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Mark Driscoll says God hates me.


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http://www.jesusneedsnewpr.net/mark-dri ... hates-you/

"Some of you, God hates you. Some of you, God is sick of you. God is frustrated with you. God is wearied by you. God has suffered long enough with you. He doesn’t think you’re cute. He doesn’t think it’s funny. He doesn’t think your excuse is “meritous†[the word he's looking for there is "meritorious]. He doesn’t care if you compare yourself to someone worse than you, He hates them too. God hates, right now, personally, objectively hates some of you."

If people are looking for what's wrong with neo-Calvinism, look no further.

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"Some of you, God hates you. Some of you, God is sick of you. God is frustrated with you. God is wearied by you. God has suffered long enough with you. He doesn’t think you’re cute. He doesn’t think it’s funny. He doesn’t think your excuse is “meritous†[the word he's looking for there is "meritorious]. He doesn’t care if you compare yourself to someone worse than you, He hates them too. God hates, right now, personally, objectively hates some of you."

If people are looking for what's wrong with neo-Calvinism, look no further.

Fundie god is a real asshole, isn't he? Also, how can something be both personal and objective? :think:

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I've been involved in online discussion in which the Calvinist claimed that they did not believe that their god loved everyone. I've also been told that Jesus did not die for everyone.

Mark Driscoll is expressing a sentiment very similar to Westboro Baptist Church. LIke many people, he is probably quick to denounce WBC as not being representative of his faith. But unlike most Christians, he can't claim that he worships a god of love. His god and the WBC's god is very similar. The only difference is that Driscoll isn't holding up signs calling people names. He is just as hate filled as the Phelps.

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I've been involved in online discussion in which the Calvinist claimed that they did not believe that their god loved everyone. I've also been told that Jesus did not die for everyone.

I have heard that too. I think the first time was from Harold Camping (surprise, surprise). Apparently "all" is not actually defined as "all".

I don't know what to think of Mark Driscoll. His "Religion Saves" book was a pretty decent opposition to legalism (including QF legalism) but more and more he seems to be making his living by being in-your-face and super aggressive.

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I've been involved in online discussion in which the Calvinist claimed that they did not believe that their god loved everyone. I've also been told that Jesus did not die for everyone.

What does he/she do with John 3:16, Deb? Does "the world" not really mean "the world"?

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Not surprising that a hateful person like Driscoll would worship a hating God.

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What does he/she do with John 3:16, Deb? Does "the world" not really mean "the world"?

Mainly, I just read the online conversations. My experience was that Calvinists ignore verses that opposed their view point. Instead of a serious discussion, they simply throw a few verses back at the questioner. Bringing up John 3:16 would not make them actually look at the verse or explain how it fits into their theology. They simply respond with a list of verses that support their beliefs and never actually answer questions.

A couple of the members on this board are Calvinist. Maybe they can give a good response for how John 3:16 fits into their theology.

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And are these the same churches, like the one Mr. Driscoll heads, that wonder why their young people are leaving the fold in droves?

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Dear "Pastor" Mark,

I hear your God hates me. Well, I hate you, so I guess we're even.


A liberal non-Calvinist who believes John 3:16 refers to the whole world, not just those who I like on a given day.

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Wait wait wait -- was there anything after that? Any mention of old 2hat's-His-name .... Jesus of Nazareth, the Chrsit, the Son of the Living God?

Did Driscoll point out how God's hate of sin is ameliorated - nay, washed away! - by Jesus' works???????????

Seriously, I'd like to know, because I only have so much time left on this earth (3 minutes or 30 years, who knows) and can't spend it looking at a Driscoll page. Thanks seriously in advance kbai!

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This is why I would never take my kids to one of these churches. I would be heartbroken if one of them were told something like this. When I was a little girl, a woman pulled me aside in church and told me I was going to hell and there was nothing I could do about it, because my parents are divorced.

Hey, Mark, you asshole, does God hate kids, too?

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How does Mark Driscoll know who God hates? Only I know that. Wait, hold on, I've got a signal coming in from upstairs. Okay, God told me he hates Mark Driscoll. And also, God wants Mark to come out of the closet and stop pretending.

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How does Mark Driscoll know who God hates? Only I know that. Wait, hold on, I've got a signal coming in from upstairs. Okay, God told me he hates Mark Driscoll.

I love that he writes "some of you" instead of "some of us."

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I love that he writes "some of you" instead of "some of us."

Good catch! Of course "God" loves him some Driscoll.

I have a few standards. One of them is "Don't be evil." Another is, "Don't worship assholes." If God is like Mark Driscoll says he is, well, then, I don't think he'll be too incredibly surprised when I give him a hearty Fuck You at the Last Judgment.

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Wait wait wait -- was there anything after that? Any mention of old 2hat's-His-name .... Jesus of Nazareth, the Chrsit, the Son of the Living God?

Did Driscoll point out how God's hate of sin is ameliorated - nay, washed away! - by Jesus' works???????????

Seriously, I'd like to know, because I only have so much time left on this earth (3 minutes or 30 years, who knows) and can't spend it looking at a Driscoll page. Thanks seriously in advance kbai!


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(Click the picture to go to the story.)

Apparently, though the Bible tells me Jesus loves me (and this I know), Mark Driscoll knows better. God is sick of me and my cuteness. Also my funny.


I puffy <3 TPJ.

He hates me too...I had no idea Jesus was a member of the TEA party...

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You'da thought the Wine Party, wouldn't you? It is the only beverage mentioned in the Scriptures. (Does that mean it is all I should drink?)

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So much for Jesus always looking for that one lost sheep. Forget it. He hates the little fleecy asshole anyway.

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So much for Jesus always looking for that one lost sheep. Forget it. He hates the little fleecy asshole anyway.


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What shocks me is that people follow Mark Driscoll. Part of the problem is that some Christians ignore the first four gospels and concentrate too much on Paul. Everything Jesus-the actual founder-wrote can be ignored. That is why you don't see more modern American fundies writing articles on the importance of helping the poor(Unless it is to convert them)

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So true Debrand!! I went with my husband to church this past week and ALL I heard was "we need to forget about all this LOVE business and focus on the "justice of God" with scripture after scripture after scripture reference from Paul. I really dislike Paul. But I'm not a Christian, so I can say that! :) It would more aptly be called "Paulianity"!

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