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"Preparing Sons" book


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I've been able to hear a bit about the actual content of MOTH on this board; has anyone read "Preparing Sons"? I'm curious to know what it contains beyond 'pray to Jesus' and 'agree with Steve Maxwell', but not so curious that I'd actually track it down myself.

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I haven't read this one, but I looked on Amazon and you can buy a used copy (and save the difference!) for less than five bucks.

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Sorry I saw "Preparing Sons" and wanted to add "with Marsala Sauce". :P

Hmmmm, John Maxwell covered in marsala sauce and nothing else. Could be interesting.

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Hmmmm, John Maxwell covered in marsala sauce and nothing else. Could be interesting.

Stevie would be horrified if he knew how many were lusting after his son! :lol:

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Sorry I saw "Preparing Sons" and wanted to add "with Marsala Sauce". :P

I'm sure it will be a great companion book to the book on womanly submission, "To Serve Man."

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Hmmmm, John Maxwell covered in marsala sauce and nothing else. Could be interesting.

You just defrauded me big time.

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When I first visited the Maxwell site and saw the title Preparing Sons to Provide for a Single Income Family I thought it was pretty pessimistic of them to assume their sons would all wind up divorced. I was so innocent back then.

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I admit to having read it. It's an interesting read. It goes through talking about what to do with the son to prepare him to be a good worker. As you may have guessed if you've read the Maxwell blogs, it consists mostly of work and work and more work. Avoid sports and other "fun" stuff 'cause that's like feeding your kids junk food. From a young age, the focus is on trying to steer the kid away from "play" and towards "work". I don't mind training self discipline and a good work ethic, but they kind of sucked joy from being a kid. This was written before their uber fundie days (when they still went to church). It's depressing to think they've only gotten more anal attentive.

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I suppose the whole "learn self-discipline through pursuing a hobby to advanced levels" thing is lost on them?

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The Preparing Sons book is one of the titles from the Maxwells that I find interesting and would want to read to see Steve's advice on a preparing sons for one income home. Didn't Gil Bates put a similar book or DVD on the subject?

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I gave slight thought to getting this book once upon a time..obviously a delusional time. I'm raising my nephews and son, aged 15, 10, and 10. It's always been just me and the boys, so at one time I was all into books about raising good men. Luckily I read the review on this one and decided that was just not our thing..ha.

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P.S. I rather liked the preparing for single income homes because I've raised all three by myself. I love them dearly, but don't plan on living amongst legos and bunk beds forever :)

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Thanks, guys :)

So YPestis, it's mostly 'how to instill a work ethic'?

I know the book was written about a decade ago, when they were still allowed to actually interact with other people (otherwise I would have been more snarky in my assumptions of the book's content), so it's interesting to know that the 'fun is wasteful' message is still there.

And agreed, lilwriter85 and grateful1230, the basic idea is not without merit. It's just when you get to the visible details - only sons, and you will expect they'll do that, the word 'vision' (the vision YOU have for your KID's life, that is), and you must pray about everything, all the time... I'm assuming there would be other :shock: details in there, too, just can't tell from product descriptions.

Speaking of, FloraDoraDolly, shipping from sellers to Australia is ~$12 per book, and there's no 'per shipment' option, so second-hand at Amazons is not really worth it. Buuuut, I actually hadn't read the Amazons reviews before - not much there, but this is interesting:

Furthermore, we must listen to God's perspective on money...

"We are not to worry about how much income our sons can earn for their families. However, as we build the foundation of our sons' futures, we need to "count the cost" and consider that there are many important things we need to teach and train them in. If they are pleasing to the Lord, He will provide them with the income that is right for them."

One way to interpret this: If the skills we teach are pleasing to God, they'll be more employable. ... Which means if assassinations are going high, those are skills pleasing to God?

Another way, I assume the way it was meant: There's actually no way to measure your success, or whether you taught the right skills, or whether they're well employed, because whatever they get is 'right for them'. So, uh... there's no actual way to know whether this book teaches the right things. No, wait, disregard!"

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Furthermore, we must listen to God's perspective on money...

"We are not to worry about how much income our sons can earn for their families. However, as we build the foundation of our sons' futures, we need to "count the cost" and consider that there are many important things we need to teach and train them in. If they are pleasing to the Lord, He will provide them with the income that is right for them."

Urg, does this mean that the Maxwells consider wealth to be based on how much God is pleased with you? As in poor people are poor because they are not pleasing God? The Maxwells must clearly think highly of themselves because they seem to be VERY well off....be it the house (which actually seems quite spacious and nice), the bus, the computers and gadgets etc

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I suppose the whole "learn self-discipline through pursuing a hobby to advanced levels" thing is lost on them?

I was just about to say something like this. My son practices the official religion of Texas plays football. It takes a lot of hard work and commitment. There are practices, workouts, team meetings, fundraisers--it's a year-round thing even though football season is only a few months. Then there is the fact that my son has to keep his grades up to even be able to play. In the past, he's had to make choices between football and doing other things with friends and/or family. Clearly, Steve Maxwell hasn't had his kids in extracurriculars for any length of time, otherwise he'd realize all this.

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Guest Anonymous
Sorry I saw "Preparing Sons" and wanted to add "with Marsala Sauce". :P

It sounds like "To Serve Mankind", a classic Twilight Zone episode.

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Stevie would be horrified if he knew how many were lusting after his son! :lol:

See, I just don't get all hot and bothered looking at the Maxwell boys. They don't appeal to me. They look too effeminate to me, especially their round, cherubic little faces. They do seem like they're ripped, though, probably from all the exercising since that's all they're allowed to do. :D

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