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Cap'n Bret gets interviewed on TV


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So it looks like he no longer fancies himself a Big Movie Producer and has now discovered the joys of propaganda - I mean education - instead. Also, Alan apparently runs a garage and is the new sponsor for the show.

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(semi-)Live-bloggin' Cap'n Bret:

Who has time and means for a 9-MONTHS-LONG CRUISE? No wonder there's something intriguing about Cap'n Bret -- the rich are always interesting.

How'd he make his money? His daddy was a pastor down in Something-something Counteh ....

He gives a big plug for SAICFF but AFAIK has never even placed. Nice of him to do so, I mean, from VF's point of view.

Is there a cross on that necklace, there, Brother Bret? Because if not ....

I am digging the Southern accents. I confess, I love hearing other-than the midwest dialects.

So there are connections to VF and to American Vision.

Adn the host ran for governor and he commends someone for not being "pah in the skah" (pie in the sky) -- I. am. loving. the. Southern English!!!

Whoops! His son said, "Dad, Ah'm ready t'git married" -- did Son Smith have a word from the Lord? (I'm guessin' yes .. and the point is that all his children got married and he was without a film crew.)

Ah still don't have a clue as to what "presuppositional" means but dadgummit, Cap'n Bret sure seems to have a good time sayin' it!!!

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He looooves him some big words. Presuppositional. Epistemological. I think he fancies himself a right scholar.

I grew up in the South, and actually Bret's accent is actually the kind that makes me cringe. It sounds better coming out of girls (like his daughters) than guys, but not by much. Even within the South, there's tons of variation, almost state-by-state. Anyway, I always want to punch him in the face, and his voice just adds to it.

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Just to hear the accents I listened to the courtship videos, and you can tell that I'm a Jewish Yankee because I was like :o. I love southern accents but why do they all sound so different? Don't they live near each other?

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Guest Anonymous
Just to hear the accents I listened to the courtship videos, and you can tell that I'm a Jewish Yankee because I was like :o. I love southern accents but why do they all sound so different? Don't they live near each other?

I haven't watched the video, but there is huge variety in accents in the South. Someone from Charleston sounds completely different than someone from Georgia. North Carolina folk from up in the mountains sound way different from flatlanders in Louisiana. People from Alabama sound different from people from Tennessee, and when I went to Kentucky I had to ask a couple of people to repeat themselves even though I've lived below the Mason Dixon line my entire life. It's actually pretty cool. I'm a fan of accents, too!

There is some classism involved in it though. In my experience the coastal area (Charleston, Savannah) accents are considered superior, especially to the "hillbilly" or "redneck farmer" accents. I deliberately killed my accent in my day to day speech, but when I'm with my family I code-switch.

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Cap'n Brett's voice is annoying. And for a vision forum junky, he definitely didn't look ready to go "anaconda hunting" with Doug and Pete!

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His clothing kills me. It screams "It's 1997 and I want to go clubbing."

"What is love? Helpmeet don't hurt me... Don't hurt me... No more."

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