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Pretty Jill!!!!


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I saw the thread title and thought that Jill had started courting, got into proper nursing school, repudiated fundamentalism or something. Disappointed now!

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I saw the thread title and thought that Jill had started courting, got into proper nursing school, repudiated fundamentalism or something. Disappointed now!

^ this. She looks nice, but this photo doesn't deserve the excited title. Jill gets pregnant out of wedlock is OMG!!!!!!!11!!!!-worth, not that pic.

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Me too! I was hoping she had entered a real college. I have always thought she was pretty, but looked very young with the braces. The Duggar girls don't all resemble each other, but all of them are attractive. Who is the girl with Jill?

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Ok I changed it. Sorry. I did not think... next time I'll keep it in mind lol.

Jill pregnant out of wedlock would be epic. My brothers going to attempt to court Jessa.

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Jill was the awkward one for a long time (imo). Jana has that all-American, corn-fed pretty look and then Jessa and Jinger are just gorgeous. It's kind of a relief to see that Jill is outgrowing the awkward phase.

The Duggar teens are all kinda pimply. Are they waiting for a Proactiv sponsorship? It must be brutal to be on TV with acne and oil slicks on your face. There are so many affordable and effective treatments now.

edited because face and phase are not the same word, wtf was I thinking?

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Jill was the awkward one for a long time (imo). Jana has that all-American, corn-fed pretty look and then Jessa and Jinger are just gorgeous. It's kind of a relief to see that Jill is outgrowing the awkward phase.

The Duggar teens are all kinda pimply. Are they waiting for a Proactiv sponsorship? It must be brutal to be on TV with acne and oil slicks on your phase. There are so many affordable and effective treatments now.

At some point you just grow used to having acne and don't really think about it. I don't think the Duggar kids are all that worried about it. to me, the worst part of having acne was a) having it in fourth grade and b) my mother obsessing over it. Once I got to high school, everyone else got acne and left me alone.

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Guest Anonymous

My daughter is 11 and in sixth grade and all of sudden this past summer she started breaking out all over her nose. Inside I was freaking out because I figured this was something we would deal with in high school or at least junior high but I never made it a huge deal around her. I just stocked up on Stridex pads and a really good face wash.

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Sixth grade is middle school in many areas - it's totally the time that I and most of my friends started breaking out. Just remember that teen (or preteen) skin is not the same as adult skin - stuff that I wouldn't use now, like Apricot Scrub, was totally a lifesaver at that age. I also remember that switching up skin products was helpful and even necessary back then, so don't be surprised if products stop working. When I was teen my mother introduced me to the Glycolic Cleanser from Serious Skincare, and that gave me good skin for the rest of high school.

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My son is almost out of his teens and he still has acne. He has tried "everything", including topical antibiotics. Nothing works and it is a very emotionally draining problem. Yet being on TV and having that same problem would be a million times worse. I think it is largely genetic for most people and I always assume that teens (and adults) with acne have done everything possible to try and heal it.

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My son is almost out of his teens and he still has acne. He has tried "everything", including topical antibiotics. Nothing works and it is a very emotionally draining problem. Yet being on TV and having that same problem would be a million times worse. I think it is largely genetic for most people and I always assume that teens (and adults) with acne have done everything possible to try and heal it.

I had horrible acne up until I was 18. I still break out a bit occasionally, but it's nowhere near as bad as it used to be. And I tried Accutane and it didn't work.

Acne is often hormonal, so a change in diet would help. Another thing that's frustrating as hell to me is the American obsession with cleanliness- it's generally not necessary to shower every single day, and drown your skin in harsh chemicals possibly multiple times a day. Unless his skin and hair are that oily, he's just REALLY screwing up his skin and only aggravating the acne. Don't worry, he won't smell unless he sweats a lot. Also, use warm water instead of hot water. Dry skin also aggravates acne. I didn't realize any of this until I was 18. I think hormones finally worked in my favor then. Technically, your son is still adolescent. Give him a year or two.

As for the Duggars, I can barely notice their acne. It's likely that they don't really care. I had much worse acne and I stopped caring in high school, because everyone had acne- some of them even worse than I did.

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My daughter is 11 and in sixth grade and all of sudden this past summer she started breaking out all over her nose. Inside I was freaking out because I figured this was something we would deal with in high school or at least junior high but I never made it a huge deal around her. I just stocked up on Stridex pads and a really good face wash.

In my case it was totally associated with starting getting periods... so does not surprise me, and if it hasn't happened yet, it's really time to be on the look out for those!

It was such a horrible time. I also got some type of gigantic dandruff coming out of my scalp some months before it started. and my hair! oily! argh.

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Ugh, I started getting acne in fifth grade! It was never more than one pimple at a time, but the pimple I had always seemed to be HUGE. My skin slowly got worse over time--from ages 16 to 18 or so, I had lots of little bumps along my right cheek and chin--and I started taking a prescription antibiotic (can't remember the name). Eventually, either it worked or my skin grew out of its adolescent angst. Now, at 34, I rarely break out. I still have combination skin (oily in the t-zone, normal on cheeks), but I wash my face only once a day and just rinse with water at night. More washing seems to dry it out.

I would have wanted to look like Jessa when I was a preteen and teen, but I find Jana cutest now. She just looks sweet.

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I still have acne and I'm 19 :( I'm fine for the most part, but break out really bad whenever I am stressed, like assessment time (right now :().

I don't think the Duggars have acne problems...just normal skin for their age.

Pro Activ does not work. Or at least, it didn't for me. It was way to strong.

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In the Duggar girls' case the culprit may be too much heavy makeup, and their foreheads could be breaking out from all the gunk they use in their hair.

Joy is at prime acne age, yet her skin looks clear. She doesn't wear all the makeup or use all the hair products her sisters do.

Just a thought...

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The black blazers are from the Peru trip last mid-June/mid-July.

Now that Joy is leaning out, when I saw her that emaciated horse I saw Jill at the same age, sans the prairie wear.

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I still have acne and I'm 19 :( I'm fine for the most part, but break out really bad whenever I am stressed, like assessment time (right now :().

I don't think the Duggars have acne problems...just normal skin for their age.

Pro Activ does not work. Or at least, it didn't for me. It was way to strong.

Pro Activ did nothing for me whatsoever. Tried it for a month. Didn't work for my sister either, and her acne was mild, normal teenager acne.

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