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Duggar Family Blog Advertises "Life-Changing" Abortion Movie


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On the Duggar Family Blog, they are plugging Ray Comfort's "180," which has been endorsed by the Duggars.




They didn't approve my comment about Josie being sick in Israel, so I told myself I wouldn't attempt to comment on this blog again. But it's sooooooo tempting to do it for this. At least one Jewish person said they were offended by Comfort claiming to be Jewish.

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I wanted to facepalm when he started talking about Christianity and abortion, but the Holocaust bit at the beginning made me sad.

I wonder if J'Boob and J'chelle allowed their kids to see this with the graphic footage.

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Just started watching. "I'm Ray Comfort and I'm Jewish." REALLY????????

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  • 2 weeks later...

OMG just slogged through Ray Comfort's movie. He's jewish?? What's with all the Jesus talk at the end? Lina should hook up with Ray....

As for the abortion stuff -- GMAFB. THat poor brow-beaten blondie....

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He Godwined himself! Fail!

All this stuff about womens rights being taken away, and all the anti abortion stuff makes me want to sign up to be an escort at my nearest planned parenthood. I can't though, as I have family members who go there and protest. It'd get.... tense.

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Just started watching. "I'm Ray Comfort and I'm Jewish." REALLY????????

Ray likes to use his 'Jewishness' to his advantage. He promotes it when it serves his purpose.

Today he has implied that all the Jews who died in the holocaust are in hell because they weren't 'saved'.

He's a piece of work that man.

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Ray likes to use his 'Jewishness' to his advantage. He promotes it when it serves his purpose.

Today he has implied that all the Jews who died in the holocaust are in hell because they weren't 'saved'.

He's a piece of work that man.

Isn't this the argument the Mormons were using to seal the Holocaust victims so that they could go to Mormon heaven?

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Isn't this the argument the Mormons were using to seal the Holocaust victims so that they could go to Mormon heaven?

It is. It's still utter bullshit.

My very Lutheran great grandparents didn't need to be baptized and sealed by proxy by the LDS in order to get into heaven. No one asked them to do it and no one gave permission for it, and I know that their living children were deeply upset by their parents being co-opted by the LDS church like that. We only found out that it was done because someone was doing genealogy research on the LDS genealogy site and saw that their temple work had been done. We found it disturbing, and I can only imagine how incredibly insulting and hurtful it is to descendants of Jews who were slaughtered in the Holocaust.

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Guest Anonymous

How the hell is this movie life changing if its anti abortion and shown to an anti abortion viewing audience? These folks are convinced already!!

But I do predict that some fucked up state is going to make it mandatory viewing for women considering abortions.

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Meant to post this in a previous 180 thread - great takedownof the film, and a pretty convincing argument that Blondie is a plant:

Also, it should be noted that after watching 180, I'm still pro-choice, in case you had any doubt. :)

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Just watching the film...where did this Comfort guy drag up all the people who don't know about Hitler????? How many people did he interview in order to get that many ignorant people to answer his question?

The White Supremacist he's interviewing is whacked. And so far (10 mins of a 30 minute file), this film is about the appalling lack of tolerance in this country, not to mention the lack of historical literacy, plus a whole bunch of stuff about Hitler and a bunch of unrealistic hypothetical questions; it's not about abortion.

"Hitler replaced the 10 commandments with his own commandments and replaced the Cross with the Swastika" - really?? Citation please.

Also, if you're going to try to shock people with footage of dead Holocaust victims, it seems...overly prudish? I guess? to blur out the genitals. The photos are horrifying, of course, but if the point is to shock, why bother with the blurring?

Anyway, still waiting to be convinced...

K, took 13 minutes to get to abortion, which seems weird given that the subject of the movie is abortion.

GAAAAAH, the argument is fetus = Jew in 1930s and 40s Germany and German occupied countries. THAT's never been argued before :roll:

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One of my friends on facebook put up a link to it and how EVERYBODY should see it. I couldn't get past the first minute though. The fetus=jew arguement really bothers me. And I'm not even Jewish!

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I tell you what, you patriarchal douchenozzles. I'll have some good, baby-makin' sex, and then I'll let you film what happens to me over the course of my pregnancy. Watch as I withdraw from four psychoactive substances at once--it might hurt the baby! Can you get a camera crew into the back of an ambulance? Do they let same into psych wards? Because that may well be where you get the rest of your footage! And we haven't even hit labor yet! Oh, I tell you, that will be a life-changing fucking abortion movie for sure, because by week ten of filming, you will wish I'd got one.

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Isn't this the argument the Mormons were using to seal the Holocaust victims so that they could go to Mormon heaven?

Not really. Mormons don't really believe in hell, so at the very least non-Mormons get the telestial kingdom, which is heaven but not quite as good as the terrestrial or celestial kingdom (where you get to have sex). Then if you didn't reject Mormonism in this life because you didn't know about it, you get another chance after you die. They see postmortem baptism as offering the person the choice to accept Mormonism. They are free to say no (though if this was all real, why would they?). Still problematic for sure, but I think it was a bit misunderstood. They weren't targeting Jews--they want to do it for everyone who ever lived, and they don't think the Jews are going to hell.

I've heard the abortion=Holocaust argument quite a bit. So offensive.

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Also, if you're going to try to shock people with footage of dead Holocaust victims, it seems...overly prudish? I guess? to blur out the genitals. The photos are horrifying, of course, but if the point is to shock, why bother with the blurring?

It's the same thing as when TLC blurs out a newborn baby's genitals, or when they put the black boxes over Michelle's knees. When I am seeing pictures of Holocaust victims, the LAST thing on my mind is sex, and the picture doesn't take on a sexual connotation until they do this.

I posted a longer version of this on the other thread about the movie, but in short: If Jews, the very people who you are exploiting, disagree with every aspect of the "abortion=The Holocaust" analogy, that is a major analogy fail.

Did Ray Comfort imply that Holocaust victims were going to Hell on his radio show today? And will some brave soul e-mail the people who run the Duggar Family Blog to tell them this?

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Loved how Comfort kept saying that the "womb is the safest place in the world" or somesuch, yet there was no mention at all about the woman that owns said womb...because yeah, pregnancy can be difficult for some women, dangerous to others, and downright deadly to a few. Maybe we should think about the women and their mental/physical well-being?? Just a tiny bit? Perhaps?

I'm also getting seriously pissed off at the phenomena of middle-aged men telling me how to run my uterus and waxing eloquent about "giving babies up" for adoption, "waiting and seeing" for an ectopic pregnancy, etc. It is honestly all about the idealized fetus to them, not about the woman housing said fetus or the child that the fetus might become.

Plus, I think we can all agree that world would be a better place if Hitler's mom had had an abortion. Just sayin'

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Whenever I see an anti-choice protestor with the sign that said "Thank G-d Mary was Pro-Life," I want to walk up with a sign that says "Klara Hitler Chose Life."

Also, in Nazi Germany abortion was illegal . . . for German women. Just goes to show that the anti-choice movement isn't about loving babies, it's about loving the right babies.

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I watched it. And no, watching that piece of crap didn't change my mind. There is absolutely a line between when an embryo becomes a baby, and although I can't draw it for you, there is an absolute difference between a 4-week old embryo (it's not even a fetus until week 10 gestation) and a 30-week baby who, if born, could very well survive.

Ray Comfort is an ass and a pig. Taking that footage to use for his propaganda - SICK! The photos were horrifying and I actually had nightmares. He has no moral right to take the horror that people feel about the Holocaust and twist it around. Now, I would personally never have an abortion unless it was an ectopic pregnancy or something similarly dire (but I can't get pregnant, so it's not an issue anyway), but I believe that it should be legal under certain parameters.

That being said, if an abortion is done, I feel that all care should be taken so that the embryo/fetus does not feel any pain, even if it was very early gestation. You just never know.

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Judiasm is both a religion and an ethnicity, so when Ray Comfort claims to be Jewish, he means ethnically Jewish. Same way that my one of my friends who is Buddist is also Jewish. And Christians who were ethnically Jewish got killed same as religious Jews in the Holocaust.

So, he's kind of confusing there, but that's what he means.

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Judiasm is both a religion and an ethnicity, so when Ray Comfort claims to be Jewish, he means ethnically Jewish. Same way that my one of my friends who is Buddist is also Jewish. And Christians who were ethnically Jewish got killed same as religious Jews in the Holocaust.

So, he's kind of confusing there, but that's what he means.

I'm sorry, but it is offensive to take on the identity of people that you think are going to suffer eternal torment whose way of life you have rejected to make a pathetic point.

Ray Comfort has lost his right to play the ethnically Jewish card, even if he would qualify for the Right of Return.

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just reading this makes me want to run and get an abortion as quickly as possible...and i'm not even pregnant!

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Seriously, you should wait and see if you have an ectopic pregnancy? Wait for what? Until you're bleeding internally and have to be hospitalized? Until your fertility is wiped out? Idiots.

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Judiasm is both a religion and an ethnicity, so when Ray Comfort claims to be Jewish, he means ethnically Jewish. Same way that my one of my friends who is Buddist is also Jewish. And Christians who were ethnically Jewish got killed same as religious Jews in the Holocaust.

So, he's kind of confusing there, but that's what he means.

I'm pretty sure that the confusion is intentional.

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