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Creationist Teacher Accused of Burning Crosses Into ....


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http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-504083_162- ... e1.channel

MOUNT VERNON, Ohio (CBS) John Freshwater may not believe in evolution, but the Ohio middle school teacher accused of teaching that gays are sinners and burning crosses into students' arms, is on the verge of being naturally selected out of the classroom.

Freshwater, a Mount Vernon Middle School science teacher, admits burning the students but says it wasn't part of any religious statement, but part of a science experiment he had done a hundred times in his 21 years of teaching, according to The Columbus Dispatch.

The hearing has been on and off for 15 months, on whether Freshwater will be be fired. The Mount Vernon School Board voted to fire him in 2008 after the allegations first came to light, but state law entitled him to the hearing.

Photo: John Freshwater enters the hearing room Oct. 2008.

Some parents have voiced outrage that the teacher allegedly handed out surveys to students asking how important religion is to them. Freshwater initially denied it, but when he was shown two of the completed surveys during the hearing, he responded "it appears like you have gone through my room and taken some stuff," the paper reported.

Among the other allegations are that the teacher repeatedly told students that science wasn't fact and pushed a creationist agenda. He is also accused of citing a study that posited the possibility of a gene for homosexuality as an example of the fallibility of science, according to The New York Times.

"Science is wrong," Mr. Freshwater was reported as saying, "because the Bible states that homosexuality is a sin, and so anyone who is gay chooses to be gay and is therefore a sinner."

The controversy has divided the small town near Columbus. After he was suspended without pay, many students showed up at school wearing t-shirts with "I support Mr. Freshwater — God" on the front.

The school district settled a lawsuit in Aug. 2008 with the parents of one student, Zachary Dennis, who says that Freshwater burned him with a coil, and agreed to pay his family $5,502 and their attorneys $115,500. Certainly, the lawyers' prayers were answered.

The hearing is scheduled to wrap up Friday, Jan. 22, but a decision on Freshwater's fate isn't expected for a few months after that.

WHAT DO YOU THINK? Does Freshwater have a right to bring his religious views into the classroom or did he go too far?

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This is an old story. I think it was discussed at length on the Yuku FJ.

This link says the teacher settled a civil suit with the family of one student in 2008. (I'm not sure how long ago the incidents actually happened).

Apparently the current hearing is about his employment (?) I'm not sure why that is still up in the air at this late date.

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Some parents have voiced outrage that the teacher allegedly handed out surveys to students asking how important religion is to them. Freshwater initially denied it, but when he was shown two of the completed surveys during the hearing, he responded "it appears like you have gone through my room and taken some stuff," the paper reported.

So, he is a liar also. Anything that he says should be suspect because of that lie. I've known of some evangelicals(and I am not saying this is the majority of them) who don't consider it wrong to lie to win converts to Christ.

The controversy has divided the small town near Columbus. After he was suspended without pay, many students showed up at school wearing t-shirts with "I support Mr. Freshwater — God" on the front.

I don't understand this but I've seen it before. People will support certain people just because they belong to their particular group. Mr Fresthwater does not speak for his god and he is not being persecuted for his beliefs.

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I kind of wondered if had been discussed on yuku FJ. A friend of mine who is apart of an atheist group sent me this last night.

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I kind of wondered if had been discussed on yuku FJ. A friend of mine who is apart of an atheist group sent me this last night.

It is odd that this is still even up in the air at this late date, as far as the employment hearing. If I were guessing, I would say that the longer it can drag out, the more likelihood the guy keeps pension or keeps accruing pension (pure guess).

Teachers in public schools should be required to respect all students, and to abide by normal society's expected mores of common decency. Many MANY years ago, I personally spent an entire school year in the classroom of a teacher who repeatedly and constantly ridiculed anyone who he found out claimed to be Christian. It was a horrible, miserable year that left (emotional) marks for a long time. Sort of the opposite of this story.

Both are equally wrong, and should not be tolerated. Back in the day, absolutely nothing was done about my experience. Perhaps the fact that this current case even exists is a step in the right direction in accountability toward common decency.

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A creationist science teacher sounds like a educational nightmare even without the other freaky crap.

How can any sane person support this?

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This happened about 40 miles from where I live so I kept up on it. Knowing the community inasmuch as I do, most of them probably are just fine with a creationist science teacher. Unfortunately. It's not exactly a progressive place.

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This " I reject your reality and substitute my own" thinking is what got me following fundiedom.

Frightening is that they ideally want to impose their reality on everyone else.

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