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Ben Botkin and Audri Vernier wedding photos on Doug's FB


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I'm also puzzled as to why AS would essentially wear a tarp around her neck. I get the whole scarf look thing that girls are wearing these days but her's seems a little overboard to me.

It was really, really cold that weekend and unexpectedly so.

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They all look so done-up... except for the mom. She always looks like the odd-one-out in their family pics. I wonder what that dynamic is like.

The jean jacket to me looks sloppy, and both of the Botkinettes look like they appropriated table cloths for their skirts. I think the scarf looks like aBot's trying to hide something.

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1- she has the prettiest dress i have seen on a fundy bride so far.

7. am i the only one who has mental images of the wedding night whenever i see a fundy wedding? :twisted: i don't usually have with regular weddings, but since they make SUCH a big deal of saving it all for that one night, i can't help but thinking about how it may go. my guess on this one: ummm, akward.

That reminds me of the Stinking Housewife blog post about modern weddings and how those mental images are actually good, because there is supposed to be a "sexual tension" at weddings but it's no longer the case because most brides and grooms had sex long before the wedding:

thinkinghousewife . com/wp/2009/07/vanity-vows/

I like the dress too.

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How does one "charge" his son? It sounds electrical, and frankly, a bit painful.

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Also has anyone wondered why the two Botkin brides didn't wear veils? The veil is supposed to be a big symbol of patriarchy and authority transfer, so I'm surprised they weren't wearing them. Just a flower in the hair without a veil is often seen on modern, more liberal brides.

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I think in the Botkin circles, the attire of the bride is not really seen as being significant. You notice both Audri and Nadia wore off-white/cream colored dresses, (as opposed to stark white), Audri didn't have a bouquet, no veil, etc.--I think it's just preference, and perhaps an attempt to simplify things. It seems like both weddings were an attempt to avoid the current traditions of weddings, aside from the icky "transfer of authority" business. Back in my reconstructionist days, I dimly remember being told that wedding ceremonies weren't really even necessary, since in the OT people just had a big dinner and then sexy time. I guess sex was the binding bit?

Personally, I LOVED Audri's dress--actually her whole wedding looked lovely. I think Nadia is beautiful as well.

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I got invited to a homeschooling get together the other day. Paid my $20 before reading their "beliefs" which include that a man must be the President of the homeschool group. Even though it's made up of ladies. Who actually do the homeschooling.

BARF! I want my money back!

And we're up to 94 on the fb thread now. I have officially unfriended Friend #1 since she wrote " I am not offended. God's truth will reign despite your silly opposition. One day."

Yes, the theological F.U.


Awww. Bless her heart.

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There's a photo of Mama Bot examining her ice tea, I immediately thought she was wishing it was vodka!

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I actually dig it more often than not. The only complexions that I don't care for on guys are the Jersey Shore tanning bed complexion and some Asian complexions that look unhealthy to me.

Now that I am thinking about it, there are actually a few complexions floating around in that family. Lucas, Anna Sofia, and David look like they have a slight tan without being ruddy; Ben and Noah have the ruddy complexion; and Elizabeth and Isaac are fairly pale, but he gets more sun than she does.


Why do all three of the older boys have the slicked back hair that emphasizes the receding hairline? I don't understand it!

And while I'm snarking on this picture, why do aBot and eBot look so dressed down? Both of them look like they were wandering by and wound up in the photo shoot with everyone else.

Why are all the girls wearing white/ beige shirts? Aren't you supposed to NOT wear that color? But maybe they asked them to since they were in this messed up "family instead of bridal party" wedding party.

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