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Facebook memes you hate


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1a.  “When I misbehaved, I didn’t have my iPhone taken away or get grounded from my XBOX.  I got my ass beat!”(Bitch, please.  The main reason you didn’t have them taken away is because THEY DIDN’T EXIST.)

2. Related to above, those who portray "kids today" as spoiled, entitled, lazy brats who expect to have everything handed to them

3.  “We survived no helmets/seat belts...”(Newsflash:  A lot of kids—and adults—didn’t survive, and you don’t hear from them.)

4.  “I support law enforcement.”(I have no problem supporting the good cops, who are in the vast majority.  But Rufus forbid anyone pointing out the serious issues that exist in many places.)

5. Any athlete who doesn’t stand for the National Anthem should be fired(or taken out back and shot.)”

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In the wake of #metoo the meme with a guy looking at a girl walking past while he's with his date/wife/girlfriend and i don't care what the labels on the meme say.  

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1–All the “ they should teach this in school” ones. If we taught everything in every meme we wouldn’t have time for stuff like math. And plenty of them are things already being taught anyway.

2–The picture of plastic cups of fruit with the declaration that you must share if you think they should be part of school lunches. Most schools have plenty of fresh fruit available at lunch now. It is not served in individual plastic cups. Kids just put it on their trays which is a much better choice for the environment.

3–All the share if you think students should say the pledge in schools. Thanks to those most of my older relatives are convinced kids don’t even learn it anymore and refuse to believe that it is said daily in every building I work in. Because memes are more reliable sources than people who work in schools.

4–The “If we don’t teach cursive kids won’t be able to read the constitution or other historical documents “. News flash: the script the Constitution is written in is not the one any of us learned and it is readily available in print. Plus, not very many kids are going to grow up to be historians. And, most shocking of all, most schools still teach cursive. There are good arguments for a larger emphasis on that skill set. Reading historical documents is not one of them.

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"when i was a kid, we had no iPhones; we played outside."  Especially when posted by people in my age bracket who have completely forgotten that they had cable tv and Atari in the mid 80s and spent plenty of time staring at screens.

"i stand for the flag and kneel for the cross," everyone i've seen who posted this is racist.

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Anything that has a minion. Fuck minions. Especially the ones that say things like "share if you love your mom/sister/grandchild" ... what does the minion have to do with anything? WHY????? And why do people feel the need to share that stuff all over - we know you love your grandkids, they know it, a minion meme on facebook does nothing except make me think you are stupid. 

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Anything that has a minion. Fuck minions. Especially the ones that say things like "share if you love your mom/sister/grandchild" ... what does the minion have to do with anything? WHY????? And why do people feel the need to share that stuff all over - we know you love your grandkids, they know it, a minion meme on facebook does nothing except make me think you are stupid. 

On a related note, all of the “it’s daughter/son/cousin/stepsister’s dog week” ones that go around all the damn time.

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anything that starts with "99% of you won't pass this test,"  and it's some lame trivia thing that 99% of morons *will* pass.  one of my friends did one and bragged about her perfect score.  i took it just to see what it was, and the whole multiple-choice set up made every answer painfully obvious.

"if you're my real friend, post a word that describes me and share."  or "i bet no one bothers to share this, but...."   screw this kind of mindfuck.  i always ignore.

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“Share if you have a beautiful daughter.”  I’ve been tempted to reply “Actually, my daughter fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down.”(Note:  I don’t have kids.)

“I bet I won’t get one like/share...”

”1 like=1 prayer 

1 share=1,000 prayers”

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Depending on my mood I have been tempted to reply to the share if you have a daughter etc memes - 'thank you for reminding me that I don't have children.  I just so appreciate the stab in my heart about that.'  Just to see what someone does.  

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I hate the "Real women are..." Whatever it is, it's usually a frigging stereotype. 

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I hate the "put the Christ back in Christmas!" Or "Jesus is the reason for the season!" I have a couple friends who share those every Christmas.

My all time favorite FB meme is from I Fucking Love Science and it's, "Axial tilt-its the reason for the season!" Love sharing that one!

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Not a meme, but I don’t like when people post some bad news and someone responds with just “prayers.” It seems so impersonal.

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22 hours ago, catlady said:

"when i was a kid, we had no iPhones; we played outside."  Especially when posted by people in my age bracket who have completely forgotten that they had cable tv and Atari in the mid 80s and spent plenty of time staring at screens.

"i stand for the flag and kneel for the cross," everyone i've seen who posted this is racist.

My aunt posts "when I was a kid" memes that are all stuff from the 80s. Gen X stuff. She is 74 years old. 

I hate the new "Share if you always stand for the national anthem" memes. Because no one does. It is often played on radio coverage of various athletic events. I know that 9 out of 10 Nebraskans driving down the highway on a football game day have the radio tuned to the game. I've yet to see one stop their car and stand on the side of the road when the anthem is on. I've never seen anybody standing up at a sports bar when it is shown on televised games. I've never seen a Super Bowl party stop and get quiet with everyone standing during the anthem. 

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“If I’d talked to my parents the same way some kids do today, I wouldn’t be here to share this status.”  Yay child murder!

”Pot cures EVERYTHING!!1!1 and the only reason it’s illegal is that it would be the end of Big Pharma”(and the related  “Cures for cancer are out there, but we’ll never see them because treatment is big bu$ine$$”).

Edited by smittykins
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“Someone reported this as offensive”(and it’s a photo of the American flag/someone wearing a military or law-enforcement uniform).

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“Someone reported this as offensive”(and it’s a photo of the American flag/someone wearing a military or law-enforcement uniform).

Forgot about those. Or the patriotic or Jesus stuff that you’re supposed to share because Facebook banned it from being shared. Does it occur to no one who shares those that if they were banned they wouldn’t be there to be shared?
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“Share if you think homeless veterans should come before any refugees.”

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I really hate those stupid top down recipe videos. As soon as I block one, another page pops up with more. I am never going to do some of the terrible things those people do to food. And there are a couple of repeat offenders - like a couple who post one on each other's page every day, saying "dinner?" (actually, there are a few couples that do that) and a cousin who is not-very-well-educated who posts them all the time with some self-pitying sentence about how she can't have it because... And everything is spelled wrong! 

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  • 1 month later...

I have this FB friend from school; we haven’t met up in person in 20+ years, and her FB activity makes me keep it that way.  Aside from the annoying vague-booking and general drama, she regularly posts memes like “my real friends would ——“ or “do you think i’m ugly? Be honest.”  

With that last one, I was tempted to answer yes just to piss her off. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

A picture of the TT and Melania:

"Finally!  A president with a set of balls and a First Lady without them!"

There isn't enough :2wankers: in the world for that...

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  • 2 months later...

"My grandma always said, 'If you don't want boys touching your critters, don't make the barn look like a petting zoo.'"

Victim-blamey much? :pb_rollseyes:

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  • 3 weeks later...
On December 1, 2017 at 4:13 PM, Mozzie said:

I hate the passive-aggressive ones saying '99.9%' won't share - will you?'

My step grandma posts these all the time. I'm always tempted to respond with "I AM the 99%." 

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"Eating Tide pods last week, gun experts this week."

"Instead of protesting, these children should be learning about why we have Second Amendment rights."

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