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Duggars to speak and perform at women's conference


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I also can't believe Michelle is still acting like they shop at thrift stores. She can't fool everyone. We know about Hannie' Gymboree nightgown.

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If you wonder what a family of 19 children looks like, the Duggars will show you at the Fresh Grounded Faith women's conference next weekend.

Lol, yeah I wonder. Gee, what could a family with 19 childrenpossibly look like? It is just such a mystery! Will they have 19 offspring? Golly, I just don't know.

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In fairness, that's an older picture of Josie. /end defense of Duggars. She still looks odd to me, but I've never had a preemie.

Now, the Duggars dragging all of the kids all over creation, no defense. I did laugh when I read the article though. The author said they have a daughter in law and a grandchild with them. Poor Mac. She's stuck home cleaning already..

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Josie looks like a normal premie to me. My second cousin Julian was about as early as her and even though he is 3 years old he's still smaller than his 2 year old sister. His head is still kind of big in proportion to his body, and his body is small and frail (he actually has a stent in his back to help support his spine). And of course the characteristic premie eyes. This is in no way meant to be insulting by the way...it's just how he looks. He's still a happy, active, adorable and sweet little guy. But super premies can look a bit off in their early years.

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Michelle Duggar is also aware that the choice to have such a large family can be polarizing, but she takes it in stride.

Keyword: choice--which she does not want other women to have.

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How much are they being paid? Just an honorarium to cover food, lodging and expenses for les tribe? Naturally this is all part of their homeschooling curriculum and considered a field trip for the kids. Ah and they are draggin Josh his wifeypoo and spawn to make the dog an pony show complete.

I'd like to glitter bomb the whole effing lot of them.

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What could they say at a woman's conference?

Btw, what kind of woman's conference is it?

jimboob can say don't use birth control let god be the daddy homeschooling because see how it works for use and other garbage.

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I so have a stash, a whole mason jar, of the illegal metal rainbow stuff. A worthy sacrafice :clap:

I just want to glitter bomb the boob. I can only imagine it sticking to the hairspray!

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What could they say at a woman's conference?

Btw, what kind of woman's conference is it?

It's for some thing called "Freshly Grounded Faith" and it doesn't look particularly fundie to me. They do women's conferences only and their site says:

Fresh Grounded Faith Events are for women of all ages, denominations, and ethnic groups. I also want it to be a safe place for women who have never encountered Jesus. I will do my very best to make you and your friend feel welcome, accepted and loved.

This event is not focused on any denomination and we welcome women from all denominations. This is a Kingdom-Minded interdenominational regional event, committed to helping women of all backgrounds, ages, nationalities and groups.

The Duggars are getting quite liberal if they are going to this!

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It's for some thing called "Freshly Grounded Faith" and it doesn't look particularly fundie to me. They do women's conferences only and their site says:

The Duggars are getting quite liberal if they are going to this!

Or desperate, TLC might have already told them the show might be ending soon... (hope so at least)

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Or desperate, TLC might have already told them the show might be ending soon... (hope so at least)

I think the Duggars might be desperate at this point because if the show isn't ending soon, they know they are losing popularity. They have been to mainstream Christian events similar to this event before. There are some mainstream Christians that aren't aware of the Duggars' affiliations with Gothard, ATI and other fundie organizations.

The Duggars like making different rounds in different Christian circles as long as they get attention and possibly make money. Boob and Mullet both know that some of the Christians that buy their books and watch the show aren't fundie types. But as long as mainstream Christians buy their books, Boob and Mullet will go to certain events to make money off of the people who are less conservative than them, but are still Christian.

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It's for some thing called "Freshly Grounded Faith" and it doesn't look particularly fundie to me. They do women's conferences only and their site says:

The Duggars are getting quite liberal if they are going to this!

Freshly Grounded? Sounds like more like someone is in trouble with mom...not a religious organization. :?

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Could it be something similar to all that dominion-stuff? Like making the USA and after that the whole world a christian nation/kingdom?

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Could it be something similar to all that dominion-stuff? Like making the USA and after that the whole world a christian nation/kingdom?

I don't think it a dominion type event. It is open to all denominations. If it was a dominion type thing it would be limited to certain denominations.

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In fairness, that's an older picture of Josie. /end defense of Duggars. She still looks odd to me, but I've never had a preemie.

Now, the Duggars dragging all of the kids all over creation, no defense. I did laugh when I read the article though. The author said they have a daughter in law and a grandchild with them. Poor Mac. She's stuck home cleaning already..

Thanks for noting it's an older pic. Hope she's OK.

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From what I can tell from the Fresh Grounded website, the Duggars cost $25 beyond the price of admission. And Jennifer R., head honcho, has a very, very lucrative thing going with these conferences.

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