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God's Daughter interviewed a real winner this time

Lady Elaine

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Josiah can't wait to take dominion and be the man of the house. He also doesn't understand why women put all that flour and junk on their faces.


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My 14-year-old cousin looks more mature than Master Josiah (yeah, I know, puberty is a bitch, but still...). And I am a little bit confused about answer 24...is that a simple their/they're mistake in the 2nd sentence or am I getting something wrong? And anyhow, we don't have to prove anything because we're pretty? What about the wenches who don't fit the definition of "pretty" (like...me)?

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Im not going to lie some of his answers made me lol like his future girl he wants her to garden and be tough as nails and shes like what do you think of girls posting guys pictures on their blog and he answered I gave you my picture.. Jk so kind of sarcastic. I could see him changing his tune as he gets older and not so into the dundie stuff which he comes off as more evangelical fundy lite than full on fundy.

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Eh,he had some sense regarding modesty, all that about it's really a matter of moderation and attitude and it's his responsibility to keep his thoughts pure.. That said, some of his answers were incomprehensible--he'snot always clear in expressing himself.

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18) Is there anything that you would appreciate girls doing differently in order to help you maintain your purity?

It's not their responsibility.

I'm not gonna lie - I read this and first thought was, "FINALLY."

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a girl can cover herself all she wants, but if she is trying to attract the wrong kind of attention, or even wearing it with the wrong attitude, it will always show through all that material, and will not make her any more modest than if she were *almost* wearing *something* as is so often portrayed as the cultural norm.

So, essentially, women can be covered up and still be immodest to you. Or they can be half naked and be modest? The only answer that is really acceptable here is "I really should not purpose to tell another human being what they can or can not wear."

It is always a temptation for us to look at the outside, because it is so incredibly easy. Don't sweat it, otherwise you will create one of two things: a guy who thinks you have something mysterious to hide, and searches for it, and a guy who sees what you have because it is out there to see. Don't get me wrong, there are certain things to be hidden for sure, but hide them in a way that doesn't warrant a search and beg to be found.


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Have you looked at her charity site? There are *so* many pictures of herself on there, you can't even tell what her mission is about. She makes me laugh because she's so into modesty, but her websites are FULL of her own pictures.


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Oh, to be 19 again!

To have all the answers,

to know what's what.

To despise all adults

And tell them that.

Oh, to be 19

with worlds yet to gain

chockfull of confidence

and with air for a brain.*

*this does not include all you wonderful 19-year-olds out there who are not as brainless and immature as I used to be at that age. :-)

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I have to say, I found the part where he referred to colleges as "pagan factories", just too precious.

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Have you looked at her charity site? There are *so* many pictures of herself on there, you can't even tell what her mission is about. She makes me laugh because she's so into modesty, but her websites are FULL of her own pictures.


Word indeed. Chick LaRue is obvy madly in love with herself.

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I laughed when he said women can't fight with the efficacy of a guy. I've seen some ladies kick butt in my day. And colleges are Pagan factories? Even the Christian-based ones?

At least he didn't seem too offended about guys and girls touching each other.

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Word indeed. Chick LaRue is obvy madly in love with herself.

I think she posts more pictures of herself all while talking about how modest she is than any other blogger I've seen. If it was just the pictures it would be one thing, but the modesty bragging takes it to another level.

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My 14-year-old cousin looks more mature than Master Josiah (yeah, I know, puberty is a bitch, but still...). And I am a little bit confused about answer 24...is that a simple their/they're mistake in the 2nd sentence or am I getting something wrong? And anyhow, we don't have to prove anything because we're pretty? What about the wenches who don't fit the definition of "pretty" (like...me)?

It looks like a "their/they're" error to me... He's saying girls just have to be pretty.

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What about this fellow?


Right away, something about his pics pinged my gaydar. As I read on, I got to this answer...

17) Do guys like it when girls are tomboyish or more girlie?

If I wanted a tomboyish wife…I could just be gay…it would be easier. Hahaha

Poor Josh :(

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I thought this guy's answers were fairly liberal, and he was pretty good looking;


But then I read his answer on a man's role and a woman's role in marriage, and changed my mind about him. Different guy, same old helpmeet drivel.

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What about this fellow?


Right away, something about his pics pinged my gaydar. As I read on, I got to this answer...

Poor Josh :(

Totally pinged my gaydar too. And he's been told a crock of lies if he thinks being gay is easier (unless he was talking about being physically attracted to ones significant other, then yes... It would be easier if you are gay and have a male partner).

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I thought this guy's answers were fairly liberal, and he was pretty good looking;


But then I read his answer on a man's role and a woman's role in marriage, and changed my mind about him. Different guy, same old helpmeet drivel.


14) What do you think the man’s role is in the home – compared to the woman’s?

The man is the hunter-gatherer and leader of the pack, he brings home the resources, guides his family, and meets the needs of his wife and children. The woman’s role is to acknowledge her husband’s leadership and meet his needs as well as the children’s.

I can see two problems in that first part of the first sentence. First, men generally hunted... Women gather. They were the ones historically picking fruits, vegetables, and herbs. Second, not every society in history excluded women from hunting. Some did (and still do) allow a person of either gender the hunt if that's their skill/desire.

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Have you looked at her charity site? There are *so* many pictures of herself on there, you can't even tell what her mission is about. She makes me laugh because she's so into modesty, but her websites are FULL of her own pictures.


I don't see very many pictures of her. I looked through the different pages, saw a total of 2 I think, on separate pages.

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On some of the stuff he said I was actually like "he's not so bad...". But then other things I was like WTF. And then I got to where he describes colleges as "pagan factories." LOL.

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Anyone read Collin's perspective?

The comments were a hoot. Some guy who calls himself Millard commented and asked why Raquel was doing these interviews. It seemed to him that the questions were there to encourage young women to think too much about guys. I didn't agree with most of his views, because I don't follow the Bible at all, but I think he is right that these girls should not give a damn what any of those guys think or want in potential partner. They should think about themselves and what they want instead. (Of course, I doubt that was what Millard was trying to say since he focuses on God and the Bible.) I agree that it seems she is trying to show what men are out there and what they want in a girl. Yes, her questions do make girls think about what young men in their circle are seeking in a partner. I don't see it as a problem, but I'm not a fundie anymore and see absolutely nothing wrong with kissing before marriage or flirting, etc.

Anyway, there was some arguing and Raquel trying to defend herself and her mom appearing and getting all hot and bothered.

One girl even critized Collin because he saw nothing wrong with flirting.

8. What do you consider flirting and what do you think of a girl when she flirts with you?

Ahhumm. To be honest, flirting can be very fun - if it's not taken too far!

Lucia responds:

What's with that? I must say that I strongly disagree. Flirting is flirting, and to any degree flirting is "taking it too far." There is no way to flirt "mildly." That doesn't make any sense. Casually tossing your attentions upon a young man/woman just for "fun" is not a good idea, and I think that the girls reading this interview who are striving to protect their hearts and have emotional purity are going to get a little confused with that answer

Wtf? is all I have to say to that.

Of course, despite his attitude on flirting, he has this attitude about women:

10. If you agree w/ courting, how much involvement from YOUR parents do you believe is appropriate in helping you make a final choice in your future wife? None, some, or a lot? Please elaborate on your answer.

Parents involvement on the guy’s side of the family - very little. I’m not saying that to let us off the hook. ;) If they’ve raised him right, they shouldn't have much to worry about. If said guy is even thinking about making that choice to get married, he should be mature enough to see who (and who won’t) be a Godly wife. On the girl’s side however, it’s their family’s main goal to make sure the right man gets their daughter’s hand.

So, men don't need parents and can make the decision on their own about their spouse, but women are obviously not as mature and need their parent's to make the decision? I call major BS on that. My parents have no say on who I choose as a spouse if I ever get married. They know I can make the decision without their help and that I will find someone suited to me. They don't know what I would want from a relationship and what they wanted in each other is not the same as what I want. My parents and I are polar opposites in personality and many other things. They would not want to tell me who they felt was "right" or "wrong" for me because even if they have opinions on the person, the decision is ultimately mine, not theirs. I have to live with the man, not them.

I discovered when I was a fundie that I wasn't sure how the submissive thing would work because I have not and never will be a person who bows so easily. I am, as my parents and others have told me, fiercely independent. I could not marry or be with someone who would not think of me as not having a valid opinion or say in anything or who thought of me as "lesser" and much more "weak" than them. It's disrespectful and condensending, despite what these submission people say about it being what God intends, to talk about women this way. All of the interviewed young men thought this way in some form or another. Sickening unless you have a dominance/submissive kink thing.

I did like what he said about women and college though:

Think about all the things we ‘wouldn’t’ have if girls didn't have the chance to go to college/triad school to get skillz! lol It’s not a must, but then again it’s not a must for anyone.

I disagree that college is not a must for anyone. It's the only way for some people to get out of poverty and bad circumstances quite often. As for his wording, he is 18, he'll grow up. (hopefully. ;) )

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I really kind of wonder about Ms. Raquel and her intentions as far as conducting these surveys goes. It almost seems to be an excuse to get to know as many guys as possible while still maintaining that she is "guarding her heart."

And I find it odd that she asked Josiah what he thought about "girls posting pictures of guys on their blogs." I wonder if she got criticized by somebody for that...

Naughty Raquel, defrauding us blog readers and giving away pieces of her heart!

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That's what I thought too. I doubt he's ever set foot in a real college. He's just spouting what he has heard. It is hilarious though. I go to a public unviersity and I can't say I know any pagans. Then again, I never asked so I guess there could be some real pagans.

I did have to take an "origins" class. The Christians here panicked at it and my old church flipped that I would be "tested" because it was horrible. I took the class and I absolutely loved it. It was great and very interesting. I learned about a lot of cultures and mythology (I love mythology) and enjoyed it. I never saw the problem honestly. It was a neutral class and I never felt "harassed" or "tested" or anything. I never understood the issue. If your faith can't hold up to a silly little class like that, then maybe your faith was not very strong to begin with? I guess if you have been as sheltered as some of these fundies are, I guess it might challenge them in their dogma a bit. If you are never ever challenged in your thoughts or beliefs though, how do you grow spiritually? Emotionally? Mentally?

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I really kind of wonder about Ms. Raquel and her intentions as far as conducting these surveys goes. It almost seems to be an excuse to get to know as many guys as possible while still maintaining that she is "guarding her heart."

And I find it odd that she asked Josiah what he thought about "girls posting pictures of guys on their blogs." I wonder if she got criticized by somebody for that...

Naughty Raquel, defrauding us blog readers and giving away pieces of her heart!

Someone did. Read the comments by Millard. Raquel and her mom and others turn the tables on him, getting all hot and bothered that he would dare question her intentions. :roll:


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If your faith can't hold up to a silly little class like that, then maybe your faith was not very strong to begin with? I guess if you have been as sheltered as some of these fundies are, I guess it might challenge them in their dogma a bit. If you are never ever challenged in your thoughts or beliefs though, how do you grow spiritually? Emotionally? Mentally?

That's something I've always wondered about also. If you are strong in your faith and beliefs you aren't going to take a 180 degree change. And you might learn something new. What a boring world if we all believed the same way.

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