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Kendal's list of "bad words" (no one say PEE! Or BUTT!!!11!


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I tend to sort of make up my own "swear words" (not because I think there's anything wrong with the standard ones, I just think it's fun). I typically use them when I'm alone, such as when I'm driving and people are going to slow, being idiots, etc. But every once in awhile I'll blurt out something like "Cripes on a cracker!" or "For the love of monkeys in a barrel!" when I'm around other people, which tends to result in some very funny looks.

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I tend to sort of make up my own "swear words" (not because I think there's anything wrong with the standard ones, I just think it's fun). I typically use them when I'm alone, such as when I'm driving and people are going to slow, being idiots, etc. But every once in awhile I'll blurt out something like "Cripes on a cracker!" or "For the love of monkeys in a barrel!" when I'm around other people, which tends to result in some very funny looks.

When I'm with my girls and I get extremely irritated, I tend to say "fudge a duck!" - dumb, but better than the alternative. :whistle:

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When I'm with my girls and I get extremely irritated, I tend to say "fudge a duck!" - dumb, but better than the alternative. :whistle:

I love you avatar. I had a cat once that liked to play in bags. She was a doll <3

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OK. three things come to mind here:

1) Va-jay-jay

2) That I tend to swear like a sailor, mostly because when I was young I spent a lot of time with my Grandfather who was a retired commercial fisherman. I played around the docks a lot and, well, picked up the language. At times when riled I have been known to throw off the Marine husband. But then we're adopting from foster care eventually and I figure they'll have heard it all before and we'll have bigger battles to pick so I'm not going to worry about it.

3) While I was in college my great-aunt, my Grandmother's sister, had a stroke. After it she came home but she needed a day time care giver to help her get lunch and in case she fell. In addition the stroke kinda destroyed the filter between her mouth and brain. That summer I was home and helping out while her regular care giver was on vacation and out of the blue my extremely ladylike Aunt looked over and told me that Uncle so-and-so had been circumcised the month before and Aunt such-and-such was having a much easier time of it now.

Aunt and Uncle were actually her brother and sister-in-law and in their 60's at the time....

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Kendall would have a full scale heart attack if she came around my circle of friends. I taught my son that he has a penis and girls have vulvas. I took a lot of crap from nearly everyone for teaching him vulva instead of vagina but I stand by my reasoning that should he see a naked girl or a woman, he should see a vulva, if he is seeing a vagina, something is horribly wrong. Not long ago, my friends' daughters, (there are three of them 7,8, and 12) got it in their mind that 'sexy' was a horrid word. They giggled and ran around whispering it to each other. Then they said to my son who promptly came in and yelled, "I'm sexy!" All of the girls looked like they were about to be killed and the adults all just laughed.

OH AND, today, he peed in the potty. (Yep, I said it.) And we not only announced that he peed, we danced around cheering about peeing in the potty and let him CALL people to tell them that he peed in the potty. Then I put up a facebook status about him peeing in the potty. :o

Yeah, I know, I'm going to hell.

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Its heartbreaking to me that these women of the patriarchy are using the masters tools to ensure their daughters are less than and outliers. To limit a child, their self esteem, their spirit and essence is the equivalent of murder to me.

I don't understand why this isn't considered child abuse. It's so sick and wrong

I guess I'm a bit of a prude about what kids say. I teach after school art classes and I'm forever correcting children who tell each other to "shut up". I was speechless when I heard a six year old shout that something was "crap". I have no problem with kids knowing the proper terms for anatomy and bodily functions but I feel like hateful language and swear words should be discouraged when they're at a young age.

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You would hate my neighbourhood. There's no one here who doesn't say "fuck". Including small children.

Some people just use it as a stop in a sentence. " Right, fuckin right, ye listenin'? Went tae the fuckin shop the day, fuckin cunt behind the counter and that, he said..."

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If she knew anything about child development, she'd know that it is common for five year olds to begin using bathroom humor. Her daughter is actually late in that phase of development.

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Just watched this episode of Dinosaur Train with Monkey, and it seemed particularly apropros to this conversation. Kendal, call it a stool or call it a scat, everyone does it, and that is that!


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It's funny to see this conversation today. My siblings and I (all adults) still cannot say the words "piss," "crap," "sucks," or "fart" in the presence of my mother, for fear of her having an aneurysm. I can't even imagine saying something that involved an actual swear word in front of her. However, yesterday, she got really angry over an extra charge on her phone bill, and said, very loudly, that she was not about to pay for "extra shit" she didn't ask for. The whole room went silent. No one breathed. My eyeballs nearly fell out of my head.

That is the first time I can remember hearing her curse in my entire life. I think my fundy mother may have been abducted by aliens. :o

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I don't understand why this isn't considered child abuse. It's so sick and wrong

I guess I'm a bit of a prude about what kids say. I teach after school art classes and I'm forever correcting children who tell each other to "shut up". I was speechless when I heard a six year old shout that something was "crap". I have no problem with kids knowing the proper terms for anatomy and bodily functions but I feel like hateful language and swear words should be discouraged when they're at a young age.

Is crap a "curse" word now?

Who knew? :shock:

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Crap was considered a curse word when I was young, in the late 80s and 90s.

But racial epithets were NOT. They were considered rude (like saying "stupid" or "I hate you" or "shut up" but moreso) but nobody that I knew would tattle on another child by saying "He said the n-word!" They'd've reported the word openly.

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I don't allow my kids to say "pee," or "potty." In fact, I have never allowed the word "potty." It's a bathroom, and if you need to go, it's your business what you do in there. I'd rather hear a kid swear correctly in context, than an adult using either the word "pee" or "potty."

In our house, I don't allow belittling language between my kids....no name calling, like "baby" or "stupid." I do, however, let them refer to each other as "assholes" if indeed the child is acting like such. I also allow fuckwit, shithead, and assnugget if the situation calls for it. But woe betide he who says "potty."

Finally, my daughter referred to Justin Bieber as "gay" because of an outfit. Trust me, she will never, EVER use that word again, now that she knows what it means. You see, rule is, if you use a word here, you damn well better know what it means. I explained that she could not draw conclusions on one's sexuality based on one's outfit, etc, etc, and even if you could, what goes on in another's bedroom is his own damn business. "TMI, TMI, MOM! STOP!" Lesson learned.

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My mom doesn't like the word penis. She calls it a "bug". Funny thing is, she's a nurse.

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I don't allow my kids to say "pee," or "potty." In fact, I have never allowed the word "potty." It's a bathroom, and if you need to go, it's your business what you do in there. I'd rather hear a kid swear correctly in context, than an adult using either the word "pee" or "potty."

In our house, I don't allow belittling language between my kids....no name calling, like "baby" or "stupid." I do, however, let them refer to each other as "assholes" if indeed the child is acting like such. I also allow fuckwit, shithead, and assnugget if the situation calls for it. But woe betide he who says "potty."

Finally, my daughter referred to Justin Bieber as "gay" because of an outfit. Trust me, she will never, EVER use that word again, now that she knows what it means. You see, rule is, if you use a word here, you damn well better know what it means. I explained that she could not draw conclusions on one's sexuality based on one's outfit, etc, etc, and even if you could, what goes on in another's bedroom is his own damn business. "TMI, TMI, MOM! STOP!" Lesson learned.

You and my dad should get together and go bowling... Sounds like his parenting philosophy. 'Cept around here, we tend to use the words "twat" and "pissant" along with "asshole" and "little shit". The only off limit word is "cunt." As for when I'll become a parent...well, my kid will probably end up cussing like a sailor the second she can talk. Taking after her mama and all.

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The word "pee" uttered by her daughter bothers Kendal so much that it "sends shivers down her spine".

How hyper-dramatic, much?...

What sends shivers down my spine is the way she views her daughter's future and her methods of discipline. :(

ETA: I swear a lot, bad habit, although I do swear less than before. Where I'm from swear words are derived from the Catholic religion, not from sex like in the english language (weird, I know). Remnants from the years when the Catholic Church ruled our life here...

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You really haven't lived till your then 4 year old daughter informs you that her vulva itches. Really, Kendal, why deny yourself these little gems? ;) Furthermore, kids need to know the correct terms for things. It makes talking about them easier in a myriad of contexts, from health matters to sexuality. Not that it didn't make me cringe but I did it. I'm not crazy about the words "pee" and "poop" but hey there are worse things.

Words that aren't allowed, disrespectful language, no "shut up", no calling names, no being mean. That goes for the adults too. ;)

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Man, she would hate my family. Bathroom humor is lifelong in many family members. My grandma got my brother a calendar that made fart noises for Christmas one year. She also prefers ginger ale to water, because it's carbonated and makes you burp. Mind you, she looks like your stereptypical whited-haired little old lady, until she opens her mouth. Gotta love her.

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My son is incontinent due to his Spina Bifida, and I cath him. I say "ok let's pee you now" referring to the procedure (he's almost 17 but is about 6 cognitively).... does she want me to say "Alright now Brady, let's catheritize your mitroffanoff** so you can urinate". 2 of his favorite movies are Elmo and Bear and the Big Blue House movies that talk about going to the bathroom, and in the Bear In The Big Blue House movie, Bear explains to Tutter that every creature big and small poops. If it's good enough for Bear, it's good enough for me!

**(the name of the hole produced by the bladder surgery he had)

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Man, she would hate my family. Bathroom humor is lifelong in many family members. My grandma got my brother a calendar that made fart noises for Christmas one year. She also prefers ginger ale to water, because it's carbonated and makes you burp. Mind you, she looks like your stereptypical whited-haired little old lady, until she opens her mouth. Gotta love her.

Pull my finger :lol:

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We were "allowed," or at least not in trouble, when we said things like stupid and butt, but I didn't start swearing even mildly until middle school. Then in high school things just went downhill, and it's been downhill ever since! The funny thing is, I'll say absolutely anything in front of my mom, but not my dad. I just recently moved up to "shit," but I don't think I'll ever be able to say "fuck" regularly in front of him. The only thing off limits for me personally is "cunt." Just don't like it.

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Kendal~ I know you read here, and there's something I wanted you to know.

Remember when you were talking about how you prefer to be around children who are spanked? Well, something happened here today and I wanted to share it with you.

My son and daughter each had $60. Both sets of grandparents gave them money and their dad and I give them an allowance each week. Anyway, they were talking about what to do with their windfall and my son came over and asked me if I could look something up for him on the internet (he's only 8). I figured he wanted to check the reviews on something (he does that before he buys anything), but he didn't. He wanted me to look up Heifer. It's an organization that helps give farm animals to starving families. He wanted to buy a flock of chicks. His only concern was that the chicks would be treated nicely. He also wanted to make sure the chicks didn't end up pecking the children.

This is a child who has NEVER once in his entire 8 years had a hand raised to him. He and my daughter have been treated like what they are - the joy of my husbands and my life.

Remember this the next time you go and hit your children. There is another way.

eta~ because I left out the word "didn't"

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Kendal~ I know you read here, and there's something I wanted you to know.

Remember when you were talking about how you prefer to be around children who are spanked? Well, something happened here today and I wanted to share it with you.

My son and daughter each had $60. Both sets of grandparents gave them money and their dad and I give them an allowance each week. Anyway, they were talking about what to do with their windfall and my son came over and asked me if I could look something up for him on the internet (he's only 8). I figured he wanted to check the reviews on something (he does that before he buys anything), but he didn't. He wanted me to look up Heifer. It's an organization that helps give farm animals to starving families. He wanted to buy a flock of chicks. His only concern was that the chicks would be treated nicely. He also wanted to make sure the chicks didn't end up pecking the children.

This is a child who has NEVER once in his entire 8 years had a hand raised to him. He and my daughter have been treated like what they are - the joy of my husbands and my life.

Remember this the next time you go and hit your children. There is another way.

eta~ because I left out the word "didn't"

Awwwww, how sweet of your son! You are a great parent! :clap: :clap: :clap:

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