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Dillards 57: Run, D’Wreck, Run!


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7 hours ago, RubyRei said:

This whole post is so confusing. So is Kanye just a punching bag or did he say disturbing things that he deserves to be called out on?

It seems like you said something that was in regards to what Kanye said about slavery but then backtracked and said “well no not that, but also I’m not black so I can’t speak as much to the disgustingness of what Kanye said.” I also don’t think it takes a certain skin color to be “entitled” to call him out. 

Sorry about that- I posted quickly and it was sloppy. I'm going to try to clarify a bit, but I think @HarleyQuinn and @jinder roles (sorry, my CPU really doesn't want to link more than one user) have already done a really good job at communicating how I feel. 

Basically, I think Kanye was treated as a bit of a punching bag for a long time, like from around 2006 to around 2016. Some of the ideas expressed in his music and moments such as calling out George W. Bush, in my opinion, have had a genuinely good and long-lasting impact on US culture. Of course his behavior was often ridiculous then too, but I think it's only crossed into being truly frightening pretty recently (slavery/discrimination comments, Donald Trump support, and the choices made for the "Famous" music video come to mind, although for me, that last one merits a whole separate discussion).

I do think what he's said about slavery and discrimination lately is completely wrong and disturbing, which is why I felt the need to backpedal and edit my post. That said, I just can't shake this feeling that I, a non-African-American, shouldn't mercilessly tear into an African-American man's statements on his opinion of slavery. I think there is a lot of precisely that happening. I can't say it enough times: I think what he's saying is wrong. I'm happy to talk about it when invited to, but it's just not a conversation I think my voice should carry much weight in by default. I hope that helps clarify what I meant by "entitlement."

Again, I think John Legend's tweets are great. I'm certain there's better conversations going on surrounding this, but this is what I know of. I like this article covering it: https://www.vox.com/culture/2018/4/26/17286230/john-legend-kanye-twitter-trump-tweets



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On 5/4/2018 at 11:13 PM, justpassingby said:


If Derick continues with his spiral I foresee him being invited to do an interview to share his side and him digging the hole even deeper. It will be glorious. 

Aww. Poor man child Derick, he can dish it out but never takes it. He can cry me a river.

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ETA: kept reading, and that is a mess of grammar. But I also want to see if they'll  correct that "here." 

Not yet she hasn't.
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8 hours ago, candygirl200413 said:

It blows my mind when people get at others for being open minded but not about hate like what Dwreck is doing but their just like "Well why can't I hate like why do liberals always want to limit my hate?!". 

I hope that made sense, finals are taking my mind currently.

This made perfect sense. Like, dude could be talking about actual genocide and if your reaction is “That’s murder, you monster!” His response will be “Aha! So much for the tolerant left! Not so intolerant when it comes to my convictions.”

No, dude, we don’t need to “tolerate” rhetoric that seeks to strip people of basic human rights and dignity. That’s not how tolerance works. If you’re saying that discrimination is a good thing, then you’re an asshole. Calling you out isn’t intolerance because you won’t be losing any rights in the process. If I tweet at Derick and tell him he’s a moron, he’ll still be allowed to vote, own property, and get a job (in theory) without fear of being turned away based on his race, age, orientation, class, or religion. So no, Derick, you moron, discrimination is not ever a good thing and you are not “open-minded.”

Derick, if you ever read this, true open-mindedness on your part would involve taking the time to read and listen to the many life stories of queer people who have experienced discrimination. Real discrimination, not “boo-hoo someone was mean to me on twitter!” And it would involve taking a look at the data on rates of homosexuality in nature, the complete lack of abuse that goes on in families with homosexual parents, and about the horrible disgusting things that are done to people during so-called “conversion therapy.”

Read up a little and learn before you try to tell people how to live their lives, because it couldn’t be more plain that you know absolutely nothing. 

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Derick is the quintessential dude who isn't very bright at all but thinks he's a goddamn genius. I know someone mentioned that person on Tumblr or Reddit who said they went to the Dillards' church and Derick is a condescending asshole to Jill and makes fun of her for being stupid. I take all gossip like that with a grain of salt, but let's just say it would not shock me at all to find out that was true. He's a big, nasty fish in a nasty little pond, and he gets off on thinking he's smarter and more educated than his in-laws. I bet it really chafed his ass when Jeremy came along.

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15 minutes ago, singsingsing said:

Derick is the quintessential dude who isn't very bright at all but thinks he's a goddamn genius. I know someone mentioned that person on Tumblr or Reddit who said they went to the Dillards' church and Derick is a condescending asshole to Jill and makes fun of her for being stupid. I take all gossip like that with a grain of salt, but let's just say it would not shock me at all to find out that was true. He's a big, nasty fish in a nasty little pond, and he gets off on thinking he's smarter and more educated than his in-laws. I bet it really chafed his ass when Jeremy came along.

If that is true, that is awful. It might explain all her posts about him being such a good dad and husband. She is probably hoping the more she praises him the less he will pick on her.

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That really is the gay equivalent of “I’m not racist, I know black people!” 

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He's "experienced" people different than himself. But has he "accepted" them, "loved" them, "tolerated" them, lived next door to them, watched their other kids when one had to go to the ER, brought them food when someone died, given their kids a ride to school when the parents couldn't? I'm betting no.


He is a jerk. Dereck, you're a jerk.

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I don't believe Derick having "friends who are homosexual" or even knowing any "homosexual"  or anyone that different from him at all, simply because he doesn't act like it.

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3 minutes ago, BlondeIdol said:

I don't believe Derick having "friends who are homosexual" or even knowing any "homosexual"  or anyone that different from him at all, simply because he doesn't act like it.

He went to public school for 17 years? What was he held back a bunch of times? DerTwit, did you not learn how to count? K-12=13

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12 minutes ago, onekidanddone said:

He went to public school for 17 years? What was he held back a bunch of times? DerTwit, did you not learn how to count? K-12=13

I think he's including four years of college, hence mentioning frats.

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You’re not ‘friends’ with someone if you think they’re an abomination, regularly spread hate speech about the minority group they belong to, actively work to remove their rights, want them punished for their consensual adult relationships, and believe that they will burn in agony for eternity after they die. That’s the same bullshit mindset that abusers use when they tell their victims that they only hurt them because they love them.

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Yyyyyeah I'm gonna bet that Derick's "homosexual friends" do not consider him their friend. At all.

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22 minutes ago, singsingsing said:

You’re not ‘friends’ with someone if you think they’re an abomination, regularly spread hate speech about the minority group they belong to, actively work to remove their rights, want them punished for their consensual adult relationships, and believe that they will burn in agony for eternity after they die. That’s the same bullshit mindset that abusers use when they tell their victims that they only hurt them because they love them.

This reminds me of a conversation I had with some (actual) friends of mine. They were talking about a shitty bigoted coworker and how they know that he goes around claiming them as his black and gay “friends.” In reality they hated him and only tolerated his company at work because they had to remain professional. He was eventually fired and everyone rejoiced.

I’ll bet this “friends” (I’m also betting he has one person in mind but made it plural to make himself look better) has no fond feelings about Derick at all. I doubt they appreciate being held up as a prop to prove Derick’s open-mindedness, if they are even aware of it.


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Today at Church (my progressive affirming church with a gay reverend mind you!) we talked about how love seems to be the missing commandment, especially loving like Jesus when people who follow the bible to a t always tend to forget (ahem Dillards.). It just seems like that one is always skipped!


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   To me, the silver lining of that tweet is the emphasis on the value of experiences from 17 years of public school as well as extracurricular activities.  Jessa gets a lot of praise heaped on her but I don't see her ever sending her children to public school, and neither will Anna or Joy. Maybe Jinger?

  If those rumors are true and Derick doesn't consider Jill very intelligent, it's even less likely he would want her as a teacher for SODRT.

  I don't want to bash homeschooling,  I want to be absolutely clear it's a fantastic, individualized curriculum that IS the better option for some families. However, in the case of the Duggars I think having some outside influences, a caring teacher or coach to confide in and as a mentor, a solid and well rounded education,  plus fun outlets like sports and music, would be quite refreshing to the dark ideology of the cult. 

  So perhaps the best (and only) good part of that tweet is while Derick doesn't have any LGBT friends,  his kids genuinely might. 

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9 minutes ago, Fjrocks said:

   To me, the silver lining of that tweet is the emphasis on the value of experiences from 17 years of public school as well as extracurricular activities.  Jessa gets a lot of praise heaped on her but I don't see her ever sending her children to public school, and neither will Anna or Joy. Maybe Jinger?

  If those rumors are true and Derick doesn't consider Jill very intelligent, it's even less likely he would want her as a teacher for SODRT.

  I don't want to bash homeschooling,  I want to be absolutely clear it's a fantastic, individualized curriculum that IS the better option for some families. However, in the case of the Duggars I think having some outside influences, a caring teacher or coach to confide in and as a mentor, a solid and well rounded education,  plus fun outlets like sports and music, would be quite refreshing to the dark ideology of the cult. 

  So perhaps the best (and only) good part of that tweet is while Derick doesn't have any LGBT friends,  his kids genuinely might. 

But he's not really saying that he learned good values from public school. He's only saying that he's met a wide variety of different people because he was in public school for 17 years. He may believe that he (aka Jill) can homeschool his kids and find other ways for them to experience diversity, or (more likely, in my opinion), he's using his public school experience as ammo in this situation, but he doesn't actually value it, and would not think it was worth it for his own children.

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    I agree it doesn't specifically speak to any future commitment but in my mind it's reasonable to assume Derick is open to public school and he clearly still relishes in the glory of his Pistol Pete days.   I think he could want his kids to go to OSU, even if his motives are completely misguided and ludicrous as wanting his child to go just to wear a costume and carrying on tradition.

   Here are the requirements to be assured admission to OSU currently, with others being admitted on a case by case bases.  

Students qualify for assured admission if they meet ONE of the following criteria:

3.0 GPA or better unweighted cumulative AND top 33.3% rank in high school graduating class, OR

3.0 GPA or better in 15-unit core AND 21 ACT/1060 SAT or better, OR

24 ACT/1160 SAT or better

    The exam requirement is the only option for assured admission for home schooled student. Certainly, there are more strenuous schools out there, but I certainly don't think meeting these requirements is anything to sneeze at. 

    I have absolutely no desire to defend Derick,  just more of ...a facepalm at everything he has been saying and a rather dry remark on a different way of looking at it, ie his kids may go to school for all the wrong reasons, but I would certainly be glad for them if they were allowed to.

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recognize a distinction; differentiate.

"babies can discriminate between different facial expressions of emotion"

synonyms:differentiate, distinguish, draw a distinction, tell the difference, tell apart


make an unjust or prejudicial distinction in the treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, sex, or age.

"existing employment policies discriminate against women"

synonyms:be biased against, be prejudiced again


So yes, Der, humans "discriminate" all the time, it is an essential function of being a human as per the first definition. But mentioning that is as relevant mentioning that breathing is important. And it's loathsome and slippery because you know the second def of that word, the connotation, the impact it has and you're not trying to make a nuanced point.... inclusion of the word discrimination as a positive was just dropping a turd to see how far the stink would waft.  And then you can claim you are being bullied by closed minded people. You don't pull the wool over everyone's eyes though and you're not that clever.

So fine, discrimination is good. Like, a lot of people out there can and do discriminate between sincerity and hypocrisy, can draw a distinction between love and hate, can tell the difference between a load of shit and solid fact and can tell apart a whiny little con man from a good person. We can discriminate between when it is raining and when some asshole is pissing in our ears.


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Considering the disdain in which Derick discusses homosexuals as “others” and his belief that trans kids are brainwashed, I highly doubt he would allow his children to go to any sort of traditional school. I think he’s a hateful, insecure person so that’s why he picks on Jill’s lack of knowledge, but she’s exactly the type of wife he prefers. Having anyone smart enough to see through his poorly constructed arguments and bigoted opinions would rock his boat too much for his liking. He might be smart enough to realize that Jill might not educate his children well enough to go off to college, but I could see him getting some sort of tutor to supplement their home learning and prepare them for an entrance exam. I think he idolizes his dad and was so happy when he went to his OSU alumni thing that he would still want at least one of his sons to carry on the Pistol Pete tradition. As long as he and Jill beat them brainwashed before they turn 18, he’ll probably feel okay with them attending a secular university knowing they won’t associate with the wrong sort of people.

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There are also homeschool co-ops and private Christian schools. I could see Jill and Derick going that route. Public school? No way in hell.

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Oh man he's so full of shit. No way he has gay friends. The people you're actively trying to convert aren't your friends.

Judging by his personality, maybe this is why he sought out the Duggars. He's such an asshole he probably doesn't have many friends of his own, so he needed to buy a wife from a megafamily to fill that void?

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4 hours ago, singsingsing said:

You’re not ‘friends’ with someone if you think they’re an abomination, regularly spread hate speech about the minority group they belong to, actively work to remove their rights, want them punished for their consensual adult relationships, and believe that they will burn in agony for eternity after they die. That’s the same bullshit mindset that abusers use when they tell their victims that they only hurt them because they love them.

As the great and lovely RuPaul would say:

Can I get an Amen!?

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