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Jason Duggars accident video clip.


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"Moms gonna be right there with you bud" she says as she's holding what looks like the newest iphone video taping him.

What mom on earth would take time to break out the new iphone to record her kids suffering. Disgusting! :evil:

eta I feel so bad for him but am so angry too that Michelle broke out her freakin phone to record! I know I already said that but it really pisses me off!

Also, what'd they get those phones with there whole "save the difference" theory? I think not. I've seen them with phones on the show before but had no idea every single kid had an iphone and for some reason that just seems so hypocritical to me. Really! What mom takes a phone out when your kid is terrified in a situation like this??? This is going to eat at me.

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Since this is a "family show," I wonder how much of the ER scene they'll actually show. Sheltered blessings and blood do not usually mix well (little heathen that I was would have wanted more details). :twisted:

You can tell on the TH's from last week's shows that they were don't after the accident. His face looked, for lack of a better word, wonky. He wasn't totally healed yet and I am sure I saw chipped teeth. Poor guy. I hope Boob springs for some caps.

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"Moms gonna be right there with you bud" she says as she's holding what looks like the newest iphone video taping him.

What mom on earth would take time to break out the new iphone to record her kids suffering. Disgusting! :evil:

eta I feel so bad for him but am so angry too that Michelle broke out her freakin phone to record! I know I already said that but it really pisses me off!

Also, what'd they get those phones with there whole "save the difference" theory? I think not. I've seen them with phones on the show before but had no idea every single kid had an iphone and for some reason that just seems so hypocritical to me. Really! What mom takes a phone out when your kid is terrified in a situation like this??? This is going to eat at me.

I thought the same thing!! What possible reason could she have for taping it? And Josh did the same thing- filming Jason being wheeled out on the stretcher! I felt so bad for poor Jason, he really looked terrified and in a lot of pain.

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Ugh, knowing that TLC's cameras were shoved in that poor boy's face when he was so very scared and in pain was bad enough. But freaking MICHELLE?! You. Are. His. MOTHER. You should be holding his hand (or, if that's not possible, somehow trying to physically comfort him) while trying to keep him calm and settling his fears. You shoved your camera phone in his face? You disgusting cow.

I don't care that your children are first responders. That may give them the right to take charge of the situation, but it does not absolve you from acting like HIS MOTHER and not a frigging TLC crew member.

:angry-fire: You are nothing but a stage mom, shilling your children out for attention and money. I view you with disgust and contempt.

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What a terrible experience it must have been for him. I don't understand how the incident happened, but it sounds like some sort of gross negligence was involved. He easily could have been killed. Lawsuit?

Still, I cannot imagine a mother whipping out a camera to film her terrified little boy lying in a pool of blood, before she even knew the extent of his injuries. And then cheerfully telling us later how cool it was that all of her adult kids had camera phones and were recording as well. I know I shouldn't be shocked, but this is pretty incredible.

Make sure that leg heals up real well, Jason. You're gonna need it to run away from these people one of these days.

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Good God. Poor Jason, having 800 cameras shoved in his face when he was in a DEEP, DARK PIT lying in his own fricking blood, in pain, terrified, clearly fucking miserable!

How did he even fall into that pit in the first place? I'm not blaming Jason for this one, whatever he did to get into this predicament pales in comparison to everything else. Giant hole in the friggin' stage that anyone could have fallen into, and it wasn't sealed? Or at least blocked, or had some type of warning sign in front of it??? AAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

I am never, ever watching a TLC show, ever, at least legally. Fuck you, TLC. And fuck you, Michelle Duggar, for shoving another fucking camera in your son's face when he's badly injured!

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Chilling thought...What if he had not been able to scream or not loud enough? how long would it have been before some one noticed? Lying in the dark,looking up with no way to get help is nightmarish to me.

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How convenient that the Duggar brown-nosers at the 19K&C facebook page have posted a bunch of crap off the TLC page but sort of missed this one. :roll:

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Chilling thought...What if he had not been able to scream or not loud enough? how long would it have been before some one noticed? Lying in the dark,looking up with no way to get help is nightmarish to me.

I had the same thought. Almost buried-alive sort of terrifying. And man, those screams were awful. As one of 19, he may have instinctively known he needed to make as much noise as possible, lest no one notice he was missing for a long time.

This is the type of event that could cause post traumatic stress; I hope the Duggars are sensitive to this. Of course, if they ever did take him to a counselor, the poor kid's sessions would end up televised, just adding more salt to his wounds.

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What were they practicing for when this happened?

Jackson was so sweet, saying he cried for his buddy. I hope some ALERT leaders don't beat it into his head that "boys don't cry."

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From what we saw Jills reaction was distinctly nonchalant at first...If I heard screams like that,I'd be up in a heart beat to see what was going on.Maybe she used to boys screaming and yelling she blocks it,I guess.

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Here's another thing: why did Michelle even need to tape any of this? Was she too stupid to notice all the cameras that were already taping it for her?

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Jim Bob sounds worried in the video from the accident and in his interview, Michelle not so much :x

Jason's really lucky he didn't have more serious injuries! 12 feets, that's a full story right?

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It will be interesting to see how they edit it when it airs.

I took Michelle's comment about the phones as the answer to a producer's question about the video. Of course TLC has to explain why there is choppy, poor quality video. And being a "reality" show it has to be explained by a participant.

I didn't think Jill's reaction to the screaming was that strange, insofar as with that many kids, there is probably a lot of screaming. Johannah comes to mind...

I did think it was weird that Josh and Jana and Jill were in the hospital waiting room. Josh is explaining what's happening to the camera, saying they're texting updates to the family. Uh, maybe with 15 other kids (plus your 2) what they really need is your help taking care of them? And then he mentions a possible broken neck or "internal poblems." I feel like Josh is pretty TLC production savvy and knows what to say to make the cut, but come on, spare us the melodrama.

Like I said, it will be interesting to see the whole scenario as TLC puts it together.

ETA: I also wouldn't put it past TLC to add the screaming audio to the shot of Jill playing the harp.

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I want to punch J'chelle.

That woman is seriously? no friggin "mother of the year". No no no no no.

I'm sorry, my first reaction to my son if he's bleeding is to hug him or comfort him. I know that with a neck injury that's not a good idea, but she COULD HAVE HELD HIS HAND. Or Geebus, ANYTHING BUT FILMING HIM.

Dear Jason, I'm sorry your parents are idiots who care more about the TV show than you.

These people really make me angry.

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Poor little guy. I nearly cried because I felt so sorry for him.. not only for his injuries but also for not having a caring and loving mum that tries to make you feel better and comfortable instead of taping you while crying and bleeding.

I have to admit that I don't really understand what happened? He fall into some kind of hole?!?!

Another thing I noticed is that all the older kids seem to have iphones.. how do they control their internet??

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I have to disagree about about Josh being melodramatic.At that point all they knew was that Jason fell 12 feet and was lying a pool of blood...Those things he said were definite possibilities but if he was being dramatic ,well, that's his brother and he has a right to be in a case like this.

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"Hmm my child just fell 12 feet and might have a broken neck....hurry got to grab my phone and tape it!!" I don't know how any person, especially a mother, could be so cold and not just consumed by the moment. I don't have kids- but if I was in a situation like that- even with a kid I'd never met, I'd be scared and would do my best to comfort the child and deal with the situation. That's normal. This is not. This is her own child. Wow.

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I believe that the internet is disabled on their phones.

I hope that once Jason was recovered that they didn't feed him pureed TTC.

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WTF Michelle! WHO does that? Who films their injured child?!?!?!?

"We have so many adult children, needless to say they were filming it" NO! When somebody, especially a child, especially a family member, suffers serious injuries the first reaction of most sane people is not to whip out your smartphone! Grrr!

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