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Political Memes, Comics, and other Shenanigans, Part 15


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"A Trumpian Oath"


Remember when people protesting war or American involvement in the Middle East would chant, “No blood for oil?” How quaint, right? Now, Donald Trump might ask, “How much oil?”

When you serve in the U.S. military, you go without question. You obey orders. And you serve your Commander in Chief, no matter if you like, love, or loathe him. No matter if he’s a veteran himself or a draft dodger. Now, it doesn’t even matter if your Commander in Chief is a bone-spur citing draft dodger who feuds with Gold Star families and P.O.W.’s while claiming they’re not heroes. Now, it doesn’t matter if your Commander in Chief is selling your ass to the highest bidder.

When you’re a parent and you watch your kid go into the military, while hoping they serve with dignity and pray for their safety, you also hope their Commander in Chief has good judgment that places their lives in danger. You hope their Commander is worthy of being their Commander in Chief. You hope their Commander in Chief isn’t a treasonous and corrupt dumbass.

During the presidential campaign of 2016, Donald Trump, who is now our Commander in Chief (sic) decried George W. Bush for not taking all of Iraq’s oil, demonstrating a serious lack of understanding the purpose of our military.

After calling for pulling troops out of Syria, Donald Trump as Commander in Chief (sic) changed his mind and allowed a few to remain to “protect the oil.”

Donald Trump has demanded that South Korea pay more, not just a larger share of defense cost, but to the U.S. for American troops to stay in that nation. Or what? As Commander in Chief (sic), he’ll pull them out?

Now, Donald Trump is boasting that he, as Commander in Chief (sic), got Saudi Arabia, a very repressive nation that is not a democracy or one that shares any of our values, to pay $1 billion for the increased troops he’s sending to that nation.

Talking to Laura Ingraham on Fox News, because he’s afraid of real journalists and news outlets, Trump said he told Saudi Arabia, “Listen, you’re a very rich country. You want more troops? I’m going to send them to you, but you’ve got to pay us. They’re paying us. They’ve already deposited $1 billion in the bank.”

Of course, nobody knows which bank that is or has accounted for that statement. It may be as whimsical as Trump’s “four embassies” comment. Also, we need to see Trump’s taxes and other financial statements because, how do we know he’s not getting some of that money? This is Donald Trump we’re talking about here. He’s corrupt.

If you’re a parent of a service member, do you honestly trust that your kid’s life isn’t on the line for Donald Trump’s pocketbook? Do you trust this man isn’t using your child as his own personal mercenary? It’s not like any of his kids are putting their asses on the line.

Whether it’s personal or not, the United States military is not to be used as mercenaries. Donald Trump is not worthy of being Commander in Chief. No blood for oil? How about, no blood for Trump?

Unfortunately, Donald Trump is Commander in Chief. And that’s just sick.


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Fun with white people


A lot of people are pointing out that the most diverse field of presidential candidates in one party isn’t so diverse anymore. That was painfully obvious at last night’s debate in Iowa.

While there was still diversity on the stage with two women, one gay candidate, and one really old white Jewish guy, there was no ethnic diversity. Kamala Harris dropped out weeks ago. Cory Booker dropped out this week and he didn’t qualify for the last debate. Andrew Yang is still in the race but he didn’t qualify for last night’s debate.

Why would the party of diversity, whose supporters don’t go around marching with tiki torches chanting “Jews will not replace us” and “blood and soil” disregard so many non-white candidates? And the way it appears to be going, the party is going to settle on a really old white guy, and not the Jewish one.

Seriously, Democrats. What’s up with that? At the very least, you could have supported one of the black candidates through the first primary.

While you and I can dig at the Democratic Party of letting us down on diversity, the people who can’t criticize are Republicans. Seriously, GOP. Look at yourself.

There is a serious lack of diversity in the Trump administration. The only black representation in the cabinet is Ben Carson and the highest ranking in the White House WAS senior adviser Omarosa. Seriously, Republicans? The two best Americans with a dark skin tone you could find in your party was Ben Carson and Omarosa? C’mon! Trump does have one Latino and one Asian in his cabinet, but do they count if one gave Jeffrey Epstein a sweetheart sentencing deal and the other is married to Mitch McConnell?

Every group photo that comes out of the White House has white upon white in it. And the funny thing is, nobody in the White House seems to notice. Each of those photos demonstrates that Donald Trump is not president for all of America and he has no desire to be. Donald Trump is only president (sic) for white America, and for that matter, only racist-white America. Who was he talking to when he said, “Send them back?”

Even in Congress, the GOP only has one African-American in the Senate and just one in the House (who’s retiring). While they do have 13 women in the House, the Democrats have 89 (in case you’re a Republican, 89 is a greater value than 13). The Republican Party talks a lot about diversity, but they’re only talking about it to their white members.

But tell you what, Republicans. Go ahead and crack on Democrats for their “lack of diversity.” I’ll let it go if you can tell me the last time your party made an African-American or a woman your presidential nominee.


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"To Solemnly Lickspittle"


I spent last Thursday morning nauseous and queasy from food poisoning. This morning, I was looking up photos of Senate Republicans, so yeah…another Thursday morning feeling nauseous and queasy.

Senate Republicans have already abandoned the oath they swore to when they took office. You know, that quaint idea of protecting and defending the United States of America from all forms of aggression, foreign and domestic. Because with Donald Trump, our nation’s received forms for aggression, foreign and domestic. How have Senate Republicans responded to it? They’ve all rolled over for belly rubs.

On the 2016 campaign trail, Donald Trump gave loyalty oaths at his hate rallies. He defended the practice from comparisons to the oaths Hitler demanded as “fun.” Republicans in Congress haven’t had a problem with the oath, at least not since the election. Before Trump was elected was another matter.

Lindsey Graham said of Trump, “He’s a race-baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot,” and “You know how you make America great again? Tell Donald Trump to go to hell.” Now, he promises not to be a fair juror in Trump’s impeachment trial which is starting next week and said “I’ve clearly made up my mind, I’m not trying to hide the fact that I have disdain for the accusations and the process.”

Ted Cruz called Trump a “pathological liar” and a “sniveling coward” after Trump retweeted a meme comparing the beauty between their wives. Now, he’s defending coming to a conclusion before the trial.

Marco Rubio said, “No senator can be impartial.” Back in 2016, he was making fun of the size of Trump’s penis.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has resisted calling witnesses, despite new ones coming out every day stating how Trump was trying to bribe a foreign leader to help his reelection. McConnell is totally coordinating the trial with the White House.

This morning, Senate Republicans are going to take an impeachment oath they’ve already promised to break. You can argue that Democrats are doing the same, but at least they can base their opinion that Trump is guilty on the fact that all the witnesses, documents, and facts support that Trump is guilty.

And the Republicans who are promising to be openminded will only do so if they don’t have to hear any more witnesses or evidence against Trump. The only way this could be any worse would be if we found out later that one of the Senators was helping Trump bribe Ukraine. But fortunately, the guy who did that in Congress is in the House.

The impeachment trial of Donald Trump beings next week and should continue for two more. But this morning, Republicans will get a head start by swearing on an oath they don’t have any intention to follow. At the same time, they don’t have any intention of representing the United States.

Creative note: Can’t recognize all the Republicans and wanna give up? Here you go. Left to right (top row); Tom Cotton, Rand Paul, Rick Scott, Joni Ernst, Jerry Moran, Ben Sasse (bottom row) Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, Ted Cruz, Cindy Hyde-Smith, John Kennedy (very bottom) Marco Rubio.


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