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Episcopal Church Elected A New Presiding Bishop


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Habemus papam (Episcopal version)!


The Rt. Rev. Sean Rowe, bishop of Northwest Pennsylvania and bishop provisional of Western New York, was elected June 26 by the House of Bishops to serve as the 28th presiding bishop, and his election was confirmed by the House of Deputies at the 81st General Convention.

The bishops elected Rowe on their first ballot in a closed session at Christ Episcopal Church in downtown Louisville. The result later was announced publicly in the House of Deputies’ afternoon session by House of Deputies President Julia Ayala Harris. The announcement was greeted by cheers from the standing-room-only crowd on the floor of the convention hall at the Kentucky International Convention Center.

The deputies proceeded to confirm him with a nearly unanimous majority, 95% in favor. After the confirmation vote was announced, all rose in applause. Rowe is expected to appear in the House of Deputies later in the afternoon to address the 81st General Convention.

Rowe also is scheduled to preach at General Convention’s final Holy Eucharist on June 28. He will begin his nine-year term as the public face and voice of The Episcopal Church and its chief pastor on Nov. 1, succeeding Presiding Bishop Michael Curry.

I didn't have anything against the other finalists, but I was hoping Rowe would be elected.  He's my age and seemed to have a youthful energy about him.  Being the leader of the Episcopal Church is a demanding job so I was looking at someone young and in good health, and willing to continue with the general direction of the church. 

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