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NYT Op-ed Fundy/Evangelicals reject reason (MERGED)


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The rejection of science seems to be part of a politically monolithic red-state fundamentalism, textbook evidence of an unyielding ignorance on the part of the religious. As one fundamentalist slogan puts it, “The Bible says it, I believe it, that settles it.†But evangelical Christianity need not be defined by the simplistic theology, cultural isolationism and stubborn anti-intellectualism that most of the Republican

Does anyone know where this hatred of science comes from? There really is no reason why a Christian can't accept evolution as fact and Genesis as an analogy.

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Does anyone know where this hatred of science comes from? There really is no reason why a Christian can't accept evolution as fact and Genesis as an analogy.

I am interested to know this as well.

My theory/opinion is that in Evangelical/fundie circles, you must believe the Bible LITERALLY, as 100% fact. So the human race did, in fact begin with only two people, two guys were thrown into a furnace and not burned (Daniel), and a woman got turned into a pillar of salt for waving good by (Lot's Wife) to name a few things. Looking at the Bible literally removes any meaning, it reduces scripture to mere fact with no substance behind it.

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We have a thread on this issue, although I think that it has been hidden away on page two. Maybe the moderator will join threads so that the discussion can continue. It is an interesting article.

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We have a thread on this issue, although I think that it has been hidden away on page two. Maybe the moderator will join threads so that the discussion can continue. It is an interesting article.

Oops! I looked for a thread about this, but missed it. As you were, everyone.

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