if you fuck up the ones they have. Going to a dentist and getting a few X-rays and maybe an extraction is cheap compared to having to fix a more serious problem down the line.

This was different. It was an already LOOSE baby tooth. If I had taken my kids to the dentist every time they had a loose baby tooth with the adult tooth already coming in my dentist would have thought I was crazy.

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^what NurseNell said. I lost my last baby tooth at 11, it was really loose but was taking forever to fall out on its own, my parents actually called the dentist and asked what they should do (since at 8 I'd needed several teeth pulled for some reason I don't remember). dentist said just pull the tooth out at home. Tooth came out, everything was fine.

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My SIL is badly in need of braces. Her teeth go this way and that and I think she has some extras. My in-laws have refused to get her braces. It bugs me since they're willing to spend money on other things.

That is sad, especially since they seem to have money for other things. Bad looking teeth can affect how you view yourself and can even lead to other problems many years down the road.

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I am a totally over the top overprotective parent :lol: and I helped remove all my kids' baby teeth. The teacher even had to help my daughter in 1st grade because she lost it at school. :shock: Hee hee, 1st grade teachers are used to this, as all the kids lose teeth like crazy that year.

The string around the doorhandle is pretty old fashioned, it's easier to just take a small cloth and surround the tooth to pull it out.

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I thought that's what you're supposed to do! But I guess maybe it's different in the US. I lived in Russia as a kid and no one I knew there went to the dentist for baby teeth or waited for them to fall out naturally. It was always the string method, or you/your parents would pull them out (after they were loose). And you were encouraged to pull them out as early as possible because then the permanent teeth would have more room to grow and not be crooked.

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Yeah, of all the things that fundies do that I could complain about, this would not be it. Five-year-old child pulled out his loose baby tooth. Big fucking deal.

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Isn't she the blogger who took her kid to a vet when stitches were needed?

That's kind of funny. I actually learned how to set stitches when I was in sixth grade practising on a chicken leg. If worse comes to worse, with proper tools I could probably do stitches myself without too much issues - it's been so long though I would need a refresher or diagram :lol:

Depending on how many stitches are needed, this actually might not bother me, if I knew the vet very well. They go to school for a long time to get their degree. ;)

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I think if the baby tooth is wobbly then there is no harm. I wouldn't do it that way, my daughter has had a few like that and I just told her to do extra wiggling to get it out! I did take my son to the dentist with a tooth like that when he was little and the dentist said he could pull it or he could leave it and let my son do it. My son didn't want it pulling so we left it. It came out on it's own a couple of days later after my son kept wiggling it.

Edit: Link for those who are on mobile devices. inashoe.com/2011/11/monday-movies-perry-boy-loses-his-first-tooth/#comment-58808

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If someone I knew and thought was a good parent posted this, like Jonirae from Kitchen Witchery or someone, I'd be okay with it. Since Kim has shown a constant, unrelenting, flagrant disregard for nearly all matters of her childrens lives and well being...I'm suspicious.

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The video showed the tooth coming out quickly and with no pain. Actually, lots of families do this with loose baby teeth. I would not waste my money with a dental visit for this very common situation of an adult tooth growing behind the baby tooth.

Yes, it is true; lots of families do this (without the videotape), more or less "encouraging" a tooth that is ready to fall out on its own, and I don't see a problem.

But it IS possible to need a dentist. My oldest had many of her permanent teeth come in BEHIND the baby teeth, and not loosen or push the baby teeth out. I had to take her to the dentist to have most of her baby teeth pulled (with local anesthetic, and a couple at a time). So, yes, a dentist can be needed. (Same kid required long and expensive orthodontics, too).

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I don't even understand why some of you are horrified O_o My mom would not do the string, but she's very icky with those stuff, she would just ask me to try and get them out. Which I did... I remember spending so mmuch time moving my teeth back and forth until they get out...

They're not treating a cavity! lol

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Yeah, ain't no thang. How could it go wrong? You could leave it alone and let it come out in time (or in an apple :)) but there's nothing wrong with grabbing pliers or some string-an'-a-door.

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My big brother tied one end of the string to my loose tooth, the other to the door handle, and slammed the door.

I was expecting something horrible when I read the subject header, but this really doesn't bother me. It's just a milk tooth. They get wobbly, they come out, you put them under your pillow and the Tooth Fairy comes and gives you money for it.. (Presumably not in fundy households, though.)

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I'm trying to remember a time I didn't pull my wiggly tooth out or beg my dad to do it. I even tried the sting on the door thing but couldnt tie the string tight enough and no one walked opened the door so I gave up.

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I had no idea pulling loose baby teeth was such a great evil. :shock: The last time we saw the dentist, he gave us some little cotton thingies and "treasure boxes" and encouraged the kids to work on their loose teeth and apparently had no problem with them being pulled out at home.

I cannot stand the doorknob/string thing. I know that's part of some folks family culture but it gives me the absolute willies. Can't actually stand thinking about it or watching someone pull the tooth. What usually happens is that my kids wiggle it nice and loose with their tongue, and then pull it themselves, and I don't know about it until they walk up to me with a gorey tooth in their hand and a request for something to plug the hole up with. A few times dh has helped them pull a tooth, but they usually prefer to do it themselves.

This is reminding me of the AFV video of the old guy who tied his rotten tooth to a string, and tied the string to an arrow, and shot the thing out of his mouth. So....just...ew.

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Yuck, the door thing gives me the heeby-jeebies.

My kids' dentist said it was fine to pull out my daughter's tooth by wiggling it. My daughter had her two adult teeth just sitting there behind the baby ones. I think it's fine to wiggle them out, but to do something like the string/door thing seems like asking for trouble to me.

Like someone said, if this was a responsible mom, I might not be concerned. But this is the mom who has her kids stacked on foam mattresses like cordwood, while she and hubby have a whole room to themselves, and a whole room for a library. This is a family who has rats crawling inside their walls, and the kids are allowed to pour boiling water on them. This is the mom who gave birth on a deck, which someone described as "poop covered" (don't know if that's true). This is a mom who really doesn't teach, but who tells her big kids to read books about what they are interested in.

So, yes, I'd have taken my kid to the dentist to find out if the tooth needed to be rushed out, or if it could wait.

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