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Why Do We Have Sunsets? CalebAndAbby


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Really, people need to think things through before they write them on the web. I was following the links on Bethany Beasley's blog and came to this link.


The poem at the top of the page reminded me of the Insane Clown Posse. Misspellings and other mistakes don't really bug me, but for some reason this poem does.

Why do we have sunsets? Do they have some great purpose? If we didn't have sunsets would the earth cease to function?

Why are there so many flowers? Surely a few different varieties would provide the enough substance for the bugs and animals that eat them?

Why create vistas that make you want to weep? Or glorious night skies that silence you in awe?

God is the original author of 'Beauty for beauty's sake

The only reason that I can think there would be no sunsets is if the sun exploded or the earth stopped rotating. I'm pretty certain both those events would be catastrophic to life on earth.

Is she saying that god created too wide a variety of plant life? Even from a creationist mindset, her second sentence sounds disrespectful to her own beliefs. Apparently, the writer thinks that god created wildlife, stars etc. just to show off for her.

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Why do we have sunsets? Do they have some great purpose? If we didn't have sunsets would the earth cease to function?

Because the spinning of the earth makes the sun disappear beyond the horizon, and light bends in the air. (In the Northern Territories in Australia the smoke from the Aboriginal people burning the forest makes the most amazing sunset you've ever seen. Their culture has existed for longer that YECs think there's been a world.)

Why are there so many flowers? Surely a few different varieties would provide the enough substance for the bugs and animals that eat them?

Evolution -- adapting to environments.

Why create vistas that make you want to weep? Or glorious night skies that silence you in awe?

Geological and astronomical processes operating of periods of time you refuse to believe exist. Open your mind, you ignoramous.

Look, this world is amazing, and beautiful, and pretty much magical, but not because some legalistic angry guy in the sky plopped it all down for us. I find the biological/chemical/physical processes that shaped the world around us absolutely astonishing on their own, with or without divine intervention. (Get me started on DNA. That's a miracle.) It really saddens me how much fundies close themselves off from.

*EFR (edited for riffles)

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If we didn't have sunsets would the earth cease to function?

Yes. In fact, the earth would cease to function long before we noticed a lack of sunsets, I would wager.

Science is hard, team. I know. :geek:

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