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New Film from Dougie and Friends


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From the people who brought you The Monstrous Regiment of Women and Shaky Town comes the new DVD of . . .

IndoctriNation: Public Schools and the Decline of Christianity in America

Just Released — A New Film on Public Schools and The Decline of Christianity in America

Indoctrination is defined as, “to instruct in a doctrine, principle, ideology, etc., especially to imbue with a specific partisan or biased belief or point of view. †Today, nearly 90% of Christian children attend a public school. Their families have a vested interest in all that happens there. In this critically acclaimed, just-released film, join Scottish filmmaker Colin Gunn, a homeschool father of seven, on the field trip of a lifetime. Driving an old yellow school bus, Colin and family travel across America, asking questions about the origins and social impact of America’s public education system.

If you’re not ready to take a hard look at the true state of public education, you will want to avoid this unflinching and highly controversial documentary. And, if you think you already know all that’s necessary about education in America, think again. That would be a mistake!

Travel with Colin as he asks:

[*]Who established the American public school system?

[*]Are my kids physically and morally safe in the schools?

[*]Are the public schools religiously neutral?

[*]Should Christians try to be “salt and light†in public schools?

[*]Can the public school system be fixed or redeemed?

Featuring interviews with whistleblower teachers, administrators, students, parents, and others, this film is part documentary, part testimonial, and completely captivating. Hear from Samuel Blumenfeld, Col. John Eidsmoe, John Taylor Gatto, Ken Ham, Dr. Erwin Lutzer, Doug Phillips, Howard Phillips, Bruce Shortt, R.C. Sproul, Jr., Kevin Swanson, and many more. Be encouraged by what God’s Word says about the discipleship and training of the next generation.


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I am sure it will be fully unbiased and totally educational and cost way too much. Now lets look and see if vision forums children are morally and physically safe from their parents. if they have a future in the job market.

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Everyone knows that atheist Nazi communists established the idea of public schools - who else would be malicious enough to try and ensure all children got an education regardless of their parents' resources?

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I can only imagine what my dad would say watching this. He's probably this film's worst nightmare--he was a public school teacher for 34 years, teaching history without a Dougie-approved bias, who is now a college professor teaching education students . . . and he's Jewish!

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Everyone knows that atheist Nazi communists established the idea of public schools - who else would be malicious enough to try and ensure all children got an education regardless of their parents' resources?

Hee-hee - 'Nazi Communists'. Lovin' the cognitive dissonance! :dance:

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Wait, its not a "period piece?" What costumes will they use? Its just not fun if you cant dress up!

I wonder if they'll have people playing the ebil heathenz in the school scenes...

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You forgot "feminist" and "Marxist."

Only if I can pair 'feminist' with 'woman-hating' and 'Marxist' with 'capitalism'.

Look! Opposites! It's just like sitting the GRE :lol:

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Guest Anonymous
Wait, its not a "period piece?" What costumes will they use? Its just not fun if you cant dress up!

I wonder if they'll have people playing the ebil heathenz in the school scenes...

Trust me, he'll find a way. He and his interns will be tricked out in Victorian schoolmasters' garb (if you think Peter Bradrick is ugly now, wait'll you see him with muttonchops!). the few female characters will be wearing either bustles from the 1870's or skirts and blouses with high necks and leg-o-mutton sleeves. And the younger teens/older children will be tricked out as New York street urchins, outtakes from the writings of Jacob Riis.

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Trust me, he'll find a way. He and his interns will be tricked out in Victorian schoolmasters' garb (if you think Peter Bradrick is ugly now, wait'll you see him with muttonchops!). the few female characters will be wearing either bustles from the 1870's or skirts and blouses with high necks and leg-o-mutton sleeves. And the younger teens/older children will be tricked out as New York street urchins, outtakes from the writings of Jacob Riis.

I kinda see him outfitting the "thugs" in leather jackets and chains a la west side story.

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I'm so writing about that in my Fundie Family Parodies; so far I wrote Peter as a self-important, auto-erotic preacher with a martyr's complex.

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He keeps taking on opponents he knows absolutely nothing about and he loses, in spectacular fashion, each time. The harder he tries the more ridiculous and stupid he looks.

I wonder, like someone else said, how they will pull this one off without being able to dress up and role play.

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