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Tide Pod Challenge


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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, I can't believe this is real. The "forbidden snacks" memes were fun last year but this is just ridiculous.

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Someone should remind Trump, all his enablers, and the rest of Trumpanzee's that Obama said tide pods were not safe to eat, should thin the herd a bit.  

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I’m going to start a “see who can donate the most money to HPF for no reason” challenge since some idiots will do anything.

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Honestly, the only difference from the days of daring kids to stick their tongue to the flag pole in winter is the speed at which it spreads. The urge to try to goad your peers into doing stupid ass stuff seems to be a developmental stage that people just go through. I mean, for my age group, it was snorting pixie sticks up our nose. Why? Who the hell knows? It certainly could have cause serious problem if it got in our lungs.  

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