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Doomsday Redux: Prophet Says World Will End Friday


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Well, I'd be glad to not have to finish the shitload of work I have to do, but Friday isn't a good day for the apocalypse for me. I have a special lunch to attend, and we're attending services at a new synagogue that night. (Lina and TT would be jellus.)

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Well its kid day on friday (t&a's mainly, lots of sinus surgeries...) so no doubt I so won't know if I have went to hell or not.

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Well its kid day on friday (t&a's mainly, lots of sinus surgeries...) so no doubt I so won't know if I have went to hell or not.

Please tell me that t&a's are tonsils and adenoids and not tits and asses :lol:

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Please tell me that t&a's are tonsils and adenoids and not tits and asses :lol:

LoL...yes! though I see a lot of those too!

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Ooooh, I'm in on the Ben and Jerry's!

Will the end be in the morning, afternoon, or evening? Should I even bother showering and getting dressed on Friday?

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Awww, hell. I just made an appointment to get my hair trimmed and colored on Friday. I guess the world will be over before my appointment. What a shame to be raptured with roots.

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Dadgummit Friday is not good for me! I've got fun stuff planned for the weekend and the new sneakers I just ordered haven't arrived yet.

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Oh good. I won't have to do laundry or grocery shop again.

I think this is about the 25th "It's the end of the world as we know it" I've seen since I was cognizant of the idea. It hasn't happened, and I feel fine.

I can't wait for the insanity to ensue next December when the Mayan calendar "ends". That's going to make for some crazy end times festivities.

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SWEET, my only employee is off on Friday and I am stuck by myself all day, if the world ends and the "blessed" are taken up to wherever, then I can just go home and drink beer!


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Aww, crap--can't it at least wait till next week? My kitchen remodel will be done by then.

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Nope, sorry, Friday won't work for me. I am running from sun up to sun down (or should that be son up :doh: ) with running kids to Dr. appts, volunteering and then more errands for family. I also will have the youngest home all day and I don't want him rapturing while we are clearing trash and stinking from who knows what. Nope, maybe next week.

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Camping had...a modified prediction. "Probably," he said, "there will be no pain suffered by anyone because of their rebellion against God." Unbelievers might just fall asleep and never wake up.

Woot! I lubs me a good nap...as long as I get to wear my favorite jammies. Guess I just won't get dressed that morning...:D

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Woot! I lubs me a good nap...as long as I get to wear my favorite jammies. Guess I just won't get dressed that morning...:D

:lol: My thoughts exactly. Now all I have to do is decide which pajamas to wear.

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Ugh, it is filtering down to the children. My 7 yo told me that his friend at school said that the world is going to end tomorrow and his 9 yo sister said, "No, that's Friday. And it isn't going to happen because it would be on the news if it were." But they still seem worried. I told them that some people think something like that might happen on Friday, but the same people thought it was going to happen last May.

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