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Treasures from a Shoebox vs. Pop culture


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Treasures from a Shoebox

Courageous Movie Tip: Go LATE! Yep; that's right. Our movie time was 8:30 PM. We arrived at 8:15 and were subjected to 15 minutes of pure garbage before the really bad stuff began; trailers (15 more minutes!). No, I don't watch TV. Yes, I am sheltered (I like it that way!). Do they REALLY think Jack the Ripper previews are gonna attract Courageous move-goers??? Arrive 13 minutes late and spare yourself.

Like · · Share · October 3 at 6:59pm ·


I love whoever decided to put those previews there. Thank you, thank you.

COMMENTER: I know, right??!! I don't remember them advertising that (though, I guess they are the same at all theaters) ...but it advertised the SAME movie FOUR times ...and it said a swear word and showed a couple in bed together .... I was with 64 of my church members and youth! I wanted to stand up and shout "COVER YOUR EARS AND EYES!" ...and I, too, wondered why they were showing such at a Christian movie.....a waste of their money, if you ask me. Have you heard how the movie has done so far?

because not everyone is as extreme as you. also, for the lolz.

I mean, I didn't (and won't) see "Cowardly" but I'm sure there's a fraction of the demographic that doesn't immediate flip out upon a glimpse of a couple sharing the same bed. At least I hope so. Also I would have paid money to see her to stand up and yell that.

Treasures from a Shoebox: Jennafer; me neither! They were promoting some new TV show called The Big Bang Theory. DUMB! Three of our daughters are going tomorrow afternoon to see the movie; we told them to arrive 13 minutes late and close their eyes till the movie actually starts. Nicole; that must be fun picking out your friends. Some friends of ours played in Pendragon and we found those scenes and slowed them down, just for fun. :)

October 3 at 7:14pm · Like

That's one of my favorite shows currently. Makes me smile a bit she thinks its dumb. (Also, I think its been on since 2007 so its not exactly new.)

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:lol: I can pick what one I like best, the person who's proud of being sheltered, the person who wanted to stand up and yell, or the people telling their daughters to close their eyes until the movie starts.

edited 'cause 'd' and 's' are right next to each other on the keyboard.

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I spect she has no idea what the show involves but is going on the name - because anyone who believes the evil socialist liberal communist goddammed hippie unsaved scientists about the origins of the universe is obviously stupid.

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Umm....it's a movie theater. You don't go without expecting to see previews. If it bothers you that much, go to the bathroom, close your eyes, or use the time to buy popcorn. Or do all of the above at the same time. I personally dislike previews as well, especially if they showed the same one four times. But at the same time, I go to the theater understanding that I will have to put up with this. Not a big deal: you can bring a book and flashlight (I don't think people would mind during the previews as long as you shut off the light for the movie.)

Seriously, who goes to the theater NOT expecting this?

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They are stuck in a paradox. They want their Christian movies to be accepted in mainstream theatres, but they don't want to have to catch a glimpse of an actual mainstream movie while in that theatre.

Norman! coordinate!!

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My mom called me last night and told me that one of the women at church told her to go see Courageous because it was a wonderful movie. She wanted me to go with her, I said uh no, I'm not interested. But it's a good movie with old fashioned values. No thanks Mom.

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Guest Anonymous

Cheryl is so far removed from her own life she can't even take the time to know what sizes of clothes her sons wear, its up to her daughter to keep her informed. IMHO her feedback on pop culture should have been delegated to her elder daughter along with the boys clothing needs.

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Cheryl is so far removed from her own life she can't even take the time to know what sizes of clothes her sons wear, its up to her daughter to keep her informed. IMHO her feedback on pop culture should have been delegated to her elder daughter along with the boys clothing needs.

I just read that. Why isn't Cheryl raising her own children? Furthermore, why isn't she homeschooling them?

I am so.damn.sick of these lazy assed heifers forcing their daughters to do THEIR jobs. She claims Stephanie took over (at the ripe old age of 11) when she (Cheryl) got sick. WHY? Why did it seem acceptable to her that an 11 year old would take on the care of the family. 11 year olds are NOT meant to be mothers. She still needed someone to care for her. That aside, Cheryl isn't sick anymore. Why has she not resumed her parental responsibilities?

She's even responsible for making her father's lunch. WHY????????????????? :evil:

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Guest Anonymous

I just read that. Why isn't Cheryl raising her own children? Furthermore, why isn't she homeschooling them?

I am so.damn.sick of these lazy assed heifers forcing their daughters to do THEIR jobs. She claims Stephanie took over (at the ripe old age of 11) when she (Cheryl) got sick. WHY? Why did it seem acceptable to her that an 11 year old would take on the care of the family. 11 year olds are NOT meant to be mothers. She still needed someone to care for her. That aside, Cheryl isn't sick anymore. Why has she not resumed her parental responsibilities?

She's even responsible for making her father's lunch. WHY????????????????? :evil:

TY Koala, I was afraid I would be alone when my head exploded over this idiot. And yes I pushed submit before I raised the issue about the homeschooling. She pawned it off on the kid and thats where it stayed. But she still has the chutzpah to claim she is a home schooler.

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Here is what made my head asplode.

She mentions that year round homeschooling is more Godly than homeschooling during the normal school year and gives this as a justification:

Deuteronomy 6:4-9

King James Version (KJV)

4Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD:

5And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.

6And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart:

7And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.

8And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes.

9And thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates.


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This is awsome. I mean, they tell their kids to close their eyes so as to escape unhealthy doses of sex and violence...and the kids actually OBEY. And voluntarily miss unhealthy doses of sex and violence.


How do they do it? Is it divine inspiration? Blanket-training?

I am agog.

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I love Big Bang Theory also and I hardly think that a show that mentions Schrodinger's cat is dumb.

"The whole universe was in a hot dense state then nearly 14 billion years ago expansion started- wait!"

GREAT show! If you've never treated yourself to the entire opening song you should. You get double points if you're a Barenaked Ladies fan.


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I love Big Bang Theory also and I hardly think that a show that mentions Schrodinger's cat is dumb.

Fortunately, we have a daily episode on telly. I absolutely love the show, it is brilliant!!

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Because I desperately need the extra money, I've been doing a little mystery shopping. The company that I shop for also does trailer checks, so for $7 I got to watch the trailers for "Courageous" to report back that they are showing the correct ones and whatnot. Unfortunately I don't get to stay for the movie :P. I thought it was quite interesting that ALL the trailers for "Courageous" were kids' movies aka "family friendly." I do think that "Puss in Boots" looks great, btw. But it's pretty telling about the "Courageous" audience -- people who are offended by anything rated above PG.

Before the official trailers are various commercials and "sneak peaks" and whatnot. That was when they advertised for The Big Bang Theory. I've never seen the show, and it just looks dumb to me quite honestly, but that's just my taste. I'm not offended that they dare show a commercial for it.

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I puffy heart the person who chose to show the Big Bang Theory promo before this movie. Hilarious!

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Keep good things going for BBT. My step brother has worked on the show since it's start. Makes a good living.

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