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Where can I watch Born to breed online? (outside US)


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There was this "we tv" documentary, that featured a couple of families including Vyckie and Angel. I found it online a while ago, but can't seem to find it anymore.

I'm in Europe, so Hulu won't work unfortunately.

Thank you!!

edited because I got the channel wrong.

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Heh, I found some info about it on the Jeub Family blog: jeubfamily.com/2009/11/12/download-born-to-breed/

(Warning, the Jeub's reaction to Vyckie's experiences felt very condescending.)

Apparently you can buy the episode on iTunes for $1.99--I don't know what the international laws are regarding iTunes movies, but it's worth a try. Also check out YouTube, many people (illegally) repost episodes on there, so you might be able to see it that way, in parts.

I hope this helps!

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Thank you!

It was on youtube before, I think, but it's not anymore or I can't find it anymore. I know I did watch it once before...

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Geez. I didn't know what the copyright permissions were for other countries' iTunes accounts--that really sucks how a lot of content aren't licensed to be distributed in other countries. I'm trying to google around, but WeTV is really good about keeping the distribution clamped down.

Maybe someone should ask the Jeubs where we can watch it online from other countries and have them do the legwork for us!

Otherwise I'd advise interlibrary loan or buying it. Problem is, depends on what kind of DVD player you have, since there's also the stupid issue of different encodings for different regions. Again, for copyright protection purposes.

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Maybe someone should ask the Jeubs where we can watch it online from other countries and have them do the legwork for us!

I don't think they know. When the special first aired, they mentioned that it was on youtube, but then it was removed for copyright infringement. I think they asked if they could post a copy online and were told no by the show producers. I wouldn't mind watching it myself, but I don't love the idea of buying it. I don't really want my money (potentially) going back to Chris Jeub :(

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Delurking to suggest Filestube.com

I'm in Asia and I download a lot of my TV shows from there

It's no iTunes, but at least you're not giving away money to the Jeubs. And you could always delete it after you've finished and get your megabytes back :)

/slowly lurks back into the shadows

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