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"Illuminati Use Women to Destroy Men"


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I found this while browsing kindredspirits-sisters.blogspot.com, but it actually comes from henrymakow.com/how_a_woman_can_destroy_a_man.html (there's a whole lot of crazy on both sites).



A friend, "Garry," is broken up because his common-law wife left him. The split came after a "domestic assault." He pushed her. She wasn't hurt but she might have been scared. She called the police.


My jaw actually dropped a bit at the scare quotes on "domestic assault."



She had the power. He felt guilty for being resentful and angry about it. He was sorry for pushing her and thought his anger was a terrible thing. This reflects his indoctrination. His striking out was a natural result of an untenable situation.


He related a Jane Goodall documentary about chimpanzees. The male chimps sometime go haywire, screaming and yelling and throwing things. The women and children cower in fear. Then the storm passes and they're all nurturing and welcoming again. He felt that as a male, he was like the chimps. He had this evil demon within him.


"You've got it all wrong," I said. "Those male chimps were asserting their dominance. Once they did that, they could go back to being loving husbands and fathers. Don't believe what the counselors tell you. You're not dangerous. A man has a right to be master of his domain. Quit beating yourself up."


I just... ugh. This guy makes me sick.



Heterosexual relationships are about a man getting a woman to do what he wants. This is called "courtship" i.e. proving that his aims are worth supporting and he will protect and nurture her.


Well there you have it.


On the, uh, bright (?) side, this guy is a Canadian crazy, so that's a bit different.

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I visit rense.com where Henry Makow columns regularly. His site is called "Save The Males" and he's Jewish, was once married to a Jewish woman but later denounced her and his religion and is now some kind of raving misogynist -- religion undetermined. He supposedly married an Asian bride, whom he spares no expense in comparing her to those ebil Western women he rants against constantly. He's a real piece of work...

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Personally, my day isn't complete unless I've destroyed at least two men by lunch! /snark.

I know, it's so satisfying, isn't it? But Henry Makow is so bitter and stringy that I have to drown him in ketchup.

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Chimps, really? Chimp males also kill their young and eat human babies. OMG OUR MEN HAVE BEEN INDOCTRINATED BY THE ILLUMINATI TO NOT EAT HUMAN BABIES!!!

We're just as close to bonobos. I think their behaviour is better guidance... bonobos just have sex with each other all day long.

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Guest Anonymous
Personally, my day isn't complete unless I've destroyed at least two men by lunch! /snark.

Me too. And I like mine with confectioners' sugar and a dusting of cinnamon.

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The jackass couldn't have kept his hands to himself? What was next - slinging feces? Then he could have topped that off by killing some young.


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