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Bitch Magazine disects the Cult of Bibical Womanhood


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I love the tags to the article (I have not even got past them yet), especially the bolded:

bullshit, Christianity, compulsory heterosexuality, conservative women, heterosexism, jesus, oh my freaking god, puritansm, religion, songs, songs about weddings, The Bible, weddings.

He he.

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I love that they are covering these topics! First the Bokinettes and SAHDs and now this! I mean, they obviously aren't mainstream but Bitch magazine is well known on my campus, especially among Women's Studies students (obviously). Hopefully, more people will become more aware of dangers of fundamentalist Christianity and stop shrugging it off as a harmless relic that has no effect on real people today.

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Good article!

But now I've got that song, "How Beautiful", playing in my head and what's disturbing about it is that I know multiple verses :shock:

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I usually try to avoid feminist blog sites, because more often than not, they end up triggering my paranoia (really long story as to why), but this seemed interesting so I broke my rule and clicked it.

And now I wish I didn't, but only because I have "How Beautiful" stuck in my head now. D: Otherwise, it was a very interesting read.

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Very interesting and good for them for bringing it up.

Lol at the Bebo Norman reference. When I was in high school, he was super popular with the youth pastor-y crowd who desperately wanted to appear hip and relevant.

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