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Jeub Fan says Jim Bob is one of world's bravest men


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I kid you not, Lord helpp me:


(taken from a comment on Jeub website under Duggars on The View)


I believe that Jim Bob Duggar has to be one of the bravest men on the planet.... He has said all along that it was up to Michelle, he knows the danger she was in last time, we all know he is devoted to her, he knows the whole world is watching... but he has not backed down on his convictions. He is willing to take the heat for Michelle, too. This is a man who loves God more than anything!



So, because his wife has had so many children, Jim Bob is one of the bravest people on the planet? A man who seems to do nothing but have sex and read the bible is one of the bravest men on the planet? Forget about those who go out there and save lives, rescue people, sacrafice themselves for so many reasons every day, pull themselves through the mos horrific situations and don't do it for glory, to name just a few, no no, Jim Bob is one of the worlds bravest men.


Please let me puke now

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Yes, Jim Bob risks someone else's life, and suddenly he's the brave one? He's not the one which a high chance of dying from this pregnancy.

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It's rare to find things that can genuinely be made more accurate by adding "...in bed!" to the end of each sentence, but this looks like one of them.

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It's rare to find things that can genuinely be made more accurate by adding "...in bed!" to the end of each sentence, but this looks like one of them.


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Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down his wife for his pride and a reality TV gig.

Another famous quote comes to mind:


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Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down his wife for his pride and a reality TV gig.

I triple dog dare you to leave this as a comment at Chris Jeub's blog. It is absolutely brilliant and spot-on.

If Jim Bob is the world's bravest man then I am the Queen of England.

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Following your convictions no matter who it harms seems to be far greater achievement then protecting your family feeding them raising children or anything else. If your convictions can't be tempered by logic and wisdom they are foolish to follow blindly.

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I'm still amazed that people I don't know can make me feel physically ill with their words.

It's not brave to make babies when you're a man. In, out, done. Literally. What the hell has he risked to impregnate the brood mare?

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I'm still amazed that people I don't know can make me feel physically ill with their words.

It's not brave to make babies when you're a man. In, out, done. Literally. What the hell has he risked to impregnate the brood mare?

This. Seriously. He's brave because he's had a lot of --- never mind, brain bleach!!!

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Really? On what planet is Jim Bob braver than police officers, soldiers, search and rescue personnel, firefighters, etc.? He has a wife who gave birth to a lot of kids. So what. How does being able to fuck a lot make someone brave? It's not like he had to carry the kids. It's not like he has to take care of them or do ten thousand loads of laundry or cook food for 20 people. He has sex. That's the extent of his participation. I have sex, does that make me brave too? :roll:

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I believe that Jim Bob Duggar has to be one of the horniest men on the planet.... He has implied all along that it was up to TLC's paycheck, he knows the danger she was in last time, but he doesn't really care, we all know he is devoted to their bank account, he knows the whole world is no longer watching... but he has not backed down from making more money, so they have to pop our another one. He is willing to take the heat for Michelle, too, as long as she's giving it up. This is a man who loves his own penis more than anything!

Here, I fixed it.

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My husband saw our toddler and me off to the emergency room for a just-in-case visit after an apparently minor accident, only to get a call a few hours later that we were medevacing to another state because no trauma team in our state could handle what might be about to happen to our child. He packed for us, said goodbye, and held down the fort for the girls for several of the worst days of our life together as we waited to find out whether our son was indeed about to bleed out and die if he coughed. He did this without complaining once and caught up with his job after we got back (okay, thankfully!) without bitching about that either.

Has this twerp done anything nearly that courageous?

Brave I can imagine. Brave is too stupid or naive (or angry or psychopathic, but I don't think those apply) to feel fear. Courageous is I think what Jeub was aiming at and I do not believe that in the least.

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I believe that Jim Bob Duggar has to be one of the bravest men on the planet.... He has said all along that it was up to Michelle, he knows the danger she was in last time, we all know he is devoted to her, he knows the whole world is watching... but he has not backed down on his convictions. He is willing to take the heat for Michelle, too. This is a man who loves God more than anything!

Replace "bravest" with "stupidest" and the quote makes much more sense.

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he knows the danger she was in last time,

Yes and he stupidly (not bravely) got her pregnant again.

we all know he is devoted to her

Or to her uterus.

he knows the whole world is watching.

And wants the whole world to know that he is accomplishing a very rare feat in the history of mankind

He is willing to take the heat for Michelle, too

Because they invented machines that make men experience labor pains instead of the women. Ha.

This is a man who loves God more than anything!

Replace the word God with money and everything makes sense.

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a brave person is someone who does what is needed no matter how much they don't want too or how much it will hurt them. Knocking up your wife is not one of them.

The whole conviction crap is so blown out of proportion. ok you shop around for your beliefs and church then you follow what you found (as long as it conforms with the person who admires you of course) But if someone follows their goals and they are not religious it is not as good?

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Jim Bob might be brave, even very brave, but the part Jeub misses is that brave and stupid are not mutually exclusive. You can be brave and still be wrong, you can show incredible bravery while undertaking really stupid tasks.

I'd draw Jeub a Venn diagram but lately those seem to be a reliable test of fundiness--if you understand a Venn diagram you probably aren't a fundie :roll:

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My husband saw our toddler and me off to the emergency room for a just-in-case visit after an apparently minor accident, only to get a call a few hours later that we were medevacing to another state because no trauma team in our state could handle what might be about to happen to our child. He packed for us, said goodbye, and held down the fort for the girls for several of the worst days of our life together as we waited to find out whether our son was indeed about to bleed out and die if he coughed. He did this without complaining once and caught up with his job after we got back (okay, thankfully!) without bitching about that either.

I'm so glad everything turned out okay. That sounds completely terrifying.

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A brave man, whose wife was almost killed by a pregnancy, would have gotten a vasectomy and announced it to the world.

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