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I am a Mormon!


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It seems the LDS Church is doing some PR and/or recruiting. For the last couple of days (on pretty mainstream stations) I've been seeing these commercials - they show shiny happy people going about their lives; one lady says "I am a wife.... I am a teacher... I am a mother", and at the end of the commercial they all exclaim "I am a Mormon!" and then they show the addy to some website in big characters across the screen. They are very slick, well produced commercials. Surprisingly, I've seen it 4 times already this morning just watching the Early Show.


Anyone else been seeing these?


Edited because its early and I can't spell!

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They started quite a while ago. Youtube has them as paid advertisements, and I see them often when we're looking through CCM/gospel listings.

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They started quite a while ago. Youtube has them as paid advertisements, and I see them often when we're looking through CCM/gospel listings.

I just see them ALL THE TIME on YouTube. I have no idea what I'm searching that brings them up.

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I see those on TV sometimes, but I live in Idaho, so Mormon commercials don't seem all that strange to me.

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*waves at O Latin* I'm in Idaho too! I'm still surprised that in four years here I have yet to get any missionaries. Not that I mind, I'm just surprised.

Now, not to diss your run-of-the-mill Mormon, but if the church feels they need a big PR campaign proclaiming their normalcy...that's a bit weird. My perception is that the people at the top of the organization are more than a little totally out of touch, probably partly due to a dire lack of diversity in their ranks.

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I live in Arizona, right in the middle of Mormon land. We get the missionary boys at the door all the time (and they totally make me feel defrauded, let me tell you).

I wonder if the big "I'm a Mormon" campaign is actually part of a big push to get Mitt Romney elected president? He's probably the least offensive of the republican candidates (IMHO), and except for the whole "Mormon issue" he'd probably go over really well in the heartland. So the "I'm a Mormon" campaign goes out ahead of him and shows people that "hey, Mormons can be normal people, just like us!"

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Yeah, I saw one of those. My reaction was basically, "OK, that's nice. Why are you telling me? And by default, the entire country?"

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Yeah, I saw one of those. My reaction was basically, "OK, that's nice. Why are you telling me? And by default, the entire country?"

Can you imagine if teh gayz did a similar stunt?

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I wonder if the big "I'm a Mormon" campaign is actually part of a big push to get Mitt Romney elected president?

Good point. I'm in Nevada, so we are also in the middle of Mormon country. It's not a big deal here- both our senators, Harry Reid and Dean Heller are Mormons, but they don't make an issue of it.

I'm with you, keen23. I never thought I'd say this, but Romney is the least offensive of the Republican candidates. But he would still face an uphill battle in the Bible Belt. Maybe there really is a concerted effort to make his religion less of an issue.

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I've seen these on TV, youtube, and Hulu. I wonder how the public would react if ads suddenly popped up about "I'm a Secularist!".

And I agree with 3. As much as I hate to say this, between Romney and Perry, Romney is the better Republican. The ads may be because of Romney, but I wonder if they were also anticipating the return of Sister Wives.

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Can I just say that the idea of having television adverts for any religion seems incredibly strange to me? Is this something that only happens in the US?

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Mormon or not I don't think I could take a president whose name is MITT seriously...

:lol: Too true! But it isn't any worse than NEWT, or a vice- presidential adviser named SCOOTER.

What is it with Republicans and their WASP-y nicknames? I'm surprised none of these guys has a wife named Muffy.

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:lol: Too true! But it isn't any worse than NEWT, or a vice- presidential adviser named SCOOTER.

What is it with Republicans and their WASP-y nicknames? I'm surprised none of these guys has a wife named Muffy.

I had a great-aunt Muffy if that makes it better. We're Southern Baptist though, not Mormon.

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Oh yeah, I've seen these commercials. The LDS commercials always seem to be done well; something about them reminds me of old Folgers coffee commercials.

Anyway, I didn't see the "m" in the middle and thought this post was titled "I am a Moron!"

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The LDS church started a huge recruitment movement here in New Mexico a couple of years back. Basically they just run print ad's here and there. I doubt they will ever be recruit a large amount of people here due to Catholicism and several Protestant denominations like Baptists, Methodists and other mainstream Christian denominations.

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The campaign is in response to The Book of Mormon on Broadway. It started with billboards in NYC and has been expanded from there.

They don't want to be stereotyped as white, upper middle class homophobes who don't accept anyone who is different. Um, if the shoe fits... The everyday Mormon may not have those beliefs, but the church hierarchy sure seems to.

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I think the campaign started before the musical, though, and it was certainly planned way before. I don't remember when it started, but it's been going for quite a while.

You can look at profiles here: http://mormon.org/people/find/

There are lots of atypical Mormons who posted their profiles there (like this guy: http://mormon.org/me/4R2P/ ), and clearly the church must be fine with that. I love how many profiles you get if you search "social justice", as it's kind of a "fuck you" to Glenn Beck.

I think the LDS church is changing, but very slowly. Being run solely by a bunch of old white guys is never a good thing.

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What is Muffy short for? It sounds like a pet form of a longer name.

Sadly, I have no idea. She was just always Great Aunt Muffy. I asked my mom and she doesn't know either. Muffy was on the eccentric branch of the family tree though, so there's no telling.

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I totally decided to stop lurking and create an account just to post this silly response...

I've refreshed FJ several times today which is nothing new because I <3 you guys. Each time I did I've noticed this thread's title and have found myself thinking (in song a la "I am the Walrus" by The Beatles) "I am a Mormon... goo goo g'joob!"

With the lack of content in this post I've decided that it's probably better that I remain a lurker. :geek:

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Anyone else been seeing these?

I've seen them for the past year. I don't have cable so it's just on CBS, ABC, or NBC. Yes, they are always slick and often show a profession you might not associate with Mormons. And also at least one couple who'd each been divorced previously. I thought you were sealed to your first spouse for all eternity?

edited to put the [ in the right place.

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