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Lori Alexander 62: A Few Fries Short of a Happy Meal- TRIGGER for child sexual abuse

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No, Lori, they WON'T all hatch healthy eaglets. But many eagle species are endangered, mostly because of humans (so much for taking care of God's creation, huh?). Humans are in no way endangered. We are a blight on our planet, honestly. And individually we are way less valuable than most of these animals in the grand scheme of things.

The reality is for several bird species, two eggs are laid/incubated each year. The parents will only feed the first one to hatch - the second is only there for "insurance" in case the first one doesn't hatch. So nature (allegedly by God's design) is causing the parents to starve 50% of their offspring to death. 

And no, embryos DO NOT always become people. In my case, only 1 of 4 embryos has even made it to 10 weeks gestation (two early miscarriages, currently pregnant with one even though there are two sacs - the second never developed). Your God is the biggest abortionist of all, so F you, Lori. 

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In the last thread, @Sarah92 you referenced Touched by an Angel where one of the angles drank Irish coffee.  That was the episode on last Sunday on MeTv.  She got a little tipsy!  Also, there is an episode (I think it may be a Thanksgiving episode) where one of them takes ecstasy and gets high. I know those things are shown to make a point, but my point is that it's possibly a show that Loridiot would approve of.  Yet the angles get into trouble with drugs and alcohol?

I don't think Lori is pretending to be a Godly older woman who teaches only women.  She's not batting an eye at all the men who have made comments.  And those comments are pretty bad.  I am still seeing red over the comments about rape not being real and that women are just out for attention.  I sure didn't make up what happened to me.  I certainly do NOT want the attention. Lori and her stupid followers make me beyond furious.

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Lori is so shocked that the Hallmark Channel would show a gay couple in one of their movies.  Has she ever watched that staple of Hallmark's late night and early morning programming,  The Golden Girls?  Blanche has a gay brother, Clayton, who wants to get married, Dorothy has a brother who is  a cross-dresser, and one of Dorothy's longtime friends whose girlfriend died has a crush on Rose.  Blanche is having a hard time understanding why Clayton wants to marry a man and Sophia gives the most beautiful explanation:

It's weird, too, that one of Lori's humpers says she'll watch the Weather Channel in addition to Faux News, of course.  I don't know if any of the meteorologists at the Weather Channel are gay, but the on-air meteorologist at  TV station in Burlington, Vermont is gay and out to boot.  He's a friend of my youngest daughter.  The Weather Channel is also big on climate change; they are not deniers at all!

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My new favorite is Mandi D. Moore who told Lori tonight she is "a few fries short of a happy meal."  Old cliche, but it works, especially since I'm eating McDonald's fries right now.  She's more than few fries short.  She's more like a batch of fries cooked in old grease and sitting under the heating lamp too long.  Cold, greasy, and disgusting. 

In another post, Lori talked about Ken taking care of her through her brain surgeries and illnesses.  Ken just had to ride into the discussion on his horse of perfect husbandhood.  All I can say is blech.

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There are a lot of Christians that believe that animals do have souls. Why would those living creatures not have souls but humans do? I’m not saying one life is more valued than another. It comes to the baby and the petri dish experiment. If you have an embryo in a Petri dish in one hand and a baby in the other and drop both which would you save? 

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I always thought that animals go to heaven, I still do. I remember talking to my dad about it when I was little because I'm a sucker for animals. Anyways I remember him saying along the lines of "Sarah, heaven is supposed to be a perfect place where there are no bad things and there is only peace and joy. God knows how much joy animals can bring people so why wouldn't he allow animals up there? Beside animals are innocent so why wouldn't they be in heaven?" I don't see why there wouldn't be animals in heaven personally. I mean God made animals and the Bible does say that the lion will lay down with the lamb so I don't see why simba and lambchop (speaking of one tv shows does anyone remember this character?) wouldn't be hanging out together. It's like they insist on taking all the fun out of things. 


Also, the comments on rape and sexual assault left me shaking with rage. I literally had to exit out of her page and walk away from my phone because I was gonna throw it otherwise. How vile and abusive. Of course Lori leaves it up because she doesn't care about women, she doesn't care about people. She invites the controversy and pain that it brings people. 

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My husband and I made an awful lot of embryos, and only three became babies. 

And for the record, humans are neither endangered nor at risk of becoming so.

Ah, Lori ... your ignorance is as offensive as it is astounding.

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A new competitor in the Biggest Douchebag Award category:

Steve Bowly Jews go to hell anyway, so there’s that.

Let's see how long she leaves his hateful, ignorant comments on her page.  I looked at his page, and a page of one of his friends.  They are scary, scary people.  And this is what she tolerates.  


And how did her children bond with her when she worked, or she was lying on the sofa, in pain, having the vapors, leaving them in the care of their nanny.

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Oh Lori A. I can't even. Honestly I don't know where to begin. I am very much a daddy's girl. Not in that perverted way Lori, I know you would twist it into that.  When I was adopted, I immediately reached out for my dad to take me. I was 3 at the time (*Gasp Lori, yeah my birth mom was such a sinner being a single mom *insert sarcasm for you Lori. My birth mama who couldn't raise me the way she wanted to. We were dirt poor, extremely undernourished and very sick, and well where I came from, extreme poverty. My birth mama who loved me enough to give me a second chance at a better life. I know it must have broken her heart.) My adopted mom aka mama stayed home to raise my sibling and I. However I was still and am very much my father's daughter.  Maybe Lori, get your head out of the clouds, and being knocked off your high horse; you'd see the broken and hurting people around you. The ones who sometimes need some tough love and guidance, some need a hug, some need extra assistance, and some just need someone to sit next to them, cry and not say anything at all for a while.

26 minutes ago, Lgirlrocks said:

@Sarah92 I remember that show. The song that never ends. ?

it goes on and on my friends..... :D 

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I can’t with her today. She says that working mothers cause attachment disorders, emotional instability, and an inability to connect with others. Lots of males commenting all throughout.  There is nothing Christian about her and most of her followers. She is an embarrassment to the Body of Christ. 

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51 minutes ago, Lgirlrocks said:
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Lori I was a lot closer with my dad than my mom. My dad worked two jobs and my mom was home with me all day. 

I am far closer to my dad then my mom. My mom homeschooled us and was home all the time, my dad worked at church and sometimes from home and we saw him far less. My mom and I barely have a relationship at all, so Lori's conclusions are total bullshit - which all of us here know.

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Can you imagine Lori being charged with child neglect and emotional abuse and physical endangerment after trying to "Pearlize" some foster child or adoptee with trauma and RAD?

I wouldn't wish that on any child, so I am glad she doesn't actually try to help the vulnerable children in our society.

That being said, Lori has NO CLUE about real emotional neglect and abuse. None. She sits in her chair blathering ignorantly and making an idiot of herself.  God have mercy.  Again, thank GOD she doesn't actually try to help any abused children.

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Sooooooo Abraham's wife Sarah...was the first feminist?  The very foundation of her entire belief system.....had a feminist? wife????  :confused2:  So does that mean feminism has been around since before the evil 1960's, or was that a isolated incident of feminism? 

Also, is she saying that because conservative Muslim women wear head to toe coverings and her "Christian" brethren dare to wear leggings...it's because the mother of the son who founded the chosen people was a feminist????  

Can I get a Man in here please?? I need a Command Man.  My woman brain can't get this together.  

I swear she is enough to drive the sober to drink. 

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Yea my Mom did all the "godly things" that Lori prescribed but 2 out of her 3 kids have issues. The only one who doesn't is her son, who benefits from this system. 

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Again, I want to tell Lori to look. In. A. Damned. Mirror.  Inability to connect with others seems to describe her perfectly.  Women focusing on themselves...self-seeking and selfish...she's judging all other women by herself again.  

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It galls me everytime she refers to women who don't have children or women who work as selfish.  How much more selfish can it get than a woman who sabotages her birth control to conceive children *she* wants and then lays on a couch for most of their childhood because she's too sick to be bothered with them??

I agree @delphinium65, she's projecting so hard it hurts. 

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I like the poster who questions Lori's science. 

It may be well and true that stay at home mothers, during a certain period of development, have a positive effect on children. 

However, Lori does not provide studies or use the accurate medical language to describe negative and positive effects on children. That works against the persuasiveness of her argument. 


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Studies have shown that while the care a child receives is important, WHO specifically provides that care is not.  Children raised by stay at home dads do not show any attachment issues (or really any marked differences from children raised by SAHMs).  Ditto to adopted children, children raised by grandparents, children raised in multi-family or multi-generational homes, etc.

Lori also forgets (or maybe is completely ignorant of the fact) that back in Victorian times and such, while women were TECHNICALLY in the home, they were often SO BUSY with other duties that they occasionally did not even have time for their children.  The children of the upper classes were raised largely by staff, and children from the lower classes were raised by whomever was available until they could either start school or start to pitch in.  Lori doesn't like to cite anything, but I will.  A great example of this is Theodore Roosevelt's older sister Bamie, who essentially ran the household and raised her siblings due to their mother being so occupied with her duties as a member of the elite.  

This nostalgic "women at home in pearls raising kids" is really a complete fabrication and an illusion promoted in post-WWII America, IMO advanced because it was important to force women out of the workforce and back into the home to open up the jobs they had taken over for the men who were returning from war/war duties.  They had to think of SOME reason to explain to the women who were being forced out of jobs they were clearly capable of and successful at WHY they had to return home, and this is what they came up with.  But it was never true.  It's propaganda, pure and simple.  

And Lori is a fool for believing it.

PS Lori: Birds LAY eggs.  Because the eggs are incubated OUTSIDE the mother's body, there is a much smaller chance that they will become a threat to her health, and if they do, she actually DOES have the option to abandon her eggs and protect her own life (which, btw, she may do).  If people laid eggs, the abortion rates would likely plummet.  But we don't lay eggs, so it's really a TERRIBLE comparison.  

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